Not My Reality Part 2
"Yeah, you're married to me," You retorted, angrily wiping away a tear. This day was completely destroying you, and you knew it was nowhere close to being finished. "We've been married for two years now. Living in Vancouver. Jared and I met when he was filming Gilmore Girls. Why can't any of you remember this?"
Jared roughly took you by your shoulders, pushing you through the hallway until he forced you to sit down on the couch. Jensen followed along cautiously, perching on one of the arm chairs. "Jared, what the hell is going on?" He asked, and you wish you had an answer.
Hastily wiping away another tear as it fell, you wrapped your arms around yourself, wishing they were the comforting arms of your husband. But he was looking at you as if you were crazy, and you knew that wasn't going to happen anytime soon.
"I have no freaking idea," Jared answered, sitting down in the other chair, rubbing the back of his neck. "I was on my morning run, and found her standing in the park. She has no idea how she got here, or why. No money, no phone, anything."
"Y/N, what drugs are you on this time?" Jensen asked, his green eyes searching your face.
"I'm not on drugs!" You exclaimed. "You of all people should know why I'd never do drugs!"
Both men looked at each other, completely exasperated. "Y/N, I really don't know what's going on. But Jared and I are so freaking tired of you and your escapades. You know very well that you've only been out of rehab for a couple of months. I was really hoping you would stay clean this time."
This sentence was the final nail in the coffin. You were so lost, and alone, and had no idea what to do next. Your face crumpled as your chest constricted with fear and anxiety. Tears streamed down your face. "No, this isn't real," you whispered.
With tears streaking down your face, you peered back up at Jensen, pleading for help. "I don't know what's going on, but that's not me. Not the real me anyways. I would never touch drugs! You should know that. Not after Felicity had overdosed in college. I just want to wake up and this all be over."
The two men stood up and headed into the kitchen, leaving you alone. You could hear their hurried whispering, but it was too soft to make out any of the words. Jared's laptop was sitting on the coffee table, and you opened it. Quickly searching your name, you were dismayed at what you saw.
There were so many stories of you. About your guest appearances on Supernatural and other shows. But more than that, it was the stories about the rehab visits, and crazy stunts that you always seemed to pull. It was you, but at the same time it wasn't. This you had shorter hair, and multiple tattoos. While Jared and Jensen continued to argue, you typed in Jensen's name. Your heart shattered at what you saw. Jensen was smiling at a gorgeous woman, their arms wrapped around three beautiful children.
"He has kids," you whispered. In your reality, or whatever the hell it was, the two of you had just started trying for a baby. Which you think you had already succeeded, and had planned on taking a test that morning. Holding your hand to your belly, you scrolled through more pictures, trying to wrap your mind around this.
Jensen came over then, closing the laptop and sitting down on the edge of the coffee table. "Listen, no more lies. Jared and I only want to help you. So please, tell me. Are you back on drugs?"
Shaking your head, your eyes filled up with tears once again. "No. I promise I'm not."
He searched your face for a moment. "Jared, I believe her."
"Then how the hell can we explain what's going on now?" Jared asked, standing behind Jensen, eyeing you as if you were completely crazy.
"Listen, I know you're not going to believe me, but I need to say this." Taking a deep breath, you knew this was going to make you look crazier than before. "Please just listen. Give me a chance to explain."
"Of course," they both answered, but you could see the sceptisism on their faces, and you knew that no matter what you said now, they probably wouldn't believe it.
"I don't know how I got here. I live in Vancouver, full time. With my husband, who happens to be Jensen Ackles," you could see the raised eyebrow, but you continued. "Not this Jensen. My Jensen. We've been married for two years. I'm a regular on Supernatural now. Jared is my best friend, who introduced us. I haven't had a glass of alcohol since college. No drugs. I was laying in bed with my husband this morning, and when I closed my eyes, everything changed. Now I'm here, confused out of my mind, and I just want to get home."
"You're acting as if this is an episode of Supernatural," Jensen sighed. "But things like that don't happen. Not in real life. Maybe you didn't take drugs knowingly. Maybe it was a prank."
"Look!" You exclaimed. "No tattoos. No piercings. I noticed a scar on my...her face. Do I have that?"
They looked you over closely, their eyes widing as your word sunk in. "Well, there...there has to be a reason behind that."
"Yeah, and if you can figure that out, please let me know. I'd like to get back to my real life."
Jensen and Jared continued to talk while you excused yourself to find the bathroom. You passed by photos. Photos of Jared and his family, photos of Jared and Jensen together. Not a single picture of you.
Wiping away the tears that you couldn't seem to stop from falling, you quickly did your business before joining the two men back in the living room. "Listen, we're going to go to Jensen's house. We're going to figure this out, I promise."
Anxiety had your knee tapping as you sat in the back of Jensen's SUV. You nervously picked at the loose thread on your sweatshirt, having no idea what you were going to find there. If his wife was home. How could you just stand there and watch as she interacted with her husband. It should be you, getting ready to find out your news. Sharing what you knew was going to be good news with Jensen later that evening.
The house was huge. Parking in the garage, Jared and Jensen quickly led the way, letting you follow behind. Pictures filled the bookshelves and walls as you passed. So many pictures of Jensen with his beautiful wife. His adorable kids. So much love between everyone. It created this large knot in your belly. "Y/N, come on," Jensen muttered, leading the way into his office. "Dee and the kids won't be home until this evening so we have some time to figure things out. What is the last thing you remember before the park bench?"
"Being in bed with my Jensen. Spending an intimate moment together," You said, ignoring the raised eyebrow of Jared.
"So, wait," Jared held up his hand. "Our Y/N has never seen you naked. Maybe there's a mole, or scar. Something that would just prove she's not lying."
Jensen thought carefully, but you answered first. "Well, I don't have the scar that this Y/N does. But my Jensen has a scar. It's his inner thigh. About an inch long, and ragged. He got it from a barbed wire fence when he was 15."
Jensen's mouth gaped open. "I have that scar," he mumbled. "And there is no way our Y/N would have known that.
Only 1 part left
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