Terrible Things - Dean Imagine #6
Mayday Parade - Terrible Things
Dean was waiting for the question that he knew he would have to answer some day. "What happened to mom? How did you two meet?" His 6 year old son asked.
Dean looked straight ahead as he focused on driving the impala. "Why do you ask?" Dean questioned his son.
"Everyone was talking about their moms and how their parents met. Samantha Cunningham has two moms. Why don't I have a mom?"
Dean sighed at looked through the rear view mirror. His son looked at his hands, trying to comprehend something a kid his age shouldn't have to. He'd always given his son the short version of things. That his mother had died and that they loved each other very much. Finally, Dean decided that his son was ready for the truth.
"I was in my twenties when I met your mother. I wanted to settle down, but I wasn't sure if I could do that. When I saw her, I knew she was the most beautiful woman that I'd ever seen."
Dean smiled at he thought back to the night he met you. You sat across the bar. You stood out to Dean. You were beautiful without any makeup on. You were stunning. He couldn't keep his eyes off you. Dean Winchester was actually nervous to talk to you. He didn't just want to sleep you. He wanted to get to know you and talk to you and hold your hand.
"Did you say I love you to her?" Your son asked.
"Yes, many times. I remember the first time. She said, 'Boy, can I tell you a wonderful thing? I can't help but notice you staring at me. I know I shouldn't say this but I really believe, I can tell by your eyes, that you're in love with me.'"
Dean remembered the time he said he loved you. You had said those exact words to him. Dean could tell by your eyes that you were in love with him. You had that glint in your eye everytime he was around. He leaned in and kissed you. And with that kiss, you both understood what you wanted to say. Dean wanted to say that he did love you. You wanted to say that you loved him back. You both wanted to live a love story that couldn't compare.
"Did you and mom get married?" Your son asked.
"Yes. You know that picture I have in my room? The one where your mom and I are kissing? That's our wedding picture."
Dean parked the car outside of his house. It felt weird to say he had a house. He bought the house for you. You only lived in it for a while.
"What happened?" Your son asked as he walked into his house.
"Hmm?" Dean replied.
"Everything was good. What went wrong?"
Dean sat down on the couch. His son climbed onto Dean's knee and sat there awaiting his father's response.
"I said her, 'Girl, can I tell you a wonderful thing? I made you a present with paper and string. Open with care, now I'm asking you, please. You know that I love you, will you marry me?"
Dean took a shaky breath. "Now, son, I'm only telling you this because life can do terrible things.
"She said, "Boy, can I tell you a terrible thing? It seems that I'm sick and I've only got weeks. Please, don't be sad now, I really believe you were the greatest thing that ever happened to me."
Dean let a few tears fall as he relived the moment. He held on to his son's hand for support. With deep breaths, he spoke again.
"I'm not saying, 'Don't fall in love.' There's a lot you can lose, but there's a lot you can gain. I have you now. And I got to spend time with your mother, no matter how short it was. She loved you very much, son. You were her eveything. She was so proud of you."
Dean weeped, holding his son close. He had never broken down in front of his son like that before. His son held him, too. He looked up at his father and gave him a small smile. Your son had your smile. With that smile given to him by his son, Dean realized you weren't completely gone.
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