Sick and Alone
Requested by purplespark1e .
"We'll be back in a couple of days." Dean said, glaring at his dad for making him leave 15 year old Sam alone, so they could go on a hunt.
"It'll be fine, Dean. I'll go to school and stay home otherwise. I also have Bobby and Pastor Jim's numbers, in the event of an emergency." Sam mumbled, rolling his eyes at his big brother's concern.
"Come on, Dean, we need to stop that poltergeist before it kills anyone else." John snapped, getting annoyed with his eldest's persistent worrying about Sam. "Sam will be fine." he added.
"What if something happens to Sam?" Dean objected, about to stay home to protect Sam.
"I proofed the motel myself." John growled in exasperation. "The ENTIRE motel, not just this room." he added, giving Dean a look of Move your butt, or you're busted.
Sam's eyes widened in surprise, not realizing his dad had gone that overboard to protect him. Not that he wasn't grateful, just surprised. He smiled at Dean, looking forward to the time alone, without having to plan and obsess over the next few hunts.
He sneezed suddenly, sending a spark of pain through his skull.The only time that happened, was right before he got super sick. No way he was getting sick, especially on his first days of freedom in like ever.
"Bless you," John said, gathering up his bags for the hunt.
"Did you sneeze?!" Dean asked incredulously, knowing that sneezing was just the start.
"Yes, but I'm fine. No headache." Sam said quickly, knowing Dean would tan his hide when he found out that the kid had lied to him.
"Are you sure? Last time you got sick, we all ended up in the ER," Dean persisted.
"Dean, he is fine. Let's go!" John ordered firmly, knowing Dean couldn't disobey a direct order.
"Yes sir." Dean said, hefting his bag over his shoulder. He looked at Sam one last time, before walking out the door.
"Be careful, kid." John said, as he followed Dean outside.
Sam waited until he heard the impala and truck leave to lock the front door. Normally he'd take advantage of the quiet and get ahead on his homework, but the minor pain from sneezing was already turning into a full-blown, pounding headache.
He walked over to the little kitchen nook, snagged some tylenol from from the first aid kit, grabbed a water bottle from the fridge, and stopped short when he saw a full bottle of bourbon. He could always drink away his headache and sickness.
He knew Dean would kick his butt for even considering drinking, much less when no one was around. However, he had seen his dad drink away pain, illness, and any other problems, and wake up fine the next day.
He bit his bottom lip, debating so hard his head felt like it might explode.
"Screw it." he mumbled, grabbing the bourbon bottle, popped the seal, and downed the tylenol with a big gulp. He gasped loudly, coughing on the bitter burn of the drink.
His eyes watered from the intensity, as he took another big gulp. He choked on the burning liquid, coughing and gagging, causing his head to pound so hard he almost blacked out from the pain.
His knees buckled, causing him to collapse into a heap on the floor, retching painfully. He clutched at the sides of his head, whimpering as each retch sent a dagger like pain through his skull.
When the retching finally stopped, he lost consciousness, blissfully accepting the painless darkness. Hours later, he came to on the kitchen floor, shivering uncontrollably as he realized he had a ridiculously high fever, along with an excruciating headache.
He crawled to the couch, hissing uncomfortably, as he pulled himself up onto it. The slight change in height increased the pressure in his head, almost causing him to lose consciousness again.
He grabbed a pillow, covering his eyes, in the hopes that he could stop the pain. He groaned painfully, as he felt his stomach start churning. He peeked out from under the pillow, looking for the bathroom. He groaned again, knowing there was no way he would reach the bathroom, as he could feel the bile rising in his throat. He swallowed repeatedly, trying desperately to stop the bile from rising, but nothing was stopping it.
He leaned over the edge of the couch, knowing he would be busted, but too sick to really care. He gagged once on the flavor in his mouth, before vomiting helplessly onto the floor in front of the couch. Once the vomiting started, he barely had a break, heaving until he felt empty, but then still continued to try to throw up.
He coughing, wheezing hard as the heaving finally stopped. He knew he needed to stay awake, re-hydrate, and try to clean up his mess, but he was just too worn out. He allowed his eyes to close, falling asleep almost instantly. He stayed asleep until late the next evening.
Dean unlocked the front door, opening the door and grimacing at the sickness smell emanating from the house.
"Sam?!" he yelled, knowing he shouldn't have left the kid.
"De? Why are you home?" Sam mumbled hoarsely from the couch.
Dean ran around to the other side of the couch, stopping just in time to avoid stepping in the day old puke puddle. "What happened?" he demanded firmly, trying to piece together just how sick Sam was, and what needed to be done.
"Gotta headache, took tylenol with bourbon, collapsed and passed out, woke up, moved over here, got sick, and fell asleep again." Sam listed off, rubbing his temples weakly.
"Damnit, Sammy! Why didn't you call me? Or dad? Or Bobby?" Dean demanded frantically. He grabbed some towels, threw them over the puke, walked over and opened one of the windows being careful not to disrupt the salt line, grabbed a trash can, and brought it back to Sam just in time for the kid to start puking again.
"Too sick to stand up..." Sam panted, relieved that the vomiting had stopped.
"Ugh! I knew I shouldn't have left. I knew I should have stayed behind to take care of you. I knew I should have..." Dean yelled, rambling on and on in his frustration.
Sam looked up at his brother with big innocent eyes, after looking into the trash can accidentally and seeing blood in his vomit. "Dean!" he yelped, as he fought not to hyperventilate.
"What?!" Dean snapped at Sam, not even pissed off with the kid. "Sorry," he said gently, looking sadly at his sick little brother.
"There's blood...." Sam stammered frantically, as all the color drained from his face in his fear.
"It's okay, kiddo. We'll work it out, no matter what. You said you had bourbon, did you eat anything?" Dean asked, immediately taking charge and hiding his own fear for his brother.
Sam took slow deep breathes while he thought about his brother's question.
"No, I didn't eat anything." he said curiously, wondering what Dean was getting at.
"Let me guess, you collapsed and retched for a while before passing out." Dean stated, earning a nod from Sam. "Drinking more than you can handle, retching for ages, before finally vomiting everything in your system up, led you to tearing up your esophagus a little bit. Once it heals, you'll be fine. Let's see if we can't ease your upset stomach, perhaps stop the vomiting all together." he continued, walking over and grabbing some pepto from the first aid kit.
"Ew... I don't have diarrhea, Dean." Sam said, clearly grossed out, as he watched his big brother's every move.
"Good, but this should help the nausea and stop any diarrhea from starting." Dean explained simply, before walking over to his duffles by the front door, and pulled out a brand new bottle of gatorade.
Sam nodded his agreement, groaning softly, as cramps started up in his lower abdomen. "uh... Dean, can you help me to the bathroom?" he asked urgently, knowing he didn't have the energy to get there on his own. As suddenly as the cramps started, they stopped leaving Sam confused. "Nevermind... I think." he said calmly.
"Your cramps stopped?" Dean asked gently, helping Sam up off the couch.
Sam groaned weakly, staggering into Dean at the change of height once again.
"You're okay, just take it slow." Dean encouraged softly, slowly guiding his little brother into the bathroom. "Strip and get in the tub, I'll leave the meds on the toilet cover for you." He added, putting the proper amount of pepto and tylenol on the toilet if needed.
Sam did as he was told, using Dean as a crutch to keep him upright. He could see that his big brother averted his gaze, trying to give him as much privacy as possible. He took the meds quickly, before sinking down into the tub in exhaustion.
Dean turned the water on quietly, making sure it was warm but not hot enough to spike his fever. "Just relax, dad isn't coming home until next week." he said, knowing Sam wouldn't relax if their dad was around.
"Thanks, Dean." Sam said weakly, closing his eyes as he sank deeper into the warm water.
Dean shook his head, grabbing a cup and the shampoo. "When was your last shower?" he asked kindly, as he started lathering the shampoo into Sam's hair, massaging the sore areas of the kid's scalp.
"Mmm... That feels good." Sam mumbled, dozing off comfortably.
"Happy to help. Ready to get out and go to bed?" Dean asked gently, shaking Sam's shoulder enough to rouse him.
"Yeah," Sam slurred groggily. "Bed please." he mumbled, struggling to keep his eyes open.
Dean rinsed the last of the soap out of Sam's hair, and helped the kid dry off. He grabbed new clothes for Sam off the counter and helped the kid get dressed, being careful not to look at anything that would embarrass Sam.
He led his exhausted brother to the bed they shared, bringing the trash can from the bathroom in case. "Sleep, kiddo." he said gently, as he tucked Sam in and walked over to clean up his brother's mess.
Once the mess was gone, he walked over to the beds, debating if he should take their dad's bed until Sam got better. He could see the kid was restless, a common side effect of Sammy being sick.
"You're okay, kiddo. Just let yourself sleep." Dean said, climbing into the bed beside his kid brother.
Sam curled into his big brother, calming down and sleeping soundly again.
Dean fell asleep beside Sam, relieved that his fever had broken right after his bath. He stayed semi-alert to make sure if Sammy got sick, he could take care of him, but the kid slept soundly all night.
The next day, Dean did read Sam the riot act about drinking alcohol before he was 21, and for experimenting alone. He made sure Sam understood that he had done wrong, and not to do it again.
I hope you enjoyed this little story! As always: vote, comment, and request away! Love you all! <3
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