Sometimes Family is All You Need!
This was an interesting request that I've been working on for a while, cuz I wasn't sure how to make it work correctly. Requested by SalemCarter2002005. AU theme-ish! No spoilers, as long as you know who Gabriel and Crowley are. Enjoy!
You were sitting down in the little library that your amazing father, Crowley, had made for you. He knew of your love for reading, drawing, and studying new topics. He also knew that you would help some of your hunter friends with research, even if it drove him crazy.
You rubbed your eyes vigorously, trying to ease the pain in your head and the itchiness in your eyes. You had felt this headache coming on all morning, and the itchiness was only exacerbating your already sensitive head. You lean your head back against the back of your chair, closing your eyes against the harsh lighting coming from the window.
"What's wrong, beautiful?" Gabriel, your amazing boyfriend, asked, walking in with a hot starbucks coffee in hand. "Coffee?" he offered, knowing you never said no.
You peeked at him through squinty eyes, before quickly closing your eyes again. "I've got an awful headache. No thanks, love, coffee might upset my stomach." you admit softly, as you throw your arm over your eyes.
Gabriel snapped his fingers, causing the curtains to close.
"What have I said about using your angel mojo in my house?!" Crowley roared, as he walked briskly into the library.
You groan softly, clapping your hands over your ears, in an effort to block out your dad's loud voice.
"Shut up! He/she has a migraine." Gabriel hissed angrily, his eyes flashing faintly blue as his anger rose.
"You little...!" Crowley growled, raising his hands, knocking Gabriel across the room and into a bookshelf, with a deafening boom.
"Dad! Stop!" You cry out, the room shaking slightly, as you clasp the sides of your head in agony.
Gabriel stood back up, shaking off the dust that had covered him when he collided with the bookshelf and old books. "Y/N, are you okay?" he asked in concern, moving across the room and to your side effortlessly.
"No," you whimper, tears streaming down your face, as you try to stand up. Your legs give out, almost immediately, before collapsing weakly against Gabriel.
Gabriel scooped you up quickly, shielding your eyes from the light. "We can settle our disagreements later, right now he/she needs our help." he snapped firmly at Crowley, before walking out of the room towards your room.
Crowley met him at your bedroom door, arms laden with meds, ice packs, fluffy blankets, and brand new pjs for them all. "These should all help. And his/her room has already been darkened immensely and the tv has been switched out for a low lighting one." he listed off, before snapping his fingers and making a bowl appear in your lap.
Gabriel nodded politely, before taking you into your room and putting you down gently on the bed. "So, slumber party?" he asked, giving you an annoyed look that your dad wouldn't leave you too alone.
"Yes, that way he/she always has someone to help him/her. Since migraines generally lead to vomiting, especially in Y/N's experience." Crowley explained, snapping his fingers to switch everyone's clothes to the pjs he brought.
Gabriel stiffened, shooting your dad a brief glare, before looking down at you in concern. "Ready for some meds?" he offered gently, picking up the tension headache relief medication from your dad.
You shake your head briefly, as you were overtaken by dizziness caused by the rapid swap of clothing. You groan, before scooting to the edge of bed, as a strong gag rips from your throat loudly.
"Um... just... uh..." Crowley mumbled uncertainly, before looking away quickly.
Gabriel sighed at Crowley's reaction, before grabbing the bowl and putting it back in your lap. "Just slow breaths, if you puke... then you puke." he said, sounding like he completely understood.
"You're an angel, how would you know?" you pant softly, as another gag leaves your lips.
"I have been human once or twice." Gabriel pointed out gently, giving you a brief look of disbelief.
"You've...?" You ask, stopping as another harsh gag escaped your lips, followed by a violent expulsion of primarily water.
"Yes, I have. It's not very pleasant." Gabriel admitted, with a disgusted grimace at the memories. "Easy, easy." he added, rubbing your back as more water joined the first batch, closely followed by a third one.
You spit into the bowl a few times, trying to get rid of the nasty flavor in your mouth, before it could gag you again.
"Y/N, have you eaten anything today?" Gabriel asked uncertainly, noting that most of what had been thrown up was water.
You blush deep red, before shaking your head no. "Nothing sounded good." you admit softly, as you lay back slowly, trying not to over-excite your stomach.
"Let's get you situated and properly medicated, so you can try to sleep some of this yuck off." Gabriel suggested, snapping his fingers to erase the vomit from existence.
Crowley walked around the bed, helping you scoot up against the pillows, which he had set up at an angle. "There, now what sounds better: gatorade, water, ginger ale, or pedialyte?" he asked you lovingly, mentally cursing whomever had thought up the torment that was migraines.
You wrinkled your nose briefly, but knew better than to argue. "Ginger ale, please." you said, yawning tiredly into your elbow.
Crowley nodded, leaving the room and returning a few moments later. "I didn't zap it, since I know how you said it messes with the flavor." he said, showing he was trying to make an effort.
"Thanks, Dad, I really appreciate you listening to me." You say gently, smiling tiredly at your dad.
Crowley nodded, as he pulled up a chair beside your bed. Once he was comfortable, he motioned for Gabriel to get into bed with you. "I trust you with my child, just don't break his/ her heart." he said with a very grave tone.
Gabriel chuckled softly. "I wouldn't dream of it." he said honestly, before grabbing the meds and handing you two pills. "Take these, then we can watch tv quietly while you rest." he added for you.
You nod tiredly, before quickly swallowing the pills, and curled up on his chest. "Love you, Gabriel. Love you, dad." you mumble, as Gabriel wrapped one of the fluffy blankets, from your dad, around your shoulders.
"Love you too, Y/N. Sleep well, my love." Gabriel said gently, looking over to see that Crowley was asleep in the chair. "Good night to you too, sir." he said politely.
Gabriel flipped through the channels silently, before settling on a random sitcom. He was content to watch it quietly, chuckling carefully at the funny bits, being careful not to wake you.
When you woke up a few hours later, you still had a headache, but it was minor. You and Gabriel stayed in bed for the rest of the night and the next day.
I hope you all enjoyed this fic! As always: vote, comment, and request away. Love you all! <3
Oh and hey, my amazing and incredible fans, keep an eye out for a new Spn book from yours truly. My goal is to get this new story up soon, to cover the stories of the life of the impala, when a mistake results in her becoming a human. :D
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