Hybrid, People back from the dead, and sickness
Thank you so much to HiddenScreamer for making this request, and helping me with the beginning. Collabs are always welcome. Enjoy!
Sam and Dean had been sitting together, catching up on each other's lives for more than an hour now. It was around 12 in the morning, and both were oblivious.
Sam, who had been feeling sick since the previous morning, was beginning to lean more towards Dean for support and strength to keep going. Dean immediately noticed and stepped up in big brother mode, wanting to take care of his little brother.
"Come on, Gigantor, let's get you back to bed. We can talk more later." Dean said, stiffening as a loud bang was heard from their front door.
The door flew open to show a confused Cas, a happy Y/N, and not one but two parents back from the dead. Mary and John were back and looking exactly as they had before dying.
"Dad?!" Dean snapped, shoving Sam behind him to protect him from whatever craziness was about to ensue. He grabbed a glass vase, throwing the liquid and flowers at Mary and John, soaking them both.
"What the hell, Dean?!" John roared angrily, looking down at the mess left on him and Mary.
"Really, Dean?" Mary asked, sounding mildly amused. She brushed herself off, looking at her boys fondly. "It's good to see you both." she said kindly, noticing that Sam looked like he might pass out.
"I had to make sure you weren't demons... or something else." Dean explained, quickly adding the last bit as Y/N looked at him in annoyance.
Y/N ran towards Sam, only to get jerked to a stop. "Damnit! Sam, Dean, I am stuck again." he/ she said with a sigh of annoyance.
"Cas, let her go, please love." Dean said, as Sam's hands wrapped around his arm tightly. "Y/N, can you get the supplies from earlier please?" he hinted, not wanting to embarrass Sam.
Cas walked over, flipped the rug to reveal a devil's trap, and scraped the side, so Y/N could walk through.
"Thanks, Cas." Y/N said gently, walking down the hall, and disappearing.
"Who the hell is the demon?!" John demanded angrily. He whipped a gun from his belt, aiming at the hallway.
Sam bolted in front of John, with his arms out. "Don't hurt, him/her!" he yelled, sounding weaker than he meant to.
"He/she is a demon, Sam!" John yelled.
"Technically Y/N is a hybrid. Vampire, human, angel, and demon all in a package of awesome fun." Cas said, walking over and kissing Dean faintly, earning a blush from the hunter.
"Good for you, Dean." Mary said sweetly, moving to stop John's gun.
"Mary?! What has gotten into you?!" John demanded, tightening his grip on his gun. "Sam, Move!" he yelled.
That would be the last thing Sam would remember for a few moments, as everything went black in his vision. He acted on his own volition, catching his dad and everyone else off guard, as he ripped the gun from John's hand, and crushed it on the ground, before doubling over and vomited all over the ground in front of John.
"Sammy?!" Y/N yelled, running to his side as his vision cleared. "Honey, you overdid it." he/ she said gently.
Sam nodded slowly, before vomiting again and again, barely stopping to catch his breath, or even try to. His only thought was 'Gotta save Y/N.'
Dean watched silently, before stepping up and grabbing Sam's arm, as the younger man suddenly collapsed unconscious.
"Come on, buddy," he grunted, as all of Sam's weight landed on his arms. "A little help... somebody." he groaned, struggling to stay upright.
Y/N covered the small distance quickly, but as she did so, her teeth changed, becoming fangs. As she simply hefted Sam up and carried him to his bed.
"What the hell are you?!" John demanded, resuming his aggressive stance.
"We've been over this, John. I'm a human, vampire," flashing her fangs before her teeth returned to normal. "demon," flashing her eyes black. "and angel." she said, her eyes changing from black to glowing blue then to normal. "Yes, I am dating Sam; no, I have never hurt him, or Dean, or Cas." He/she explained in exasperation.
"He/she speaks the truth; he/she is not a bad person, plus I vetted him/her myself, as I am an angel as well." Castiel said calmly, flashing his own glowing blue eyes for a moment. He touched Sam's forehead lightly, before shaking his head briefly.
"How is he?" Mary asked, after bending down to scoop up John's gun and hid it in her waistband of her pants. It was taking all her self control, not to run to Sam's side and care for him herself. But she knew between Dean and Y/N, Sam was in great hands.
"Very unwell," Castiel said steadily, shaking his head again. "Sam has been unwell for hours, and is about to be very sick again." he warned, hearing Sam's stomach gurgle unhappily.
Dean jumped into action, grabbing a bin and held it out in front of Sam.
No sooner did Dean hold up the bin, Sam bolted upright and vomited into the suddenly appeared bin.
"What happened?" he mumbled weakly, once he could breathe without vomiting.
"You blacked out and puked on dad." Dean said with a chuckle, earning a withering glare from John, and a smile from Mary.
Sam lay back down, burying his face under his arm to hide his embarrassment.
"Alright, come on, everyone out." Y/N said, herding Cas, Mary, John, and himself/herself from the room to the living room.
Dean waited until everyone left to say anything to Sam. "You good?" he asked, knowing his little brother tended to get emotional when he sick.
Sam sniffled a few times, before shaking his head no. "I didn't mean to puke on dad; he was going to hurt Y/N. I had to stop him." he explained brokenly.
"Minus puking, which is understandable too, you acted completely normal for someone trying to protect their lover." Dean said firmly, earning a relieved smile from Sam.
"Thanks, Dean." Sam said with a yawn.
"Get some sleep," Dean said, only to be met with snores. He chuckled softly, before walking over to clean up the earlier vomit mess.
Once finished, he headed out to the living room area, where Y/N had led everybody. Immediately he was hit by the smells of good food and the sounds of his family and lover laughing.
"Who's cooking?" he asked teasingly, knowing full well that Sam's lover did it all. He/she was quite a catch, but not like his Castiel.
"Just me, eat up before Sammy gets sick again." Y/N said cheerfully. He/she had been through heck and back with them, but he/she never lost his/her happiness or spirit.
Dean laughed, accepting a plate piled with food. He ate rapidly, listening for signs of distress from Sam. When none came for over an hour, he excused himself and went to check on his little brother.
"Sammy?" he asked softly, not wanting to wake him only to find that Sam was sitting on the edge of the bed clinging to the bin for dear life.
"Make it stop..." Sam croaked weakly, before retching until he vomited into the bin again.
"Oh Sammy, just breathe for me. It's okay." Dean said, sitting down gingerly beside Sam, and rubbed his back lightly.
Sam gasped softly, breathing slowly between retches. He had a hard time calming down, but after several minutes of Dean's hand on his back grounded him.
"M okay." he mumbled weakly.
Dean nodded, but didn't stop just in case, as he didn't want to let Sam get upset again. "Sleepy?" he asked gently, not forcing anything, even as Sam nodded tiredly.
"Stay with me?" Sam asked weakly, not wanting to be alone.
Dean nodded, laying down beside Sam after washing out the bin, smiling as Sam snuggled into his side tightly. "Sleep, man." he said gently.
Sam nodded, wrapping his arm tightly around Dean and fell instantly to sleep.
Y/N came to check on Sam and where Dean had vanished to, only to find both sound asleep on Sam and her's bed. She snapped a pic and finished playing hostess to Mary and John, knowing she and Cas would share Dean's bed with pillows to separate them.
Sam was sick for a few more days, before finally getting better.
I hope you enjoyed this little fic. It took me forever to write because of how busy my life is. As always: vote, comment, and request away. Love you all! <3
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