Should Have Listened to Dean
Dean x Reader
Watching in horror as your hand picked up the knife laying forgotten in the table, you fought against it with all your might. Screaming as loud as you could, not a sound escaped your lips as your body moved closer to the bed, and the person who lay sleeping on it.
It had all started earlier that morning. Sam had gotten excited over a hunt, something about multiple demons all converging in one spot. Excited, he had raced off, no doubt to pack as many demon killing weapons as he could find. Leaving you sitting there with your boyfriend, him staring strangely at you.
"Dean, what is it?" You asked him, moving to stand up and get ready for the hunt.
"I don't think you should go." He stated, reaching out and grasping your hand, pulling you onto his lap. "Stay home, please. Until we've had a chance for you to get tattooed."
"Dean, we've talked about this. You know how I feel about tattoos." You tried to convince him, knowing how he felt about it as well. "Besides, I have this!"
"A bracelet isn't enough." He argued, holding your hand up to trace the symbol etched deeply into the leather. "It can get pulled off, or..."
"I know. But it's been enough for me before, and it will be enough right now." You assured him, pressing a kiss softly to his lips. Sighing, he knew that his argument was falling on deaf ears. "Then, maybe when we get back, you can hold my hand and I'll give in."
"Deal?" He needed the assurance, and you nodded. Pressing his forehead to yours, he sighed. "I just want to keep you safe. You mean more to me than I ever thought possible."
"I love you too." You answered. "But enough with this romantic crude, let's go kill us some Demons."
Dean insisted you sat with him in the front of the Impala, while Sam stretched out in the backseat. Something was bugging Dean, you could easily tell by the way he refused to keep his hand off you. Either weaving his fingers through yours, or his palm hot on your thigh, Dean kept constant contact with you as he drove down the highway, humming nonchalantly to the music.
It wasn't that long of a drive, but it had been one of your most enjoyable. Since Sam was snoring away in the back seat, it left you and Dean plenty of time to just sit together, needing no conversation. Content in being close to each other. Within three hours Dean was pulling up to the motel parking lot, sitting back and smiling at you. The sun had already started to fade, the sky a brilliant shade of dark blue and pink, and you yawned tiredly.
"Why don't we just rest easy tonight, then we can start researching tomorrow?" Dean suggested, as Sam sat up, his hair standing on end. Giggling, you reached back, brushing your fingers through the locks, helping him straighten it out.
"Y/N..." Dean grumbled, and you knew he was jealous of the attention you were giving his brother.
"Don't worry Dean. My eyes are only for you." You assured him, pressing a quick kiss to his lips before climbing out of the car, standing up and stretching your back. Dean went in to get the rooms, and you stayed by Sam as he grabbed the bags from the trunk.
"Sorry if I crossed a line Sam." You muttered, not wanting to get in between the two brothers.
"Nah. Dean's just possessive." Sam chuckled. "But you're good for him. I haven't seen him like this before. He really loves you."
"Well, I love him to." You answered, patting Sam on the shoulder. "Even if he does get a tad possessive at times."
"It's just his way. But the two of you, it makes me happy to see." Sam insisted, just as Dean came back with only one key card in his hands.
"Looks like we're all bunking together tonight." He grumbled, and you couldn't tell who was more upset, Sam or Dean.
"It's not going to matter." You insisted, ignoring Dean's out. "How about I head out, get us some grub. Dean, maybe I'll even find some pie."
"I can come with you." He started to say, but you placed your hand on his shoulder, stopping him.
"No, I'm a big girl. I can get food by myself." You told him, reaching into his back pocket and pulling out his money clip. Taking a couple of twenties, you put it back, taking a moment to squeeze the firm muscle underneath.
"Why couldn't we get a room to ourselves?" He whispered in your ear, groaning at the feel of your hand squeezing his butt.
"We'll be back to the bunker soon enough." You assured him, before taking off down the road, to the diner you remembered passing earlier.
Sitting at the bar, drinking a milkshake, you waited for everyone's food to get ready. The place seemed fairly empty, except for the waitress, and the man sitting towards the back, watching you carefully. Making sure you had your knife in your pocket, you sipped at your milkshake, listening to the waitresses talk about the recent deaths.
Trying to get as much information as you could, you jumped when the man walked by, his hand jingling his spare change as he went. Watching as he made his way out the door, you turned just in time for your food to be placed in front of you. Picking up the bags, you made your way outside, only to be stopped by the man from earlier. "Hey sweetheart." He muttered, grabbing you roughly by the arm, and pulling you to the back of the alley. "Let's have some fun, shall we?"
Struggling against his hold, you tried reaching for your knife, but his grip was too tight on you. "Leave me alone!" You yelled at him.
Stilling for a second when his eyes flashed black, you knew you were in a world of trouble. "I don't think so. You see, I knew who you are, who you're with. I made you the second you came into town, and I couldn't believe the Winchesters let their little girl out of their reach."
"They didn't let me do anything." You growled, pulling your arm free and scratching his face.
"You bitch!" He exclaimed, as you fought to pull away. In your struggle, your bracelet fell off, and the Demon caught it in his hands. "What is this? You're not even fully protected?"
It was this moment that you wished you had listened to Dean. That you hadn't fought him at every turn. But a tattoo had always been against your beliefs and your parents, and you had wanted to hold on to what little bit of your parents you had left. "This is going to be fun." He smiled, before black smoke filtered out of his mouth, slamming into yours. You couldn't fight it, you could only stand there as it fought it's way into your body.
Slowly, you began losing control of your body. Your very being was pushed into the corner of your mind, losing all control of your body. Watching his body fall to the ground, feeling like you were at a weird 3D movie, with everything distorted but yet so close at the same time. Sluggishly your body began to move as he learned how to control it, the food laying forgotten on the floor. "This is fun. So much more...flexible than my old body. I can't wait for Dean to see me, I mean us now." He said, his voice echoing in your head.
"Dean will realize something's not right!" You argued, fighting against his hold on your body. "He won't believe you are me!"
"By then it will be too late. And us Demons will have one less hunter to worry about." He smiled, staring into a window. You could see your reflection, but it wasn't you looking back. Your eyes were hard, your features evil and sinister. This Demon would never be able to fool Sam or Dean. You just hoped they realized it in time.
Striding down the sidewalk, he easily made his way to the motel, where the Impala was parked. In front of it was your motel room, the curtain opened, but no lights on. "Not even waiting up for you? Hmm, maybe you don't mean as much to them as I thought."
Pausing at the window, he glanced inside, and you could see Dean sprawled out across the bed, Sam nowhere to be seen. Reaching into your pocket, the Demon pulled out your keycard, slipping quietly into your room.
Trying to fight each step of the way, you did everything you could to try and fight the demon possessing you. Watching in horror as your hand picked up the knife laying forgotten in the table, you fought against it with all your might. Screaming as loud as you could, not a sound escaped your lips as your body moved closer to the bed, and the person who lay sleeping on it.
Screaming Dean's name, trying to stop the Demon, you didn't even deter him a second as he came to stand next to the bed, the knife raised as he stared down at Dean. With tears streaming down your face, you saw the Demon start to swing the knife down, just as Dean rolled over. "If I didn't know any better, I'd think you were trying to kill me." He grumbled, stopping the Demon in it's tracks.
Before the Demon possessing you could utter a response, Sam came through the bathroom door, rubbing his hair dry with a towel. His eyes widening at the scene in front of him, Sam thought quickly, racing over to the side of the bed.
"I don't think so." The Demon jeered, sounding nothing like you. Holding the knife up to your neck, he glanced between both brothers. "You see, I really wanted to kill a Winchester. But I guess killing a Winchester's girlfriend is the second-best thing."
As the knife pricked your skin, Sam thought fast, starting the exorcism. "I don't think so." The Demon muttered, moving the knife from your neck, ready to stab it into your stomach. At that motion, you fought even harder than before, and you could sense the Demon starting to lose it's hold.
Seeing the hesitation, Sam and Dean both finished chanting the exorcism, Sam grabbing the Demon blade just in case. As fast as the Demon possessed your body, he was expelled, and you felt your body falling to the ground.
Reacting quickly, Dean caught you, holding you tight to his chest. "Are you okay?" He asked, glancing you over worriedly.
"We both are." You answered him, your hand coming up to rest carefully on your stomach. At first, your comment went right over Dean's head, but then you noticed the moment he understood.
"Are you? We are... Are you sure?" He stuttered, and you nodded.
"I was waiting until we came back home to tell you, but yes. I'm pregnant, and we're expecting a baby." You said nervously, wondering exactly how he was going to take the news.
Spinning you around, Dean pressed his lips excitedly to yours. "That is amazing! I can't believe... Sammy, did you hear that?"
"I heard. Congratulations." Sam spoke up, staying back in the room, letting you and Dean have your moment.
Setting you down, Dean cupped your cheeks. "Do you know what this means?" He asked you, and you shook your head. "You are getting that tattoo, no argument. We can't have anything like this happening again. And as soon as we get back, you're getting checked out by a doctor. Make sure that Demon didn't hurt anything."
"Dean..." You sighed. "I was already planning all of that, don't worry. This Demon just made things a little more serious."
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