Love is the Only Gold
The paper between your fingers was brittle and yellow with age. The words were hard to follow, written in beautiful penmanship long forgotten. Your brow was furrowed as you tried to understand the old English but it was nearly impossible.
"Find anything?" Sam asked, leaning back in his seat, closing the large book in front of him.
You shrugged. "I don't know. This book is so hard to read that the answer could be right in front of me and I wouldn't know."
Sam chuckled just as Dean came striding into the small hotel room, his arms full of takeout. "How's research going?"
"How do you always seem to finagle your way out of research?" Sam teased, taking on the paper bags from his brother, pulling out a couple of tacos.
"He does do that, doesn't he?" You agreed with Sam just as Dean handed you your food. Rolling his eyes, he pressed a kiss to your cheek before he sank down in the empty chair beside you.
"I'm not stupid," he chuckled. "But I still did research."
"How?" You and Sam both asked, your mouth full of fast-food Mexican food. You had turned your chair, propping your feet on Dean's lap, watching as he took a huge bite out of his burrito.
Talking with his mouth full, Dean answered. "At the restaurant, they were talking about the disappearings. How each woman had been at this bar the night before. The Golden Elephant. Who the hell names a bar the Golden Elephant?"
"And?" You prodded Dean on, wanting him to get to the point.
Rolling his eyes, he set his burrito down. "They all talked to the same man. He was tall and medium build with black hair and dark brown eyes."
"So we're thinking this normal looking man tore these women to shreds. With his bare hands?"
Sam had finished eating by this time, and he leaned forward. "Just because he's normal looking doesn't mean he's actually normal. Each of the women has scorch marks on their skin. Almost as if they were burned by lightning."
You slipped your feet from Dean's lap, sighing in frustration. "So we know that these women were at this weird bar and met a normal looking man who could have then electrocuted them and ripped them to shreds. What type of monster does that anyways?"
"No clue," Dean shrugged. "But I thought we could go to the bar tonight, see if he shows up. He has a type." Dean was staring straight at you, and you immediately knew what he meant.
"Me? I fit the bill?"
He nodded, reaching out and grasping your hand. "You know I hate using you as bait. But you fit the description of the other women that have been taken. And Sam and I will be at the bar the whole time. And you're a badass hunter who can take care of herself."
You hated when Dean through your words right back in your face. But you knew he was right. Five women were dead, torn to bits and you wanted it stopped. Even if it meant putting yourself in harm's way. "Fine. Do I have to dress a certain way?"
"Nope, you always look good," Dean assured you, pulling you to your feet. "Got your knife?"
You nodded, tapping the knife holster on your side. You refused to go anywhere without the special knife that Dean had given you for your birthday. It was coated in silver, with an iron handle. Enochian was etched along the blade. "Good," he answered. "Let's get this party on the road!"
Within the hour you were perched at the counter of the gaudy bar, sipping on a glass of whiskey. Your eyes hurt at all the gold decorations shining in the lighted lanterns hanging from the ceiling. Gold trim and paint-filled almost every available space. A large golden elephant was perched behind the bar, it's trunk lifted proudly in the air. The entire place smelled of incense, tickling your nose.
It was not your usual type of bar, and you couldn't wait until you could get out of there. Until you could go back and crash for the night with Dean's arm safely around you. Instead, you kept your eye out for the man in question, wondering exactly what he could be.
You didn't have to wait long before a man sat down beside you. He smelled slightly of jasmine and orange blossom, with a hint of musk. He had thick wavy black hair, his skin smooth, the color of an almond. His dark chocolate eyes looked you over, a hint of something almost other worldly catching you off guard. "Hi," he spoke, his voice thick with an accent. "I haven't seen you here before."
"I'm new in town," you answered, wondering how he could affect you so much so quickly. You could feel your heart rate picking up, your mouth dry as his gaze stared right through you.
"I'm Indra," he announced. "And you are?"
Your mind worked fast, trying to figure out where you had heard that name before. "Y/N," you mumbled, your eyes widening when he reached out, taking your hand in his.
"Beautiful, absolutely beautiful," he spoke, his voice captivating. "Listen, I know you're probably not the type of girl, and I'm not normally the type of guy, but do you want to get out of here? Find somewhere a little more...private?"
You could see Sam and Dean watching you from the shadows of the back of the bar. Dean's face was twisted in jealousy, and you didn't blame him. This guy was smooth and captivating, and you had to remind yourself this was a job. That Dean was the man for you.
Your knife was a reminder that you could handle yourself, so you shook your head, forcing yourself to smile.
"Perfect!" He gushed, standing up, keeping your hand in his, tugging until you were standing up. The lights flickered, energy crackling from his hand, slightly stinging your hand, and you glance down at it in surprise. "You're in for such a treat," he assured you, his eyes flashing blue.
You glanced over your shoulder, to where Dean stood with his hand clenched. Sam was already gone, no doubt stationed outside. "Indra." You mouthed, hoping that Dean understood you.
Expecting Indra to take you out of the front door, he pulled you down the hallway. "This is my bar," he exclaimed. "Do you like it?"
"It's," you muttered as you walked by a gaudy golden mirror.
He pushed through the privacy door, into a long hallway. The kitchen was off to the left, cooks and staff bustling to keep up with the crowd. Indra pushed through the door on the right, marked private and you stepped into another world.
Bright, bold colors filled the large space. Deep red and gold curtains covered the walls. Emerald and sapphire rugs were plush, piled with pillows of the same colors. A round gold bed was perched in the middle of the room, the cover a rich brocade.
Indra finally released your hand, going over to the wooden cabinet, pouring two glasses of a deep red wine. Handing you one, he peered at the room with pride. "Isn't this place majestic?"
"It certainly is," you agreed, wondering if Sam and Dean would be able to find you know. Feeling completely overwhelmed.
You remembered who Indra was now. He was a deity, a god. One that used the weather as his own weapon. You didn't remember much more than that, but knowing you were dealing with a God? It had you trembling in your boots.
"Hey, it's okay," Indra spoke softly, noticing how pale you had become. He took the glass, setting it back down before pulling you into his arms. "I know this is fast, but you can feel the attraction, can't you?"
You nodded, even though the feel of his arms around you had your skin crawling with unease. "I'm going to take care of you," he assured you, his lips ghosting against your neck. Electricity ran from his lips, traveling up and down your side and you shivered. "This will be a night you never forget."
With his lips against your skin and his hand brushing the bare skin of your hip, you slid your hand down, reaching for your knife. You had no idea if it would work against a deity, but you had to try.
His hand moved around, cupping your butt, pulling you tight enough against him you could feel his excitement through his linen pants. Squeezing your eyes closed, you swung the knife as hard as you could, slamming it into his back.
His grip tightened on you to the point of pain, and you opened your eyes to see his flashing blue. The lights flickered in the room, thunder cracked outside. "How dare you!" He exclaimed. He pushed on you hard enough that you went flying across the room, landing on the bed with a bounce.
His eyes continued to flash blue, electricity sparking from his hands. "You dare try to kill me with that knife?" He screamed, his voice making the walls shake. You could barely hear Dean's voice through the door as he tried to get through to you.
Indra stalked towards you, lightning shooting from his fingertips, catching the curtains on fire. You struggled to move away from him, trying to get your footing on the plush bed, but he reached down, grasping your ankle.
His hand scorched your skin and you cried out in pain, kicking out and connecting with his stomach. Growling, he flipped you over, straddling your waist. "I was going to make you feel so good before sacrificing you. But now, I just want you to suffer!"
He raised one hand, the electricity still flickering from his skin, pressing it against your shoulder. Screaming in pain, you wanted to blackout, but you knew you couldn't. It would mean certain death for sure.
Taking both of your hands, you wrapped them around his wrist, pushing with all of your might. Your fight surprised him, and you had the upper hand for just a second. But that's all you needed. Turning his hand, the electricity he was going to shoot you with went straight into his heart.
His eyes widened in surprise before he slumped over you. Breathing heavily, you pushed against him, and he fell off the bed, his eyes wide open and glassy. Just then the door busted open and Dean came rushing inside, his gun held high in front of him. "Y/N?" He exclaimed, rushing over to you as Sam came in behind.
"I think he's dead," you whispered, your shoulder and ankle throbbing with pain. "I killed a God."
"How?" Sam asked, bending down to make sure Indra was in fact, dead.
"With his own power," you answered, letting Dean pull you into his embrace. "He was going to burn me with lightning, and I shot it into his heart instead."
"That's my girl," Dean said proudly, pressing a kiss to your temple. "Now let's get out of here and pray to Cas to come to fix you up."
The embers of the burning curtains hit the rugs, starting the fire all over again, and you knew within seconds the whole place would be up in flames. Dean picked you up in his arms, carrying you out into the hallway. You pulled the fire alarm before the three of you raced down the hallway, exiting through the back into the clear night sky.
"Wow, who would have thought that a God would be interested in me," you chuckled.
Dean frowned, his mouth moving silently as he prayed for Cas. "Not that I was interested in him, of course."
"Damn straight," Dean agreed, setting you carefully down on the backseat of the Impala as Cas showed up. "It's you and me, sweetheart. No sparkling fingertips or gaudy gold to get in the way."
"Amen," you agreed, pulling him down for a kiss.
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