Honey Bee
Inspired by the song Honey Bee, by Blake Shelton. Requested by BrieannaSincleair
Jensen sat on his set chair, chewing on the end of his pencil, as he stared out into space. He wasn't paying much attention to anything or anyone, including his newest co-star, Y/N. He had been so distracted, that he didn't see Y/N walking towards him, with a look of serious confusion on his/her face.
"Jensen?" Y/N asked softly, not wanting to startle the distracted man.
Jensen jumped, paling slightly as he turned his attention to Y/N. "Wha?" he asked.
"You okay?" Y/N asked sweetly, trying to be a bit flirtatious with their question.
Jensen blinked slowly, before briefly shaking his head and nodding. "I'm good. We on?" he asked, his voice slightly rougher than normal.
Y/N nodded slowly, raising an eyebrow as the noticed the changed quality of Jensen's voice.
"You may want to drink something, otherwise the microphones may not hear your voice." He/she said gently, grabbing a water bottle off the food table and offering it to him.
Jensen nodded, accepting the water bottle. He struggled for a couple moments to get it open, before drinking about half of it. Each swallow felt like a razor blade going down his throat, and his swallowing showed just that.
He put the water bottle down, hoping no one was stupid enough to take the drink from his seat. He swallowed hard, walking onto the set with Y/N.
"We ready for this?" he asked hoarsely, coughing into his elbow a couple times. He paled slightly, rubbing his temples with his fingertips.
"Of course, are you? You look a bit pale." Y/N said in concern. He/she reached out, touching Jensen's forehead briefly, before he pulled away quickly. However, the contact was just long enough to feel that the actor had a fever brewing.
"I'm fine... Let's just finish this scene, so I can take a nap." Jensen snapped softly, shooting him/her a soft glare with no real heat behind it. He staggered slightly, groaning softly in frustration, as he walked onto the set.
Y/N sighed softly, shooting Jared a look, as the man walked up. "He's sick... again." He/she warned softly, before walking to the door for the scene.
"Action!" yelled the director, starting the scene with Y/N knocking on the door.
"Please.... Please... You have to help me!" He/she pleaded, as Jared (Sam) answered the door in surprise.
"Come on in. Are you okay?" Sam asked gently, frowning deeply in concern. He looked back at Jensen, waiting for his line, but the actor was leaning heavily against the bathroom doorjamb, looking like the doorjamb was the only reason he was upright. "Dean?" he asked softly, knowing this part could be edited if needed.
Jensen mumbled softly under his breath, before inhaling sharply and doubling over in a harsh coughing fit.
Y/N jumped into action, darting around Jared and to Jensen's side. "Hey, hey, you're okay. What's wrong? Talk to me, Jensen." He/she asked gently, placing the back of his/her hand against the man's cheeks, forehead, and neck.
"What happened?" Jensen gasped out, shivering hard at Y/N's cold touch, before coughing harshly again. He hated being sick, and having a weaker immune system meant he got sick a lot.
"We were working, and you stopped responding. You okay?" Y/N asked sweetly, starting to get really worried about Jensen. He/she could feel the fever cooking under the actor's skin, knew he had a sore throat, and a headache too.
"Oh... Sorry. The lights are too bright." Jensen groaned. He squinted at Y/N, hissing softly, as discomfort and pain ran through his muscles. "Need to sit down." He grumbled, his voice hoarse and pained.
Y/N nodded, leading him back to his seat from earlier. "What's going on?" he/she asked gently, not knowing how to help him without all the information.
"Headache, weird and nauseous feeling in my stomach, sore throat and cough, and really achy." Jensen listed off, after sitting down. He groaned, doubling over with a coughing fit. He wrapped an arm around his stomach, trying to figure out what it was trying to do to him.
"Are you going to be sick?" Y/N asked uncertainly, grabbing a runner as he passed them. "I need an empty bucket, a bottle of sprite, Dayquil, Tylenol, and ibuprofen. Like right now." He/she ordered, sending the runner to get all she asked for.
Jensen shook his head. "No, just feel off-ish." He said, panting briefly, before coughing harshly again.
"Off-ish how?" Jared asked, walking up to stand beside Y/N.
The runner ran back up, handing Y/N what he/she had requested. "Here, I was able to find everything for you." He said, before walking away.
"Thanks. Here, sip on this. And take these meds." Y/N said simply, handing Jensen the sprite, Dayquil, Tylenol, and Ibuprofen. He/she knew he needed the meds in his system, hoping to avoid him having too many issues.
Jensen did as he was told, swallowing the meds with difficulty. "Ow..." he groaned softly, rubbing his throat after swallowing all the meds.
"That should help." Y/N said gently, mentally wracking his/her brain in an effort to figure out what was wrong with Jensen.
Jensen nodded, standing up and swaying once he was upright. He grabbed for his chair, missing it completely, and starting to teeter towards the floor.
Y/N and Jared both grabbed Jensen at the same time, keeping him from face planting. "Jared, can you help me take him to the car. I want to take him to urgent care, this bug has hit really hard and fast." Y/N said, expressing his/her concern.
"Yeah, sounds like a good plan. It's probably only a cold and cough, but better to be safe than sorry." Jared said quickly, before Jensen could try to argue.
"No doc," Jensen argued, doubling over with a painful coughing fit. "Feel weird..." he mumbled, as he stiffened suddenly.
"Jensen?" Y/N asked in surprise, wondering what was going on.
Jensen didn't respond, as his eyes rolled back into his head but into of going limp, he went rigid.
Jared's eyes widened. "Lay him down on his side, quickly." He instructed, hoping deep down he was wrong.
Y/N and Jared laid Jensen down, making sure he was on his side, just in time for the actor to start seizing.
Y/N gasped in shock, covering his/her mouth to try to hide his/her distress. "How did you?" he/she asked in confusion.
"He's had a few seizures in the past, only when beyond sick. Last two times this happened, he had viral meningitis." Jared explained gently, as he lifted Jensen's shirt to show a clusters of red spots on different areas of the older man's chest and back. "Crap, he has it bad... again. I'm going to call for paramedics. Keep him on his side, he may vomit in the middle or right after the seizure. Can't have him aspirating on his vomit." He said, pulling out his phone.
"Aspirate?" Y/N asked, eyes wide and face pale. He/she had never seen anyone in real life experience a seizure, so this was pretty scary, not to mention how fast it had hit.
"Choke on his own vomit." Jared explained, putting his phone to his ear. "Yeah, we need an ambulance at the set of Supernatural. Jensen collapsed with a seizure, it's been two minutes and he is still seizing. It looks like he has viral meningitis again." He explained, his voice fading to the background as Y/N focused on Jensen.
"Please be okay...." Y/N pleaded, keeping a gentle hand on Jensen's shoulder. He/she breathed a soft sigh, as the actor stopped seizing, and went still. He/she waited to see if Jensen would get sick, but he didn't, just breathed deeply as if asleep.
All of the sudden, a paramedic ran up, running a couple checks and loaded Jensen into the ambulance.
"Go ahead with him." Jared said, appearing beside Y/N. "I'll follow in a car." He added, seeing that Y/N was more than slightly freaked out.
Y/N nodded, climbing into the ambulance with Jensen, taking his hand as the vehicle rolled away. Before he/she knew what was happening, they arrived at the hospital, Jensen was whisked away, and he/she was shown to a private waiting room to wait for word.
Jared showed up about twenty minutes later, sitting down beside Y/N. "How are you holding up?" he asked gently, worried about how pale and quiet Y/N was.
"I'm fine. Just really worried about Jensen." Y/N said quietly, looking at Jared sadly. "Is he going to get better?" he/she added worriedly.
"He should be just fine. He just needs rest and maybe some meds to treat the symptoms until he gets better." Jared explained with a shrug. "You like him... don't you?" he asked, after a moment.
Y/N blushed faintly, before nodding. "What's not to like? He's amazing." He/she admitted breathlessly. "Wait, can't they give him antibiotics?" he/she asked in confusion.
"No, if he has viral meningitis, viruses are untouchable from antibiotics. They can only treat the symptoms." Jared explained, closing his eyes. "He likes you too, by the way." He added gently. "He keeps calling you, honey bee." He added with a chuckle.
"Honey bee?" Y/N choked out, knowing that his/her favorite song was Honey Bee by Blake Shelton. He/she hadn't expected Jensen to remember that, not from the first day they met.
"Yeah, he said something about that being your favorite song." Jared said with a yawn.
"He remembered?" Y/N asked softly, a look of bliss crossing his/her face. "I'm not surprised, he has a good memory for sweet stuff." He/she said, thinking about a few weeks back when Jensen had brought his/her favorite coffee drink every day for him/her for a week straight.
Jared chuckled softly. "That's Jensen for you." He said, before dozing off.
Y/N stayed awake for the next couple hours, before the doctor came to get them.
"I'm Dr. Nightfall, I am Jensen's doctor." Dr. Nightfall said warmly.
"Hi, I'm Y/N. How's he doing?" Y/N asked uncertainly.
"He has viral meningitis, which accounts for the high fever, nausea, dizziness, seizures, rash, and coughing. We gave him some medications to stop the seizures, ease the rash, stop the dizziness, and ease his sore throat and coughing." Dr. Nightfall explained.
"Seizures... as in plural?" Jared asked, waking up quickly.
"Oh, yes, he had two more seizures since he arrived." Dr. Nightfall explained. "He can leave tomorrow, if he doesn't have any more seizures." He added.
"Will you prescribe the extra meds for him, so that he isn't miserable?" Y/N asked softly, not wanting Jensen to suffer any more than necessary.
"Yes, we will. Would you like to go see him?" Dr. Nightfall asked kindly.
Y/N jumped to his/her feet immediately. "Yes!" he/she said excitedly.
Dr. Nightfall led them to Jensen's room, to find the actor awake and aware of his surroundings.
"Not too lomg, we want him to rest." The Dr. said before leaving them.
"Hey, how you feeling?" Y/N asked sweetly, sitting on the edge of his bed gently.
"Hey Honey Bee, I'm okay. The meds are working their magic." Jensen said hoarsely, coughing out a weak laugh. He grabbed the emesis basin on the table beside them, vomiting heavily and coughing hard.
Jared chuckled, taking the basin away when Jensen was done. "I'll go ask the doc to give you something for your stomach." He said, before leaving the room.
"You should rest." Y/N muttered gently, not wanting to get him sicker.
"I will, can you stay for a while? I don't really want to be left alone here." Jensen admitted softly, looking around uncomfortably.
"Of course, I will stay as long as they let me." Y/N said happily, scooting up on the bed so that Jensen could curl up against him/her.
Jensen curled up with Y/N, dozing off almost immediately.
Y/N and Jared took good care of Jensen, after leaving the hospital the next day. It took a good 7 days for Jensen to get better, but they happily enjoyed looking after him and taking a break from acting.
I'm so sorry about the delay, it has been crazy busy between the holidays, mourning, and my bday on Jan 14th. I hope this story was worth the wait.
As always: vote, comment, and request away! Love you all! <3
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