Sick + Period is an Awful Mix
This was requested by Ambervance16925. I hope you all enjoy!
YIN sat on the bed she shared with Sam, her hand on her lower stomach as warning cramps ran through her body. She groaned softly, not looking forward to her time of the month, especially when Sam looked back at her from the kitchen table.
"You okay?" He asked in concern, putting down his pencil, as he stopped doing his homework.
"Yeah, just fine." You say too quickly, suddenly embarrassed that he had caught you groaning.
"Okay, if you say so." Sam said, turning back to his homework. He picked up his pencil and returned to vigorously writing, not showing he was Iistening to you still.
Dean walked into the room, looking like he had just gone ten rounds with Bigfoot, followed by a pissed looking John.
"If you'd do as I told you, you wouldn't end up caked in mud and hurt." John snapped angrily, earning a slight glare from Sam and you.
"Yes sir," Dean said heavily, trudging over to the bathroom to take a shower, when he emerged a few minutes ago, he walked straight to you, handed you the first aid kit, and wordlessly removed his shirt. His back was torn up, like he'd been whipped, so you set to work, taking care of each cut and bruise, flinching each time he hissed in discomfort.
John watched all of this without saying anything, just sipping on his beer, before getting up and stomping over to you causing you to stiffen slightly. "Y/N, you sick or something? You're really pale, more than normal." He commented gruffly.
As much as it was nice that he noticed, his closeness and Dean's blood on your hands was making you queasy, more than you had been all day, and that was saying something. "Y... yes, I don't feel well." You admit softly, blushing deep red, as Sam shoots you a Really? Look. You shrug sheepishly, before looking away, before Dean turns and puts his hand on your forehead.
"She has a low fever, but it is climbing." He warned, looking at John with a bit of a challenge in his eyes.
John glared at his eldest, before turning and leaving. "Gotta hunt, be back in a week or so." He said, and left without another word.
"Gee thanks..." You grumble, rubbing at your stomach faintly, forgetting the blood on your hands.
"Um... Y/N, sweetheart, you just covered your shirt in my blood." Dean said gently, taking you by the hand, helped you to your feet as you were clearly dizzy, and guided you to the bathroom to wash your hands and change your shirt. While you washed your hands, he walked out to get you a shirt, before returning to find you leaning heavily against the wall, looking shaky and exhausted.
He handed you the shirt, watching you closely as you changed, half expecting you to keel over, but beyond grateful when you didn't.
"Out of the bathroom, a little privacy please." You say suddenly, as you re hit by nature's call.
Dean chuckled and left the bathroom, smiling to Sam who looked worried for a second.
You dropped your pants, sat down on the toilet, and looked down, shocked to find that not only had you started your period, but it was heavy. Heavy enough that you had bled through your panty liner to your underwear badly. Your cheeks heated up, as you debated your options realizing that your best option was ask Sam or Dean to get you another pair of underwear.
You wiped a couple times, that's how heavy the flow was, and pulled up your pants, before cracking the door, and looking out to see Dean was close by.
"Dean, can you please get me some underwear?" You ask softly, your face flushing with embarrassment.
"Of course, hang on." Dean whispered back, walking over to her duffle, found a pair of underwear, and slipped them in his pocket, before walking over and handing them to her.
"Thanks," You say, before disappearing into the bathroom to change your underwear. After dealing with that mess, and putting in the thickest pad you could find, you took to soaking the bloody underwear in the sink, as you'd read on the internet in cold water, but the sight and smell were making your stomach even more queasy, and before you knew it you were crouched over the toilet, wishing you hadn't eaten anything today.
"Think she is okay?" Sam asked Dean, worried since you had been in the bathroom a long time now.
Dean sighed softly, looking at the middle of the family. "She's sick and on her period, she can take all the way time she needs." He said.
"Dean!" You yell suddenly, forgetting the underwear in the sink, your mind completely consumed with the fact that you felt like you were going to puke.
Dean rushed in, took one look at the sink, one look at you, and put two and two together. He knelt done beside you, even as you blushed in embarrassment that you needed help again.
"You okay, kiddo?" he asked the baby of the family, worried that you had overdone it again, which was your habit.
You shook your head no, spitting the excess drool from your mouth into the toilet, as it was only making you more and more nervous that the inevitable was only seconds away. You gagged hard, hiccuping, as you inhaled suddenly in surprise.
Dean jumped at the sudden turn of events, as he hadn't actually expected you to get sick, or to start gagging so aggressively. "Just breathe, you're okay." he said in a rush, not wanting you to throw up, as he knew you hated showing that much vulnerability.
You flipped him the bird, before lurching forward violently, and vomiting for all it was worth, as hard as you could. You were even surprised by how violently you were sick.
Dean scrambled to grab ahold of you, so you wouldn't hurt yourself or hit your head.
You panted hard, wishing you weren't so sick, as your cheeks flushed in embarrassment again.
"You okay?" Dean asked gently, knowing you were embarrassed, but trying to let it go.
You sigh, nodding, before shooing him out of the bathroom as you flushed the toilet and dropped your pants to go to the bathroom again. Your period was seriously kicking your ass.
Dean waited patiently for you to emerge from the bathroom to wrap you in a special fuzzy blanket that was saved for emergencies. "This qualifies." he said, before leading you to the couch, which had a dark towel, in case you leaked through your underwear and pants.
You sat down in relief, almost in tears at his thoughtfulness, when he pulled out one more stop on you.
He pulled out your favorite movies, popping one in, and snuggled up on the couch with you to watch it. He could be doing any number of things, but he was choosing to cuddle with his sister.
Sam put his unfinished homework away, and joined you two on the couch, bringing a big bowl with him, in case you felt sick again, and snuggled up too.
As embarrassing as it was to get so sick and start a brutal period in front of your brothers, everyone handled it like a trooper. You did end up sick again, but Sam and Dean took good care of you, and you made it through all 8 of your favorite movies.
I hope enjoyed this little fic. As always: vote, comment, and request away. Love you all! <3
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