The threat of Thunder
"You sure you can handle this?" Dean asked you quietly. He was pacing around the bedroom, finishing up his packing while you sat cross-legged on the bed.
"Of course," you assured him, handing him the flannel shirt you had just folded, rolling your eyes when he just shoved it in his duffle bag. "Jack is sweet. We'll have fun while you and Sam are off dealing with...what was it this time? A ghoul?"
Dean sat down next to you. "A wendigo. Which means a lot of hiking around a muddy forest, freezing our asses off. I'd rather be back here, with you."
You patted his cheek, wishing that he didn't have to go either. But it was a job, and he was a Winchester. It was part of who he was, a part of who you had fallen in love with. And you wanted to spend time with Jack, to really connect with the poor kid. "Dean, go. Save those poor people and Jack and I will order pizza and relax."
Dean turned serious, picking at a loose thread on his jeans. "Listen, I know you and Jack get along well. But he....he seems different, and it worries me that I'm leaving you alone with him."
You appreciated the concern, but you were a big girl. You could take care of yourself. "Dean, it's only for a couple of nights. We'll keep it low key, and everything will be fine when you get back. I promise."
"As long as the roof is still standing," he sighed. "Just keep in touch and we'll hurry back."
His lips ghosted across your cheek before he picked up his duffle bag and left the room. You immediately wanted to call him back, hating being separated by him. Instead, you stood up, promising yourself that you and Jack would have a great weekend.
After a trip to the local grocery store, you were ready for a casual night in. You had insisted that Jack go change into a pair of sleep pants while you did the same. Frozen pizza was baking in the Bunker's ancient oven and movies were ready to watch in the Bunker's freshly turned movie room.
Dean had texted a couple of minutes ago, checking in. You had assured him everything was going well, letting him know you missed him. "Everything okay?" Jack asked as he stepped into the kitchen. He had switched into the pants Dean had bought him, a pair that never failed to bring a giggle to your lips. They were completely covered in bacon. Dean even had a matching pair. He had tried to buy Sam a pair, but Sam had refused, sticking with his simple black.
"Everything's great," you assured him just as the first rumble of thunder shook the bunker slightly. "Sam and Dean are already out hunting the Wendigo, and our dinner is almost ready!"
"What was that?" Jack asked, his eyes raised to the ceiling, his body on alert. "Are we being attacked?"
Chuckling, you pulled the pizza out of the oven. "No, it's just thunder. Haven't you ever heard thunder, Jack?"
He shook his head, taking the paper plate you offered him, still wary about the thunder rumbling over his head. "Wanna watch the movie now?" You asked him, ready to head out of the kitchen, but he shook his head.
"Can we just talk?" He asked, sitting down at the table. Smiling, you sat down next to him, watching as he shoved in a huge bite of pizza, exactly as Dean would have. It was interesting, seeing this grown, child-like man act so much like the man you loved. It made your heart warm that Dean had such an effect on him, that he was almost like a father to him.
"So, you wanted to talk?" You asked as another round of thunder shook the bunker so hard the lights swayed.
"How can you be calm with this happening?" He asked, swallowing the huge bite of pizza. From your spot across from him you could see his breaths coming fast, his heart pounding. His eyes were wide, his knuckles white as clenched the table.
You needed to calm him down before it became too much and his powers took control. Scooting your plate of pizza away from you, you reached forward, grasping his hand in your own. "Jack, I know that thunder and lightning can be scary. Especially if you've never witnessed it before. But it's just a natural wonder, and it will be over soon, I promise."
"I don't like it," he answered, standing up and pacing the room. His hands were clenched, his eyes glowing gold, ready at any moment to erupt.
"Let's go watch a movie," you suggested. "If we turn it up loud enough, you won't be able to hear the thunder."
"No!" He screamed just as your phone started ringing. The bunker shook again with the force of the lightning hitting close by. The lights flickered and swayed.
"Hello?" You answered the phone, nervously watching as Jack stood in the doorway, his hands clenched, his back to you.
"Y/N, we've already killed the Wendigo!" Dean exclaimed happily. "Can you believe the stupid thing pulled the trigger on the flare gun itself?"
"Dean now isn't a good time," you told him. "There's a pretty loud storm here, and it's a lot for Jack to take."
"Y/N," Dean's voice immediately turned low, full of concern. "How is he? Nevermind, just leave him to himself and get somewhere safe. Who knows what will happen if it becomes too much."
"Dean, he's blocking the doorway," you whispered just as another boom echoed through the bunker.
Gold light emitted from Jack's hands, surrounding him, pulsing uncontrollably. "Dean, hurry!" You exclaimed, backing up until your back hit the cabinets. Your phone slipped from your fingers as Jack turned around.
"Jack, sweetie, it's okay," you tried assuring him. "It's just a storm. It will stop soon."
"Make it stop!" He screamed, his golden power pulsing before exploding all around him. Glass shattered, the lights popped, and you screamed, ducking your head. Thunder continued to rumble over your head, egging Jack's panic on.
He was uncontrollable, his power pulsing and flashing around him. Walls shook before the ceiling cracked. Plaster and steel pelted you, pinning you to the ground. Your screams combined with the roar of the bunker caving in on itself and the thunder still rumbling above. Jack's screams filled the air, as well as his power, continued to destroy the bunker. "Jack, stop!" You screamed, unable to move with the huge piece of ceiling that had your legs pinned to the ground.
Rain poured through the huge cracks in the ceiling before slowing ebbing away. The thunder stopped, and Jack's golden orb slowly faded away into nothingness. "What did I do?" He whispered, his eyes full of horror.
"Jack, help me!" You called out, trying to move when a steel beam fell down, slicing through your body, pinning you even farther into the tile.
"I did this?" He gasped, falling against the only standing wall left in the kitchen. "I...oh no."
"Jack please," you pleaded, reaching for him, but he only shook his head.
"Dean is going to kill me," he whispered. His face was white as snow, and before you could blink he was gone, leaving you pinned to the floor of the ruined bunker's kitchen, hoping that Dean would arrive to save you before it was too late.
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