Sometimes Food Poisoning Happens...
Requested by the awesome Ram_3500. They are in an apartment home of sorts. Enjoy!
Adam woke up to the smell of bacon, sausage, pancakes, and more. He felt his stomach grumble in hunger, as he jumped out of bed, got dressed, and walked out of his room, down the hall to the kitchen. He found Dean in an apron, busily cooking up a storm.
"Morning," he said, startling Dean, and causing the man to jump and fling scrambled eggs into the air.
Dean quickly caught the flung eggs, before whirling around to look at Adam.
"Good morning, kiddo. Breakfast is almost ready, have a seat with Sam." he requested, handing Adam an already poured glass of orange juice.
Adam turned around, surprised to see that Sam was already sitting at the table, sipping coffee and working on his laptop.
"Morning, Sam." he said calmly, earning a nod from Sam.
"Morning, Adam." Sam said finally, as he looked from his computer to look at Adam, after a few minutes.
Adam sat down at the table, downing his juice quickly, as he didn't like drinking orange juice in the morning. It always made his stomach hurt. His stomach twinged, but he ignored it, knowing once he ate, he'd be fine again.
Dean walked over with heaping plates of food, placing two plates in front of each of them. He had made a special favorite of Adam's, that was a rare request. He made a special sausage and veggie mix, that neither he nor Sam liked, so all the more for Adam.
"Bon Appétit!" he said proudly completely butchering how you say it, as sat down and dug into his own food.
Adam immediately dug into his special request, noticing that it tasted a bit odd, but shrugged it off and scarfed it all down. He ate all his food, before sitting back and patting his stuffed stomach.
"That was delicious!" he said happily, loving when Dean decided to cook a smorgasbord of food.
Dean chuckled, knowing he'd made a very happy teenager.
"I'm so glad," he said with a smile. He got up and gathered the dishes, before depositing the dishes in the sink.
Adam jumped up, deciding he'd offer to do the dishes, especially since Dean had cooked, he didn't need to clean too.
"I got the dishes." he said quickly, heading to the sink and got to work. He whistled softly, as he cleaned, not caring that Dean was staring at him with his mouth wide open in shock.
Sam burst out laughing, before getting up and disappearing down the hall to take a shower.
Dean shook his head, before going to sit down at Sam's computer to research a hunt nearby.
Adam finished the dishes quickly, and headed back to his room to work on homework.
Hours went by, before Dean came looking for his teenage brother, wondering how he was doing.
"Adam?" he asks, knocking on the teen's door, that was closed. When he didn't receive an answer, he opened the door to find, the teen sound asleep beside his completed homework, but that's not what caught Dean's attention, the kid looked pale and that had him worried.
Adam sat up slowly, groaning, as he wrapped an arm tightly around his stomach. "Ow..." he whimpered softly, looking up at Dean in confusion. "When did you get in here?" he asked in a softer voice.
"Just walked in, you okay?" Dean asked, watching Adam's brow wrinkle in pain, but the kid didn't make a sound.
"I'm good, just a stomach ache." Adam said with a shrug, as he tightened his arm around his stomach. "Hey, I'm gonna walk to the nearby gas station... want anything?" he asked, trying to change the subject.
"Nope, have fun," Dean said, leaving the teen's room, but was close enough to hear the kid groan in pain again.
Adam groaned again, before getting up to go to the gas station. He walked down the road, trying to ignore the sharp pains in his stomach, that were coming hard and fast. He made it to gas station and halfway home, before he had to stop to catch his breath and breathe through the pain. If asked, he'd sadly admit the pain was getting increasingly worse.
He walked in the front door, a little while later, looking exhausted and like he was in some serious pain.
Sam looked up from his lore book and immediately got up, moving to Adam's side. "Are you okay?" He asked, concern very evident in his voice.
Adam shook his head no, before he started swaying dizzily. He stumbled towards Sam, his vision swimming too much to see exactly where his brother was, but he got lucky and stumbled right into Sam's waiting arms.
"I got ya, what's going on, bud?" Sam asked gently, keeping his voice down, in case Adam had a headache.
"Dizzy, nauseous, and my stomach really hurts." Adam explained with a whimper, as a wet burp erupted from his lips unbidden, causing the teen to blush in embarrassment. "Excuse me," he whispered.
Sam chuckled softly, guiding Adam to the couch, helping the kid sit down. "Dean, we need the bucket!" He yelled across the house, knowing dean would hear him.
Dean came running into the room, with a big paint bucket in tow that was stuffed with towels, a water bottle, Tylenol, and pepto. "Who's sick?" He demanded, as he put the bucket down on the ground.
Sam sighed. "Adam is, I think he has food poisoning." He said heavily. "Stomach pains, nausea, dizziness, and he was really lightheaded." He listed off to prove his point.
Adam groaned weakly in response, burping again, this one sounding more painful and productive than normal. "I think I might puke soon." He mumbled to himself, and barely loud enough for his brothers to hear.
"Hang in there, let me set this up." Dean said, emptying the bucket, then laid out a towel on the floor, placed the bucket in the middle, and set up the meds and water. "Pepto?" He offered the teen, wondering if it would do more harm than good.
Adam nodded, grabbing the bottle and took a swig, but it only made his stomach churn harder. "Bad idea..." he muttered, as he pulled the bucket closer, before gagging up the pepto and orange juice with no control. He kept gagging it up, until he started bringing up everything he ate.
Sam sat beside him, rubbing his back and whispering encouragements in his ear, but he felt hot and uncomfortable, so he shrugged Sam off.
"M hot." He mumbled apologetically, before he started dry heaving weakly but forcefully.
Sam nodded, helping the kid strip down to just his shorts between heaves. "Better?" He asked, noticing Adam was now shivering.
Adam nodded in relief, not caring that he was cold, as he vomited back to back harshly.
Once his stomach was finally empty, he snagged against the couch weakly, dozing off before he could even speak to his brothers.
Sam and Dean silently cleaned up the mess, returning the bucket, in case, Adam needed it, and covered the teen with a blanket.
When Adam woke up, he was starving, but he steered clear of all juices and sausages for a couple years, not wanting a repeat. Sam and Dean didn't blame him, and didn't push it, respecting his wishes with only minor teasing from time to time.
I hope you all enjoyed this little fic. As always: vote, comment, and request away. Love you all! <3
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