Not My Reality Part 3
*There will be 1 more part
Jared excused himself for a phone call with his wife, leaving you in awkward silence with Jensen. You opened your mouth to speak, before deciding not to. Jensen kept rubbing the back of his neck, clearly as uncomfortable as you.
Finally, after the silence was unbearable, you gave in. "Can I ask you a question?"
"Yeah," he answered, seeming slightly relieved that you had spoken first. Sinking down onto the low, cream-colored couch, his body was still tense as if he was waiting for the other bomb to drop.
You carefully sat down across from him, wishing you could reach out and thread your fingers through his. To feel his strong arms wrapped tight around him, his voice deep as he told you everything would be okay.
"What's the question?" He asked, pulling your attention back to this Jensen. The one who could barely look at you, and when he did it was with contempt.
"What happened between you, and the...real Y/N? I can tell something happened."
His jaw clenched and he looked away for a moment. "Listen, it doesn't matter. I can just tell you're not her, and we need to figure out how to fix this. It makes me feel like I'm in an episode of Supernatural. Not just filming it."
"Please, tell me," you insisted. "I'd like to know."
"Our Y/N, she's gone through some troubling times," he started slowly. "She's been into drugs, alcohol. You name it, she's probably tried it. She's talented, but she lets things get in the way. We've tried to help her, but she's so needy. And then, one night after a long night of filming, I came back to my trailer, and she was laying on my bed, completely nude. I tried dressing her in one of my shirts. Tried pushing her out the door, but her hands were everywhere. Then Dee walked in, and took me almost a month before I was out of the dog house."
You could see the hurt still in his eyes, the anger at being manhandled like that. His marriage had almost been ruined by your alter ego. It made sense why he was a little mad. "I'm so sorry. I promise I'm nothing like that."
"I'm beginning to notice," he answered. "But I think we need to keep moving. If Dee knows you're here, things might not go well."
Jared had just finished his phone call, coming back into the room. "Then why bring me here? I don't want to cause any more trouble for you."
"Gen was back," he explained. "And I really didn't want to explain you."
"What the hell are we going to do?" You had no idea where to even start. "Do we travel up to Vancouver, and see if that changes anything?"
"It's our best bet," Jared agreed. "I can have my plane up and running in around an hour."
He left again to make plans, and you sat there with Jensen nervously tapping your leg. "I can't believe this is really happening," he muttered. "And in your...version of the life, you're married to me? But we both still work on Supernatural?"
"Yeah," you answered. "Happily married. Jared's both of our friends. And you and I...well we just getting ready to start the next chapter of our life together."
"Hey guys, have you heard?" Jared came rushing back into the living room, his phone in his hand and his eyes huge. "When I went to call for my plane, they said that all flights are grounded for right now. Because of the craziest electrical storm."
"So we're not going to Vancouver?" You asked, disappointed, wondering what was going to happen next.
"There's more!" Jared insisted, handing the phone to Jensen, leaving you in suspense. "You'll never guess where this storm happened."
You quickly left your chair, sitting down beside Jensen, trying to ignore the way his leg tightened and he pulled away from you. You looked over his shoulder, seeing the article on the screen, your mouth dropping in disbelief.
"No way. Lawrence Kansas. That has to be some sort of sign. Right?" You couldn't believe it. Your life had been turned upside down, just like an episode of Supernatural. And now this freak storming was happening right above the birthplace of Sam and Dean Winchester. Things had to be connected.
"I think instead of flying maybe we should be driving through Kansas. Maybe we can get some answers," Jensen finally spoke up. "This all has to be related somehow."
"Roadtrip!" You all three exclaimed. "But first, some explaining to the wives," Jared sighed. "We'll leave in five."
You anxiously waited outside by Jensen's SUV, and soon enough both men exited the garage, a duffle bag in Jensen's hand. You sat in the backseat, letting both men sit upfront. Staring out the window as they talked quietly, you couldn't help but wonder. Is this what had turned your life upside down? A freak storm. And maybe, heading to Kansas would get you back to your life. And your Jensen.
"You okay back there Y/N?" Jared asked, more comfortable around you than Jensen. "At least we have a lead."
"Yeah," you answered, yawning. "How far is the drive?"
Jensen was the one to answer this time. "9 hours or so. Why don't you try to get some sleep."
You didn't have to be told twice. Stretching out in the roomy backseat of his SUV, you nestled your head against the window. Closing your eyes, you let your mind relax. This day had been nothing but traumatic, and you were exhausted.
"Y/N wake up," Jared gently shook your shoulder, waking you up. "We're stopped for food and gas. Now's the time to use the bathroom."
He left the door open, and you slowly climbed out of the car, yawning and stretching as you did so. The brilliant blue sky had long since darkened to a deep teal, and you wondered exactly how long you had slept.
"We're not stopping for dinner so I suggest getting enough snacks to tide you over," Jensen startled you. He was leaning against the side of the SUV, waiting as it slowly filled up.
Before heading inside to take care of business, you stayed beside him, enjoying the cool night air. "How far are we away?"
"Another three hours maybe," he answered. "It won't be too long now. But please don't be too disappointed if this Lawrence thing doesn't work out."
"I'm just grateful for you, and Jared, for helping me out. You could have just thrown me out, let me fend for myself," you awkwardly patted his shoulder, wishing he was yours. At least for a moment so you could feel his arms around you. Holding back tears as your heart ached to be home, you rounded the SUV, heading into the small convenience store.
After using the restroom, you piled your arms full of snacks. Things for you, along with a couple of items for Jensen in case he didn't make his way inside. Jared paid for the snacks, and you followed him outside. Silently climbing in the back of the SUV, you couldn't help but feel your nerves start to rise as you Lawrence grew ever closer.
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