A Friendly Face in the Dark
Dean x Reader
You could smell the fake smoke from where you stood, almost a half-block away from the entrance. It teased your nostrils of the fun things to come. The freaky things that would no doubt give you nightmares for the next night or so.
Your new friends, Trinity and Maci chattered away excitedly in front of you as you huddled deeper into your sweatshirt. It was a cool October night, much cooler than you had expected, and you found yourself wishing for your heavier coat.
"Cool night, huh?" A deep male voice spoke up from behind you. Turning around, you found yourself gazing at one of the most handsome men you had ever seen. Spiky sand blonde hair that framed a strong, angular face. Plump lips were parted slightly as his green eyes twinkled down at you.
"Lot colder than I expected," you answered, tucking your hair behind your ear. It was stressful enough finding new friends in this town, but you weren't sure you were quite ready for a budding romance as well. Even though this handsome man could definitely change your opinion. "But I'm used to it."
"Used to it?" He asked, stepping a little closer to you as your two friends moved forward. In their lively conversation, they had almost forgotten about you, which you were glad about. You weren't sure you were ready to see their reaction to this man. "Does that mean you're not from here?"
"Nope," you popped the word, getting a glimpse of his rough and worn leather jacket, ripped jeans and scuffed boots. His look just screamed bad boy, another warning for you to leave this conversation and him far behind. But you couldn't help but be interested by this man. "I'm from Montana."
"It can definitely get a lot colder up there," he agreed, his shoulder brushing against yours, smelling like musk, leather, and...gunpowder? "I was up that way four months ago."
"You travel a lot?" You asked him, realizing that your friends were slowly leaving you behind. Making you wonder if they were even the type of people you would want to be friends with.
He shrugged before a group of unruly teenage boys pushed past him. His body slammed against yours, his arm reaching out to steady you before you fell down. "Sorry about that," he mumbled, his eyes narrowing as he stared at the boys. "And yeah, my job makes me travel a lot. But you. What made you move down here?"
"College," You answered before you were at the entrance. Maci and Trinity had finally remembered you were with them, their eyes wide when they noticed the man standing at your side. You reached into your pocket for your cash, but he shook his hand. "It's the least I could do after almost knocking you over."
"You didn't. It was those dumb ass kids," you remarked, but he still handed the twenty over, flashing a megawatt smile your way.
It was another line inside, but this time the fake smoke was stronger. The building echoed the screams of its victim's. The walls were painted black, lights barely flickering over the top. You winced as the chainsaw roared to life. You weren't afraid of anything per say, but you hated the chainsaw run that always seemed to happen in these places. "So, you've never told me your name," he hinted once both of you were inside.
"Y/N. You haven't told me your name either," you teased, unzipping your sweatshirt to tuck your cell phone in the secret pocket inside. It showed him a glimpse of your faded and distressed AC/DC shirt.
"Names Dean. And I love that shirt," he exclaimed but you were quickly interrupted by the gothic dressed worker.
"We have groups of four. Stay with your group, and be prepared for the fright of your life!" She exclaimed, trying to be spooky, coming off more as tired and done with the job. It was quickly decided that you, your friends and Dean would be a group. Maci and Trinity went first, leaving you once again with Dean, but you didn't mind at all.
"If you get scared, just reach out for my hand," he leaned over to whisper. "Stuff like this? It's nothing to me."
"Then why are you here?" You asked him, but you couldn't help the shiver of excitement that went through your system. This man was infatuating.
"My little brother is here. On a date. I wanted to make sure things went okay," he whispered as you went through the first room. People were chained to beds, thrashing about dramatically. They were covered in blood, and the closest one reached out for you. You jumped back slightly, right against Dean's waiting arm.
"A haunted house for a date? I think your brother is either completely crazy, or smart for bringing her here," you chuckled as the haunted orphanage was left behind. Now you were in a field, cornrows on one side, a cemetery on the other. You heard a wolf howling in the distance. Trinity and Macy were far ahead, and you knew that after tonight you would probably lose their phone number.
"Who cares about him," he answered, but you could tell he cared about his brother. It was just in the way he talked about him. "I hope it works for me," he finished under his breath.
"You're on a date?" You asked, squealing as a werewolf jumped out from behind a headstone, his claws inches away from your face.
"Not exactly," Dean answered, his body stiff as he put himself in front of you. The werewolf went back behind the headstone, and you continued on. "But there is the girl that I met, and she seems pretty special."
You were grateful for the darkness of the next hallway, otherwise, he would have noticed the blush on your cheeks. "Dean, I...," you started, but Maci and Trinity came running towards you, screaming frantically. You quickly noticed a hidden door off to the side, but you had no chance to move before they pushed you to the side as a man with a chainsaw came barreling down the hallway.
The chainsaw man ran past you, hot after both girls while Dean crouched down to check on you. "Are you okay?"
You shook your head, wincing as you tried to put pressure on your ankle. "I think I twisted my ankle."
Without thought, Dean helped you up, carrying you in his arms, down the hallway where your ex-friends had just gone. Pushing through the gauze, he stepped out of the main show, to where the workers moved around. You held onto his shoulders as he carried you outside, setting you down on the bench outside.
"I'm sorry you had to leave the haunted house," you apologized as he knelt down in front of you. Screams could still be heard behind you as Dean gently checked over your ankle.
"I get to see scarier stuff than that almost daily," he muttered. "But I don't think you should be walking on this ankle. Let me text Sammy, and then I'll drive you home."
"You don't have to," you insisted, even though you liked the attention. "I don't want to pull you away."
"Nonsense," he assured you. "And on the way, we can stop for a milkshake. Maybe even listen to some AC/DC. I think you like them?"
"That sounds better than any stupid haunted house," you agreed, realizing this evening had turned out so much better than you ever imaged it would.
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