Slipping on Ice
"Ice skating?" Dean stared at you incredulously. "Why the hell Ice Skating?"
You could see Sam, Jack, and Cas looking at you as well, all with looks of confusion on their face. Sam still had the cup of coffee held in the fair, halfway to his face, his eyes wide.
"Why not?" You argued. "We have a day off, it's a perfect day for it. Besides, it's my birthday, and you promised to do whatever I wanted.
"But Ice Skating?" Sam repeated. "I don't think I've ever gone Ice Skating before."
Jack raised his hand, a huge smile on his face. "I think Ice Skating sounds like fun!"
"But wait," Dean continued to argue. "Do they even make skates in Moose size?"
Grumbling under his breath, Sam placed his coffee mug down, standing up. "I think it sounds like a great idea. Let's go."
A couple of hours later you were bundled up, staring at the ice skating rink with trepidation. It had sounded like a great idea at the time, but now that you were staring at the sleek rink, you weren't sure if you were ready.
"Still time to chicken out," Dean whispered as he came to stand behind you. "Sam, Jack, and Cas can skate. You and I could check out that hot chocolate shop over there instead."
Shaking your head, you grabbed his hand, pulling him along with you. "You aren't getting out of this that easily. We never do anything like this, and I promised myself I would try something different for my birthday."
Sighing, he led the way to the skate rental stand where Jack already stood, waiting for the lady to find his size. You could see Sam awkwardly brushing his hair back, eyeing the lady with interest. "See any mistletoe around?"
"Why? You interested?" Dean teased, and you pushed his shoulder.
"For Sam! Look."
Both of you watched as he tried flirting with the lady, almost blushing more than she did when their hands brushed. Stepping back, he walked away with Jack, leaving Cas there as the two of you came forward.
Dean quickly gave her both your size along with his. "Cas, do you think you could magic up some mistletoe?" You asked.
"Probably. But why?"
"You'll see,"you whispered as your small little group finished tying the laces.
"Guys, how do we walk on these things?" Jack asked, catching himself before he fell down. Sam, surprisingly graceful with his skates on, helped Jack onto the ice, muttering quick lessons as he went. Cas followed behind, frowning as he tried to get his footing on the ice. Dean stayed with you, his hand under your elbow to support you if you needed.
Stepping on the ice, you immediately felt your feet slide out from underneath you. If it wasn't for Dean's fast thinking, you would have fallen on your butt. But he grabbed you, holding you close to him as he slowly moved around the rink.
"Dean, how are you doing this so easily?" You asked him, enjoying the feel of his arms around you, finally feeling a little comfortable in your skates.
"Did I ever mention that I might have played hockey once or twice," he said, smiling down at you. "And besides, taking a girl skating is always a good December date. Usually, I have my arms around them as they get used to skating."
"Much like now?" You asked, disappointed when he pulled away.
"Exactly. But you're a much faster learner than most," he said, almost seeming disappointed in the fact. "Hey, look!"
You followed his gaze, seeing Sam standing on the other side of the rink, talking to the woman from earlier. She was giggling, tucking her hair behind her ear.
"Where's Cas with the mistletoe?" You muttered, frantically glancing around.
"I don't...," Dean started to say. "Cas, what are you doing?"
You very carefully turned around on your shaky legs, just in time to see Cas dangling a pretty piece of mistletoe right over your head. Smiling, he shook it. "What the hell," Dean said, his eyes twinkling as he pulled you to him. His lips barely brushed yours before you felt your feet give away underneath you. Stiffening to brace the fall, it took you a minute to realize that you had landed on something softer than ice.
"Oof," Dean grumbled, his arms still wrapped tight around you. "You okay?"
"I should be asking you that," you said, embarrassed.
"Honey, I have a beautiful girl laying on top of me. Of course, I'm fine. Even though I'd rather have it be my memory foam mattress instead of this cold ice."
Blushing, you carefully stood up with Cas' help, Dean followed suit. As the three of you started skating towards the exit, you noticed Sam pulling the girl in for a kiss. "Look, we didn't need the mistletoe after all!"
"Sure we did," Dean argued. "Otherwise how would I have gotten you in my arms?"
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