Poor Baby Jack
Hey all, I am happy to announce that this is my first collaboration with another amazing writer!!! Her name is Milana0304. She helped me not only make this an awesome story, but she also helped keep me on target on we got done way faster than normal.
Now Milana304's writing will be in bold letters so you all can tell whose is whose. My writing will be normal writing.
It's only been a few hours since it all happened... since Michael was killed. Jack found it hard to sleep that night but I think everyone did. The once happy bunker was swallowed up with a darkness and a cold sense of loneliness. Everyone in their respected rooms, everything quiet as a mouse except that It wasn't all that quiet, Jack was thrashing around crying and unable to breathe... he was a monster at least to himself. He killed someone, doesn't that make him like all the other monsters? Guilt laid heavily on his shoulders. It was late. Suddenly, Jack shoots up hyperventilating and hugging his tummy, as he's trying to calm down he started to feel... odd next thing he knew he was throwing up all over his bed as he cries to himself, "now i've made a mess they're going to hate me" he sobbed softly into his hands then he started to to hide the evidence of his mess... if he hid it they couldn't hate him, they couldn't get mad.
Castiel knocked on Jack's door, unsure if he was awake or not. Jack looked up from the mess he was cleaning up and went still, not even daring to pray, cuz Cas would hear it. The intensity of the stress, waiting for the angel to walk away, which he finally did, made Jack's poor stomach hurt and turn. He felt so much guilt it was overwhelming him, and it was overwhelming how he felt towards Cas, Sam, and Dean. As soon as Jack was certain Cas was gone, he finished hiding the rest of his mess, and laid back down on his now stripped bed, which was very uncomfortable, but if he complained, they'd learn of his mess. So he lay on an old scratchy mattress, shivering, and curling in a ball, hoping his stomach would stop hurting.
It took awhile for Jack to fall back to sleep, but after a bit he fell asleep, but he was ridden with guilt. In the other room Sam, Dean and Cas were talking.
Cas "I don't think Jack is well, last night he was acting strange."
Dean "He's fine, Cas, chill."
Cas "Sam, please you know Jack better than all of us."
Sam "okay, okay, I'll go check on him."
Sam walked to Jack's room and went to knock on the door gently ,but inside he could hear soft crying, so he let himself in.
"Hey, come here kiddo." He goes and sits on the bed, holding his arms out and Jack falls into Sam's arms, sobbing and hyperventilating. Sam gently runs his hand up and down Jack's back, and gently holding him close, and looks around,
"Did Dean or Cas change your sheets?" Jack sobs harder, clenching his hand in Sam's shirt.
"I'll take that as a no... want to tell me what's going on?" Sam asked in concern.
Through teary sobs Jack replied guiltily, "I spilt water on the sheets... I'm so sorry I made a mess" the kid said frantically trying to scramble away from Sam scared.
Gently rubbing Jack's back and holding Jack close, Sam replied softly "shhhhhh, it's okay, we all make messes sometimes it's easily clean up" Sam pondered for a second whilst calming Jack down then said thoughtfully "I think that today is a cuddle and movie day today"
"What's a cuddle and movie day?" Jack asked, his innocence showing as he asked. He leaned away from Sam as he asked, wrapping his arm around his aching stomach protectively.
Sam smiled, raising a brief eyebrow at the kid's actions, but thought nothing of it. "It's where we get a bunch of pillows and blankets, and Cas and Dean will join us." He explained in excitement. "I'm gonna get them involved, you come out when you're ready." He said, his voice betraying his excitement. He got up, gave Jack one more hug, and left the room, leaving the door wide open for Jack to join him when he was ready.
Jack curled up groaning, hugging his angry tummy close, he liked the idea of a movie day but what if there was food he couldng eat anything because what if he got sick? Then everyone would know what a gross person was and would hate him more. Slowly he got up and made his way to the man cave where he could hear Dean laughing like a little kid talking about star wars and Indiana Jones? Pausing for breath he nervously leaned against the wall his tummy aching and threatening to come up forcefully right then and there. After a minute or two of heavy breathing and calming down Jack put a smile on his face and walked through and gasped, the man cave was covered head to toe in blankets pillows with a small table in the middle filled with pizza, take away, popcorn and all the sweets you could imagine. Dean and Cas was wrestling on the sofa. Cas wasn't wearing his suit and trench coat for once... he looked strange. Everyone was in pjs and Sam was cheering on Dean in the corner. For a moment everything seemed 0okay, everyone was carefree and happy, Jack's stomach turned softly but he forced it to the back of his mind as Cas came over and hugged him, "are you okay?" Cas whispered softly, Relaxing into the hug Jack replied quietly "yeah... I'm okay thanks, what are we watching?" Cas laughed softly and lead him to the pillow pile,"choose your snuggle buddy" looking confused Jack replied "ummmm... sam?" Sam cheered happily and Dean faked a grumpy look until Cas went over to him and gave him something "pudddinggggg" squealed Dean and he fell back into the pillows smiling and holding his pudding protectively and Cas sat down next to him smiling softly and wrapping his arm around Dean loosely *possible destiel?* and Sam made his body groove into the pillows and opened his arms out for Jack to come into. "Are you sure...." Jack said unsurely, "yeah, always. Come on, kiddo, it's alright" Sam said smiling up at Jack softly as he came over and sat laid across Sam's chest gently snuggling into him.
Sam smiled as the kid cuddled up with him, if ever asked he would have to admit he felt like Jack was his kid, thanks to their connection. He shook his head out of his thoughts, not disturbing Jack, as Dean turned on "Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark".
Jack shifted a little to see the tv, but the smell of the food was getting stronger by the second, and it was making his poor stomach hurt more and more. He tried to ignore it, but it was making it clear, he was going to get sick again and really soon. He knew if he got up now, he could find somewhere to hide, that way none of them would know how awful and gross he was.
He sat up from Sam, earning a curious look, but questions, one of the he loved about Sam. He stood up quickly, but sooner did he get on his feet did he feel arms around his aching, spinning out of control stomach. His eyes went wide, as he turned to look at who grabbed him, and saw it was Cas. He pulled ever so slightly, only to have Cas tighten his grip, making him realize he was going to be sick like right now.
"Where you going, Jackie boy?" Cas asked while giggling, he pulled the kid closer to him and Dean, unaware of what was about to happen. "Did I say that r.....?" He started to ask, as Jack erupted vomit all over himself, Cas and Dean. It was no small amount either. Once the vomiting stopped the kid ran off, and a shocked silence fell over the room.
Cas bounced up of the sofa pointing at Dean laughing, "haha! I was right, you was wrong".
"Not the time, Cas" Sam growled angry with worry, "right, you two go clean up. I'm going to find Jack, alright?" Cas looked down guiltily, like a kicked puppy, "alright, Sam, I'm sorry... Jack is our top priority, we need to look after him, if he is unwell." Sam nodded in agreement, sighing softly and looking to where Jack ran to.
Meanwhile, Jack was curled up in the bottom of Sam's wardrobe.... It smelt like him, it felt safe, but Sam hated him now.... He was a messy, gross, useless, person, he curled in on himself, crying, and he heard Sam's footsteps come closer, until he was in the room. Jack's breath caught in his throat, tears threatening to spill and fall down... how was he going to get out now, Sam's in the room.
Sam was curious, he thought he heard jack in his room and his wardrobe was opened slightly, he walked over slowly and crouched down, opening the wardrobe to find Jack, covered in sick hugging himself and crying. "Hey kid, come here." before Sam could even open his arms, his torso was full with a crying, sickly teenager. Jack looked up, sobbing, "you don't hate me and think I'm gross?" Laughing softly, Sam shook his head, "getting sick is a natural human thing kiddo, you aren't gross or anything, I wish you had told me you wasn't feeling too hot though, I would have gotten a sick bucket ready for you, in case: you felt like you was going to be sick everywhere" Jack snuggled into the crook of Sam's arm relaxing into him slightly and Sam pressed a small kiss to Jack's head letting him relax. Sam started humming "Hey Jude" gently looking down at Jack with a soft smile and holding him close. It felt timeless. Jack cuddled up into Sam an unbreakable bond between them Jack felt happy. After a little while Sam gave Jack a comforting squeeze then said softly "come on, kid, let's get you out of these clothes I bet you don't feel nice covered in sick."
Jack nodded rapidly, a blush creeping up on his face in a rather quick speed. He uncurled from Sam and looked at him, paling a bit, when he saw some of his sick had gotten on Sam's shirt.
"I'm so sorry, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry..." became a mantra coming from the young man's frantic mouth.
"Whoa, easy, why are you apologizing?" Sam asked, shocked by the sudden change in the kid.
"I got s... sick on y... you..." Jack gasped out, tears running down his face.
Sam looked down at his side and chuckled. He unbuttoned his shirt and whipped it off, tossing it in the dirty clothes bin. "See, all better."
Jack sniffled and nodded, a big smile crossing his face and eyes. "You're not mad?" He asked returning to his shaky self.
Sam was immediate to respond. "Nope. Let's go get you cleaned up." He said, with a big smile, as he swung his arm outward and opened the door at the same time.
Jack looked at him in confusion, but followed anyways and allowed himself to be led to the bathroom. Once in the bathroom, he got the unspoken request and went to a far stall, undressed, threw the clothes in the hamper Sam had put near his stall, and took a slow shower.
Sam left the bathroom briefly to get jack's pants and one of his own shirts for jack to wear. He brought them back and put them by the stall, grateful they had a dressing area connected to their showers.
Jack came out in Sam's shirt and looked confused, matching the older man's teary eyed look.
Let's join the others." Sam said, clearing his throat a couple times to rid itself of the emotion in it.
"Okay, dad....." Jack paled instantly.
As Jack started to beg for forgiveness, Sam pulled him into a big, but gentle, hug. "If you want me to be your dad, I will happily accept the responsibility." He said with a big smile.
Jack's face lit up, and stayed that way, until they rejoined Cas and Dean. Dean was whoot and hollering, at everything that was happening during the movie. Cas was getting emotional with every opportunity. Between the two, it was a crazy fest.
Dean looked up and got beyond excited that Jack and Sam were back! "Sammmy and Jacky!!! Let's watch Star Wars!! Wait..... is Jacky feeling better?" He asked, looking down at his clean clothes.
Jack knew he was pale so he sat down and gagged hard. Making Dean jump in Cas' lap again.
Sam and Jack both started busting up, as they knew, Jack would tell his new "dad". Sam sat down on the couch, next to a very iffy Dean, Jacky snuggled in between them, cuddling close to the brothers, knowing they and Cas were his home.
Dean paused the movie and looked at Sam, as did Cas in confusion."What's on your mind?" He asked.
Sam looked up, smiling that Dean always knew. "Jack wants me to be his dad, and so said yes immediately including the responsibilities." He explained.
Dean nodded, "we support you," Cas nodded, "and are here to help in anyway we can along the way." He said with a big nod from Cas.
Jack "unconsciously" snuggled closer to Dean, grateful for his support.
Hey its me, bbgirl, I hope you enjoyed this story, I know I did. Please vote, comment, and request away. I am open to more collabs, but I will be editing your work as we go along. Love you all <3
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