Gosh Dang It, Rowena!
So this was requested a while back, and due to being insanely busy, I only just now got to it. I am so sorry for the delay, but hopefully it will be enjoyable! This has a bit of an AU feel to it, and is not meant to have any clear ships, but there will be glimpses of Destiel, Sabriel, and Samifer. Requested by victoriagray2.
Spoilers: No one has died, and as long as you know who Charlie and Rowena are, then you are golden! Please enjoy!
Sam and Dean should have known better than to go up against a witch, much less Rowena. They are too powerful and know all too well, how to hurt and screw with people.
"Idjits! Even with Cas, Gabe, and Lucifer, we won't be strong enough to take her on." Bobby yelled at the boys, watching as they protected their newest recruit, Charlie, from multiple flying objects.
"Fools! Did you really think you could defeat me?!" Rowena screamed, chanting in Latin and shooting a weird clouded mess from her hands. "Enjoy this mess for a few days, boys." she said with a maniacal laugh, before disappearing in a cloud of purple smoke.
"Balls!" Bobby mumbled, looking around to see what happened. "Is everyone okay?" he questioned, taking an inventory of the team to make sure they were all okay.
"I'm good." Sam and Dean called in unison.
Charlie started laughing too hard to speak, but offered a thumb's up to the older hunter.
"Flyboys?" Bobby called, shaking his head. He looked around, but there was no sign of Cas, Gabe, or Lucifer.
"Cas?" Dean called, immediately sobering from laughing with Charlie.
There was no answer, causing the four hunters to frown in concern.
"Let's head home, the angels know to fall back there." Bobby said reassuringly, as he started leaving towards the cars outside.
Dean nodded slowly, silently praying to Cas over and over again, in the hopes that he would hear them. Sam and Charlie followed quietly, both praying for the other angels to hear them too.
Bobby and Charlie got into Bobby's Chevy Chevelle, and Sam and Dean got into their Impala. They had about a twelve hour drive ahead of them, so they all settled down for a quiet and tense ride home.
They were all about an hour out of Sioux Falls, when Sam's phone started ringing. Sam quickly, put it into conference call for Bobby and Charlie to hear, and on speaker so that Dean could hear the call too.
"Hello?" Sam asked a bit loudly. In the background, they could hear muffled whimpers in the background. "Hello?" he asked again.
"Sammy? Is that you?" A small, little voice asked, sounding close to panicking.
"Yes? Who is this?" Sam asked, looking at Dean in shock.
"It's Luci... We... we... got... " Lucifer whimpered softly, sniffling loudly in the background.
"I wanna talk to them..." Another voice whined, sounding on the verge of hysterics.
"No, Gabe... It's not my turn..." Luci said sternly. "Cas... Stop that...." he yelled, starting to cry softly.
"Oka... Whoa whoa whoa... Where are you guys?" Sam asked simply, looking at Dean helplessly again.
"Unca...s...," Cas yelled, before wailing in hysterics.
"Okay, its okay, we are only about a half an hour away." Sam said quickly, not liking what he was hearing.
"Are you babies... or well, toddlers?" Bobby asked gruffly, across the conference line.
"I think so." Luci said, sniffling again.
"We'll be there in about fifteen minutes... maybe less." Bobby said firmly, hanging up the phone and speeding up past the speed limit.
"See you shortly." Sam added, hanging up and nodding to Dean who started speeding as well.
Bobby and Dean both pulled up, exactly 12 minutes later. Sam jumped out of the car, with Dean and Charlie not far behind.
They ran into the house, stopping short when they saw three very young angels. Their mouths dropped open, as Bobby stomped in and stopped short.
"Balls! They're actually little tykes." He exclaimed, startling the angels.
All three angels burst into tears, wailing at the top of the lungs loudly.
"Dean, get Cas. Charlie, get Luci. And I'll get Gabe. Bobby, get us blankets, baby Tylenol, and a thermometer." Sam instructed quickly, moving to grab little Gabe and comfort him. He cuddled the little angel close, causing Gabe to quiet down slightly.
Dean nodded, snapping into action, as he scooped up Cas and held him close.
"I has a headache..." Cas whimpered, burying his face in Dean's chest.
"Um... I think he has a fever." Dean said loudly. "I'm sorry, Cas." he said softly, when the young angel whimpered softly.
Charlie picked up Lucifer, trying to cuddle him close, which only upset the angel further. "Sam, this isn't working." she said desperately, as she rubbed Luci's back lightly.
Luci started hiccuping loudly, as he got more and more upset.
"Luci, you need to calm down... Your vessel is little kid... The more upset you get, the more sick you will feel..." Sam warned quickly, grabbing a garbage can and tossed it to Charlie. "You're going to need this." he added.
Bobby walked back in, as Charlie caught the can. "What the hell?!" he demanded, handing Sam a blanket, the thermometer, and the baby Tylenol.
"Thanks Bobby." Sam said gratefully, taking the stuff from the older hunter. He sat down on a chair, wrapped a blanket around Gabe, and gave him the proper amount of liquid Tylenol.
He tossed the bottle to Dean, before looking over to check on Charlie and Luci.
Dean caught the bottle, giving the right amount to Cas and wrapping a blanket around the angel.
Before long, both Cas and Gabe were sound asleep.
Charlie looked at Luci, in concern. "You're okay, Luci, just breathe for me." She pleaded softly.
Luci kept hiccuping, until a bunch of liquid food poured into his lap.
"Oh no, Luci." Charlie gasped, putting the can in front of Luci, just in time to catch the next round of liquid food came up.
"Is he sick?" Sam asked, from his seat. He couldn't quite see what's going on.
"Yes, he got sick all down the front of himself and again into the can." Charlie said in exasperation.
"Once he stops, get him cleaned up and bring him over here to lay sleep with Gabe and I." Sam said simply, knowing Lucifer wasn't going to calm down for her.
"Okay, he seems to have stopped." Charlie said, helping the angel strip down to not wet clothes and wrapped him up in a blanket as he whimpered softly. "You're okay... I'm almost done..." she promised, getting the baby Tylenol from Dean.
She gave him some of the Tylenol, praying he would keep it down. She picked him up and put him on the other side of Sam's lap.
"Calm down, and sleep, little Luci." Sam said gently, nodding to Charlie.
Before long Sam and Luci were asleep too, followed by Dean and Charlie, leaving Bobby to keep an eye on everyone.
As it turns out, Rowena's spell wore off by the next morning. Let's just say that Sam and Dean, felt a bit weird to wake up with full grown angels on their laps.
Lol. Sorry if this wasn't what you wanted, but I thought it'd be a bit fun to mess with. This one definitely challenged me, since I was trying to write for 7 people, instead of the customary 2-3 people. Lol.
Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this!
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