Dean x Reader
Prompt: "Why did we have to have kids?"
Life married to Dean was always an adventure. Never a dull moment, even though the two of you weren't hunting anymore. After dealing with the British Men of Letter's, the two of you had settled down with a nice house. Not in a subdivision, but out in the country a little bit. It was nice, and different. Nothing you could have imagined of ten years ago.
Sam had retired as well, finding a nice girl that he was now engaged to, in a house just a block away. It was nice, and normal, and you were completely happy.
Even if that happiness included the constant chaos of having children. With two year old twins running you ragged and another one on the way, you were exhausted. Dean had gone to work for a mechanic, leaving you to stay home and make sure everything ran smoothly. But being seven months pregnant had your temper on a short fuze, and your energy waning.
Sitting on the couch, you just watched as your twins raced around the room, making a mess of the place you had just cleaned. With tears in your eyes, you were about ready to call Sam, to have him come save you. To give you just a little bit of time to yourself, to even take a nap. Something so you wouldn't snap. You didn't want to call Dean. He was already worried about taking time off when the new baby came.
Sniffling, you were about ready to get up and try to deal with your two little boys one more time when the door opened and Dean came walking into the house. In his arms was a chicken dinner from the store, and a bouquet of flowers. When he saw you were on the verge of a breakdown, he quickly placed the stuff on the counter before coming into the room. Kissing you on the cheek, he whispered in your ear. "Go up to our room. Take a bath, or a nap. Whatever you need. I've got the kids."
"Why did we have to have kids?" You asked him, as they ran up to their Dad, hugging his legs.
"Because we wanted a family. And because the making of the kids is fun." He said, earning a little smile from you. "But because we love each other so freaking much we wanted to transfer that love to some little monsters. Now go. I've got this." He said, rubbing your belly before turning you towards the door.
Feeling a little better, you slowly climbed the stairs, wanting nothing more than to lay down and sleep for an hour or so. Then you could head back down and spend time with the family you truly loved more than anything.
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