This story was requested by an amazing person who has chosen to remain anonymous. Wee-chesters Sam 12, Dean 16.
Dean walked into the bedroom that he shared with Sam, to find his twelve year old little brother asleep and shivering under a massive comforter.
"Great, sick Sammy inbound." He grumbled, knowing he had to wake the kid to assess what he was dealing with.
He shook Sam's shoulder, a bit rougher than he meant to.
Sam jerked awake, punching Dean square in the jaw, before even opening his eyes.
"Ow!" Dean gasped in surprise, putting a hand to rub where Sam had socked him.
"Sorry," Sam said hoarsely, squinting at Dean. He got out of bed, yawning as he stretched. He shook his head weakly, wincing as he swallowed, and it felt like razor blades going down his throat.
Dean shrugged simply, knowing he'd have a huge bruise before too long.
"You okay, kiddo?" He asked Sam, not liking how hoarse his brother sounded.
"I'm fine, Dean. I got to get ready for school. Got a big test in Biology today." Sam mumbled softly, trying to play off how much his throat hurt and the fever he could feel brewing under his skin.
"Alright, fine. Gotta leave in ten." Dean said, walking out of the room so that Sam could change.
Sam changed slowly, trying to ignore the goosebumps popping up all over his skin. He knew the room was warm, bordering on too warm. Knowing this fact, only served to increase the spreading uneasiness, that told him he was coming down with something bad.
He walked out of their room and into the kitchen, about five minutes later. He was dressed in a big hoodie and jeans, looking like he was about to brave snow. In reality, it was a balmy 75 degrees, with no promise of rain or snow.
"Dean?" Sam asked curiously, noticing that Dean's back was to him.
"Hey Sammy, I got your lunch here. Need some toast or something?" Dean asked, turning around with two identical people bags in hand.
"Toast sounds great and orange juice." Sam asked, thinking the extra vitamin C couldn't hurt how he felt now.
"Coming right up." Dean said, grabbing a glass and the orange juice. He quickly buttered some toast, before handing the full glass and toast to his brother.
"Thanks," Sam said softly, downing the juice with a wince. He scarfed the toast down, biting back a whimper as the bread scraped at his already raw throat.
"Am I driving you?" Dean asked, ignoring his brother's reaction to the food.
"Nah, I'll take the bus." Sam said quickly, grabbing his backpack and lunch, before running out the door.
***skip to school***
Sam sat down tiredly, listening to his teachers' drone on about things that made no sense to his aching head. He blinked a few times, when the bell rang signalling third period was over and it was time for lunch. He sighed with a wince, retreating to the library to hopefully sleep off the headache, fever, razor blade sore throat, and growing sense of nausea.
He rested his feverish head on a table, sighing in relief that the cold felt good. He dozed for the majority of his lunch break, only to wake up feeling worse. He stood up, having to grab onto the table as the room spun uncontrollably.
A librarian walked up to Sam, immediately seeing that the kid was not well at all. She guided him to sit back down and pushed his head down, gently, between his knees.
"Slow breaths, sweetheart. You really should go home, you're really sick." she pointed out in concern.
"Call Dean." Sam gasped out, fumbling with his cell phone.
The librarian took the phone gently, easily finding and dialing Dean's number.
"Hello Sammy?" a young voice asked, now worried about his little brother.
"Is this Dean?" the librarian asked uncertainly, wondering who Sammy was, and if the extremely sick kid in front of her was Sammy.
"Yeah, Sam is my little brother. Is he okay?" Dean answered calmly, already grabbing his keys and jacket, as he walked out the door to the impala his dad was allowing him to borrow.
"He is really sick." she responded, not exactly sure what was wrong with Sam.
"Give him the phone." Dean ordered firmly, needing to know the exact problem.
The librarian went to hand Sam the phone, but saw he was shaking too hard to hold it on his own. So she put the phone to his ear gently, taking his hands with her other hand.
"Dean?" Sam asked hoarsely, swallowing hard due to how much his throat hurt.
"Yeah, kiddo, I'm here. You okay?" Dean asked calmly, listening to Sam's labored breathing and chattering teeth.
" Dean?" Sam whimpered, coughing hard into the crook of his arm.
"I'm outside your school. Where are you, bud?" Dean asked gently, pulling up outside the school.
"Li..." Sam stammered, too sick to care that he hadn't said the full word.
"Alright, I'm on my way now." Dean said, sprinting into the school and towards the library. He ran into the library, immediately being waved over by the librarian.
"Here he is," the librarian chirped in relief.
Dean ignored the woman, kneeling in front of Sam. He could easily see that his little brother was very feverish and absolutely miserable.
Sam dropped to his knees, wrapping his arms tightly around Dean.
"Hey, easy kiddo. Its okay." Dean said, wrapping his arms around his little brother. He whistled softly, when he felt how warm the kid was.
"Ow..." Sam groaned weakly, burying his head into Dean's chest with a whimper.
"Sorry, kiddo. You're sporting quite a fever." Dean said softly, standing up really slowly.
Sam groaned, not wanting to stand up again so soon. He leaned heavily into Dean, squeezing his eyes shut as the movement increased his dizziness.
"You should take him to the nurse, so you can get him excused from school." the librarian suggested kindly.
"Yeah, yeah. I got it." Dean said, guiding Sam slowly out of the library, down the hall, and into the nurse's office.
The nurse turned around, took one look at Sam, and motioned Dean to the sign out book.
"You got him okay?" she asked gently, getting the feeling that Dean had it all under control.
"Yep, I got him." Dean said firmly, moving to sign the book. "Kiddo? Can you let go, for a sec?" he asked Sam gently.
Sam whimpered, tightening his grip on Dean. He needed Dean, desperately, and the idea of having to let go, even for a minute, brought tears to his eyes. He sniffled, too miserable to come that he crying in public and in front of his brothers.
Dean stiffened in surprise, looking down at Sam curiously. He knelt down slowly, looking at his little brother in concern.
"Sammy? What's wrong, buddy?" He asked gently, tilting his brother's face to look at him. His heart clenched in surprise, as he saw the tears dripping down Sammy's face.
Sam crumbled into Dean, sobbing harshly almost to the point of hysterics.
Dean shook his head, pulling Sam in for a tight hug.
"Feel bad." Sam choked out, wincing at the pain in his throat.
"I know, kiddo. Let me sign you out, then we can go home, and you can sleep this crappy bug off. Sound good?" Dean asked, standing up and helping Sam stand up gingerly.
Sam staggered, leaning into Dean with a groan. He nodded his head, paling as the room spun faster. He put one hand to his head, trying to work out the throbbing, and the other hand went to his stomach, that was flipping and churning uncontrollably.
"I got you, bud." Dean said, quickly signing the book. He led Sam outside and to the car. "Get in, let me know if you need me to pull over." he requested, knowing their dad would kill them for making a mess in his impala.
Sam gave Dean a thumb's up, before sliding into his seat. He curled up in a tight ball on the passenger's side of the car, pulling his hood over his head over his hood over his head to cover his eyes. He threw his arm over his head, trying to block out as much light as possible.
Dean drove quietly towards home, being extra careful to not hit the curves too hard. He pulled into the driveway of their motel, flinching as he heard Sam groan.
"Come on, Sammy. We're home." Dean said gently, getting out of the car and walking around to Sam's door. He opened the door, barely catching his little brother, who suddenly fell out of the car.
"Dean?" Sam asked weakly, gagging as he fell into his brother's arms.
"Easy kid... you're okay... if you're going to be sick, let it out..." Dean said quickly, turning Sam around and faced him towards the ground outside the car.
Sam gagged again, tears streaming down his cheeks again. "Dean, my throat really hurts." he whimpered, swiping at his tears repeatedly.
"Aw, come on, kiddo. Let's get you inside and laying down." Dean suggested gently, as Sam stopped gagging. He knew that they had a really long day and night ahead of them, especially since the kid had yet to throw up.
Sam nodded tiredly, curling into Dean, relieved to be with his big brother of anyone else. No sooner did he realize this, then he started sobbing once again.
Dean sighed softly, scooping Sam up, closing the impala's door, and carried his hysterical brother inside. "Hey, hey, you're okay. There's no reason to be upset." He said gently, taking Sam into their bathroom.
Sam hiccuped repeatedly, barely leaning over the tub's edge in time, to throw up violently. He cringed, hearing it splatter all over the floor of the tub.
"Whoa, kiddo, slow deep breaths." Dean said quickly, darting out of the bathroom briefly. He ran into their bedroom, returning moments later, with blankets and pillows galore.
Sam wiped his mouth, whimpering softly at how much that had hurt his throat. He looked at Dean with big and sad eyes, before breaking down into tears again.
"Hey, hey, shh... baby boy, its alright." Dean hummed softly, slipping the hoodie off Sam to show that the kid had borrowed one of his big brother's shirts. He pulled his little brother down, into the mound of blankets and pillows.
Sam sobbed himself to sleep, curled into Dean.
Dean stayed close to Sam for the rest of the day and night. Roughly once an hour, Sam was up sobbing hysterically and vomiting.
The next morning, he took Sam to an urgent care, only to find out he had strep. It took a week of no sleep and a very hysterical teen, before Sam was feeling better... Unfortunately, Dean caught the bug too.
I hope this story was enjoyable!
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