In My Mind
Leaves crunched under your feet, some still a vibrant yellow, but most had already turned to a faded brown. Tugging the collar of your flannel up, you shivered as the chilly fall air swirled around you.
"Damn its turning cold fast this year," Dean declared, rubbing his hands together. "Seems like just yesterday you were running around in tank tops and shorts."
Playing pushing him to the side, you shook your head. "If I remember, I wasn't the only one wearing skimpy shorts. Sure wish I had seen it."
"In your dreams sweetheart," he chuckled cocking his gun suddenly. Both of you froze in a small clearing, leaves floating gently to the ground around you.
Branches swung to and fro, rustling in the wind, camouflaging most little sounds. But the sound of leaves crunching underfoot was loud enough to stop Dean in his tracks.
Raising a finger to his lips, he warned you to stay silent while his eyes searched the dark forest around you. Goosebumps stood on the back of your neck as you braced yourself for the attack.
Bushes, low on the ground, began vibrating, before a little black creature spring from their clutches, meowing pitifully.
"Dean, it's a kitten!" You exclaimed, crouching down and holding your fingers out, cooing softly to it.
"Y/N, be careful," Dean warned as the kitten sniffed your fingers cautiously. The kitten was barely eight weeks old, and you started to reach down for it, planning on taking it back to town with you when it latched onto your finger. It's little teeth were sharp, like needles. Crying out, you pulled your hand away.
"Did it bite you?" Dean asked, moving forward to check your hand when the kitten jumped at him. Hissing, it latched onto his ankles, its sharp little teeth piercing the denim to get to the skin. "Damn it!" Dean cursed, shaking the kitten from his leg. It scurried off into the forest, and you could have sworn you heard a cackling laugh in the distance.
"Forget this," Dean muttered, lifting his pant leg to see two red spots on his skin, blood starting to drip down. "We'll come back when the suns up."
Your hand stung, and you were ready to get back to warmth, so you followed behind Dean, climbing into the Impala, not realizing the fact you were being watched.
"I call shower first!" Dean called out, throwing his bag on the floor before literally running to the bathroom. Rolling your eyes, you let him go. You tugged off your chilled clothes, changing into a pair of sweatpants and a sweatshirt. You could hear the shower turn on, and seconds later you heard Dean let out a loud curse just as all the lights went black.
"Dean?" You called out, blinking your eyes furiously at the pounding headache that instantly appeared. It was right behind your eyes, an uncomfortable pressure that almost sent you to your knees.
"Y/N, what the hell happened?" Dean asked, his voice shockingly close.
With the room pitch black, you held your hands out, struggling to find the wall. "Dean, are you still in the shower?" You called out, hearing the water running. "I'm trying to find the light switch."
"I better damn well be," he muttered, his words loud, echoing. "But I don't feel the water. This feeling... it's cramped and loud. I don't know what's going on, but I don't like it."
Finally, you flicked the switch on, and dim light filled the stuffy hotel room. Breathing a sigh of relief, you rubbed at your temple, hoping this headache would go away soon. "Dean, I'm coming in," you announced, shielding your eyes as you turned on the bathroom light. Clothes were strewn about the floor, the mirror fogged up with steam from the heat of the shower. The water pounded against the grimy tile wall, but you couldn't see Dean inside the shower. "Dean, where the hell are you?" You called out.
"Damn it, not so loud," Dean grumbled, his voice still close. "I'm right here. Why haven't you turned on the lights yet?"
A cold shiver ran down your back as you faced the room once more. You saw the two double beds, both unmade with clothes thrown on top. A table was across from the window, your laptop and a couple of empty beer bottles. A fridge and dresser were against the other wall, covered with takeout trash and the nightstand was covered in your guns and Dean's watch. But Dean was nowhere to be seen.
"Dean?" You spoke softly, knowing that something wasn't right.
"What can you see right now?"
He took a deep breath, before speaking. Once again his words echoed, louder than they should have been. "It's not as dark as it was. There is this soft light in front of me. I'm in some sort of room, there's not enough light to see more. But there's your voice. It's hard to explain, but its loud when you're talking. But it's there when your not, just muted. Y/N, it sounds like your memories."
Your knees gave out on you then, and you sank down onto the edge of the bed, your head still pounding. "Dean, do you think...,"
"That witch!" He exclaimed. "I bet she left a spell or hex bag in our room while we were out looking for her cabin."
"She put you in my head?"
"Yeah," Dean answered your unspoken question. "Wait, can I hear your thoughts?"
You immediately blushed. This was not a situation you had ever expected to be in. There were many things you had never wanted Dean to know about, and now it seemed he was privy to your every thought.
"Not all of them," he answered. "Everything is muted, but when you think of me, or talk to me, it's a lot louder. I bet I could go looking around...,"
"No!" You exclaimed, closing your eyes. You could see Dean in the darkness, standing there with his hands on his ears, bending over in agony.
"Dean, I can see you," you spoke loudly again, keeping your eyes closed.
He straightened up, his eyes squinted in pain. "Can you keep it down? Your voice echoes around quite a bit in here."
"Sorry," you thought and Dean sighed gratefully. "What should we do?"
"Call Sam," he answered instantly. "We're gonna need help."
Nodding, you opened your eyes, grabbing for your phone. Scrolling through to find Sam's name, it was your turn to grimace in pain as Dean yelled. "I can see!"
"That room I'm in? I walked closer to the light, cliche huh? Anyways, it turns out that I'm close enough that the light was your vision. I can see whatever you're looking at."
Taking a deep breath, you hoped that you could survive having Dean stuck in your mind. It was hard, having Dean share your body, your mind. Especially since you didn't want him to find out about...."
"About what?" He asked. "You have some secret? Ooh, maybe a tattoo, or a fling with a biker, or...,"
"Dean, please just try to stay out of my thoughts, you muttered, pressing the button to call Sam.
After trying to explain the situation to Sam, he promised to head your way as quick as possible. You also sent a text off to Rowena, hoping that she could help you out as well. Dean kept interrupting your thoughts, reminding you to tell Sam something, to give his own ideas. It was hard to concentrate, and your headache was getting worse by the moment.
By midnight you had gotten a message from Rowena. She promised to check around, see if she could come up with a way to fix things. Sam would be here in an hour or two, and you needed sleep. But before that, you needed to use the bathroom. A shower would have been preferred, but you...,"
"You can take a shower," Dean spoke up. "I can try to not look."
"I think I'll wait," you spoke softly, trying to keep things low and as calm as possible, even though you wanted to scream in frustration. Heading into the bathroom, you kept your eyes closed, humming loudly as you did your business. You didn't miss Dean's chuckle as you finished up, and you reminded yourself to keep your thoughts and feelings to yourself.
"Everything okay Y/N?" Dean asked, "I mean besides this freaking witch and her spell. But you seem extra on edge."
"Fine, everything's fine," you muttered, grateful at the knock on the door. Racing into the room, you threw the door open, so relieved to see Sam that you could have thrown your arms around him.
Sam had his hands full of books, and you let him clear space off the table. "So, how did this even happen?" He asked. "I bet Dean is beside himself, being locked up in your head. It's a lot like Michael all over again."
"Tell Sam I'll throw away all his health foodstuff if he ever mentions that bastards name again," Dean muttered, and you didn't blame him. Quickly you relayed the information.
"And you Y/N? How are you?" Sam asked, thumbing open a book.
"Well, I just have Dean in my head. How else would I be?"
"I just was thinking about your...," he started to say, but you quickly shook your head, stopping him from saying anything.
"Nope, everything's good. I keep my thoughts to myself, and Dean hears and see everything as long as my eyes are open."
Sam nodded in understanding. "Have you looked for a hex bag? Or anything else showing that the witch was here?"
"I looked. Under the mattresses, in the cupboards. Even behind the dresser. Nothing. Sam, I don't know how else she could have spelled us."
"Freaking witches," Dean grumbled. "I hate witches."
"Maybe it was something in the forest?" Sam suggested, flipping through the pages of one of the bunker's books while you sank down on the edge of the bed, completely exhausted. Dean was muttering something in your head, pacing around, driving you crazy. Between that, trying to figure out how to fix things, and trying to keep your feelings from Dean, you were drained.
"Y/N, I'm sorry," Dean stopped for a moment. "I know this can't be easy, and I wish I could be out there, helping."
"I wish you were too," you thought when it occurred to you. "Dean, what about the kitten? It's really the only thing we both touched, and it bit both of us."
"That's it!" He exclaimed, clapping his hands together, and you cried out in pain. "Sorry. So what do we do?"
You quickly relayed the information to Sam. "Wow, a witch spelling a cat to spell humans. That's a little complicated don't you think?"
Shrugging your shoulders, you knew it was about the only thing you had to go on. "All I can say is let's head to the forest, see if we can find either the kitten or the witches cabin. But not before we get a couple of hours of sleep. Please. I don't think I can do this much longer."
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