Preference #26 Mistletoe
The Impala's honk warned you that Dean was outside. You smiled at the receptionist and grabbed the credit card that said your name was Holly Sanders. You walked outside to be met with the cold winter air.
Across the parking lot was the Impala. You rushed to it, eager to get out of the winter cold. You looked into the car, expecting to see Sam. To your surprise, it was just Dean in the car. You smiled and sat on the passenger seat.
"Hey, babe," Dean said. He noticed your shivering figure and handed you a jacket from the back seat.
"Thanks," you muttered, wraping you arms around yourself.
"Wanna hear something?" Dean asked, a smirk spreading across his face. You nodded with a giant smile. Dean leaned closer to you and you instinctively leaned closer. Using a fingers, he motioned for you to come closer and closer and closer.
Your faces were inches from each other. His breath warmed your cheeks causing a blushy color to fill them. From the corner of your eye, you saw him pointing to something above your heads. Looking up to see the mistletoe, you smiled and bit your lip.
"Oh, would you look at that? Mistletoe? Well, traditions are traditions," Dean said, shrugging.
You laughed, "C'mere, Winchester." Your lips collided into a sweet kiss inside the Impala. Dean's warm hands covered your cheeks. He slowly broke away and then watched you lay against the seat. A shiver ran down your spine and Dean, mocking you, said, "C'mere (Y/L/N)." He wrapped his arm around you.
You grunted, slamming the book shut. There was nothing in the lure that helped with the case you were working. Being so caught up with the books, you didn't notice Sam entering the room.
"Hey," Sam said, carring more lure books. You groaned and laid you jead on the table. "What's wrong?" He asked, standing behind your chair with the books in hand.
"If I don't see the books, there's nothing to research," you said.
"Aw, look up. Don't you want to see me?"
"Well, you are a pretty sight," you said. The idea of seeing your pretty boyfriend outweighed the cons of research so you turned around and opened your eyes. Your eyes wandered from his chest to his head to his eyes to his arm that was holding something above you. Was that?
"Mistletoe," you said, a small smile appeared on your face.
"Yes," Sam confirmed.
"Well, you're going to have to come down to my height," you said. You were shorter than usual with you sitting down and all.
He leaned down, quite a lot I may add, to reach your lips. The sweet kiss turned passionate very quick. You broke away before anything could lead to sex.
"Merry Christmas to us," Sam said, stealing a quick kiss before dumping the lure books on the desk. You pouted and opened the first book.
Castiel agreed to go with you to one of your friend's Christmas party. Standing at the doorway, Cas tugged at the Christmas tie you had convinced him to wear. Rudolph the Red Nose Raindeer was stitched onto the tie. "Y/N, why does the raindeer have a red nose? Is he ill? Should he see a veterinarian?" He asked you when you had showed him the tie.
"Welcome!" Your friend said, opening the door. "Make yourselves at home," he said, pulling you amd Castiel in. "There's food and drinks over there. And, Y/N, there's mistletoe in the kitchen if you know what I mean." He winked at you.
You rolled your eyes and pretended to gag, but made a mental note to visit the kitchen later. The party went along fine as Castiel and you made you way around the party, hand in hand.
"Let's go to the kitchen," you said to Cas, squeezing his hand. He nodded and you guys made your way to the kitchen. You spotted the mistletoe under the doorway and lead Castiel under it.
"That's mistletoe," you explained to Castiel. He nodded and you continued, "When you're under it, you're supposed to kiss with the other person you're with. It's a human tradition."
He nodded and said, "Oh." A few more moment of nodding and he said, "Oh," realizing what it meant. You nodded and leaned closer to him.
You put your lips to his, tentatively at first, and then started to move at your own pace. Cas' lips followed yours and you felt his finger rub your hand. You pulled away for air and reciprocated his lop sided smile.
You woke up alone in your bed, but you were not surprised. Gabriel typically popped in and out during the day. Your clothes were on the floor when you were changing into regular clothes when you heard a single jingle bell. Your eyes scanned the room and then the ceiling. A small mistletoe hung from the ceiling.
You looked back down and saw Gabriel standing there. He quickly kissed your lips sweetly and said, "Have a nice day."
Later as you were washing dishes, you heard the familiar jingle bell and looked up. Mistletoe again. You looked back down and Gabriel was there. He grabbed you by your waist and pulled you in for another kiss, dipping you slightly while doing so. This kiss was more passionate than before but it ended just as abruptly as it started. "How's your day going?" He asked, leaning against the counter.
"Swell," you said. You talked a bit more before Gabriel had to leave again.
A jingle bell awoke you from your light sleep and you felt Gabriel wrap his arm around you. A soft kiss meet your cheek and he whispered, "Goodnight, (Y/N)."
You woke up and looked around. You saw Lucifer's face staring back at you. "Good morning," you said. Lucifer smiled back at you before laying his head back down.
You got out of bed and walked to your dresser. You heard a bang from behind you where the bed was. You turned around and saw Lucifer sitting up on the bed. Right above him was mistletoe.
You jumped on the bed and examined the mistletoe closer. "It has blood," you said surprised, but not shocked.
"There was an incident when I was trying to get it. No one died," he said and you sat back down on the bed.
You put your hands on his face and pulled him to your lips. Right away Lucifer's tongue asked for entrance and you let him explore your mouth. He broke away first and said, "I always forget how great your kisses are."
You smiled and joked, "You're so romantic. Bloodstained mistletoe and compliments. I'm swooning."
"I try," he said.
Crowley walked pass your bedroom and heard you mention his name. He leaned closer to the door. "Well, I mean, Crowley's lovely," you said. Crowley smirked proudly and was about to continue walking when, "Well, we don't have a normal relationship. Yeah, I miss doing normal stuff sometimes. I really love him though and I'm never bored or unhappy so it doesn't matter to me."
Crowley spent the next few days thinking to himself what normal people did. He was human once a couple hundred years ago. What did they do then? He was out of ideas until he sat down to watch a Christmas movie. The guy in the movie hung up mistletoe to kiss the girl he liked.
You walked into Crowley's throne room. "You called, Your Majesty?" You teased, bowing down slightly. Crowley stood from his throne and walked to you. You smiled curiously at him and with a finger he lifted your head up to ceiling. You were surprised to see it. You looked back at Crowley and he leaned in slowly.
He kissed you slowly, savoring every moment of this "normal" activity. You kissed him back with the same level of love he was giving you. You broke away and he gave you a wink.
"Normal isn't too bad," Crowley commented. You raised an eyebrow but he shook his head, chuckling.
The snow flakes were covering your hair as snow fell lightly onto the ground. You and Balthazar decided to take a walk through England.
Balthazar held your hand in his surprisingly warm hand. You smiled at him and he kissed the back of your hand before letting your hands swing freely again. He smiled back at you.
Balthazar stopped and stared at you for a moment. "What's wrong?" You asked. He shakes him head and sighs.
"Oh, nothing. I just have the most beautiful girl in front of me. That's pleases me greatly," he said causing your cheeks to burn. You looked around, taking in the sights of the snow.
"Mistletoe?" You asked. Up on a branch, hanging alone was mistletoe.
"Il est mon jour de chance," Balthazar whispered as he brought you closer to him. His warm lips touched your cold ones gently. They moved in rythem with yours. The cold from your body left when Balthazar pressed his against yours. You broke away slowly and smiled at hime again.
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