Preference #10 Argument
"Dean, spend some time with me," you said. You sounded a bit whiny and you hated it but it'd been a few weeks since your boyfriend had actually paid attention to you besides mindless kisses and quick I love yous.
"I can't. I'm going out on a hunt," he said, grabbing his bag.
"Yes, I know it's very important, but you don't pay attention to me. I've tried to be understanding but I need some love Dean. I stay in these hotels 24/7 and help you out on these cases all for you-"
"Listen, I never asked you to do any of that!" He yelled. "You decided to do those things, I never forced you to."
"How can you say that!?" Your voice trembled at his harsh words.
"I have a hunt to do. I'm sorry, but I've got to go." He slammed the door and you let your tears fall.
"Fuck it," you said to yourself and grabbed your bag of clothes and left as well.
"I can't believe it," you spat at him as you two walked out of the bar.
"What?" He asked.
"She was flirting with you and you didn't do anything."
"Who? The chick wearing red? She was a drunk that could bearly stand. Don't tell me you're j-"
"I'm not jealous, Sam. I'm angry. With you. She's all over you and you don't stop her."
"She's drunk. She doesn't know what she's doing. She can bearly stand."
"You could've told her to stop. But you didn't."
"I want you, not a drunk."
"See, you don't stop them even if they aren't drunk. That's what annoys me."
"Fine, next time I'll say something."
You guys drove home in silence.
In the middle of an exam, you were flashed out. You were confused for a moment about where you were until you saw the familiar faces of Sam and Dean. "What? How did I-" You stuttered.
"You're boyfriend wants to talk," was all Dean said. You raised an eyebrow, angry and confused. You worked your butt off to get into a good college and studied day and night to prepare yourself for the exam.
You walked into the room Sam was pointing to and saw Cas sitting there. He looked troubled and said, "I fear I am losing my way."
"Cas, what the fuck?" You said. "I was in the middle of my exam!"
"I think we need to, as humans put it, break up," he said. His words stung. They really did. And, to keep yourself from breaking down, you stayed angry.
"And you couldn't wait until after my exam!?"
"I'll take you back after."
"No, Castiel, you can't. They saw me vanish and if I go back I'll be a mystery they can't solve! You could've, at least, let me finish my exam, so I can be in college, and then have something to look foward to when you leave me!" Tears streamed down your face, and you walked outside where the Winchester brothers stood awkwardly outside. "Where are we?"
"T/N/Y (Town near you)," Sam said.
"Can one of you drive me home?" You sniffled and Dean nodded and took you home.
You were driving back to your place. When the familiar flap of wings announced Gabriel's presence, you tried holding back all your emotions. "I've got a terrible hungover," he said.
"Oh, that is horrible!" I yelled.
"Ow. Not so loud." You turned up the radio to your favorite classic rock station. "Why are you mad?"
"Last night."
"Why are you mad? You left me there."
"You don't fucking remember," you scoffed.
"I remember you left me there."
"Do you remember that you kissed another girl? That you were flirting with five other girls at the same time? Do you fucking remember that the girl you kissed called me ugly and stupid and told me I wasn't wanted there and that was the reason I left? And that you just sat there staring at a girl's tits?" Silence. You were yelling and crying and angry. "And do you remember that you promised not to flirt with girls again?" Gabriel tried to speak but you caught him off. "Leave my car. I don't ever want to see you again." He gave you a defeated and sad look before leaving.
He had anger management issues sometimes. You two started a lovely debate on whether or not to turn to turn your diets to all natural food and then things went down hill.
"I'm right, you're wrong. That's it," Lucifer argued.
"You said that last time! You're just always right, aren't you!?"
"Yes, I am! And you're always controlling!"
"How am I controlling if you're never around!"
"I'm always around!"
"Where were you when my mom was in the hospital or when I got a promotion or when I broke my leg!?"
"I had work!"
"The Winchesters are not work!"
"Yes, they are!"
"You are so stubborn!"
"At least, I'm not a whore!"
That hit you hard. You tried to keep your tears from falling. "Look, I'm gonna do an impression of you!" You said and stormed out of the room.
Crowley was so irresponsible with money, you did not know how he kept all his nice things. And at that moment, you were trying to remind him of that.
"Crowley, you're spending your money like crazy."
"You're spending your money like crazy."
"No, I keep my money in the bank and only use it when necessary."
"So do I."
"You bought a $800,000 house right after you bought $70,000 car right before that. How are you gonna pay all that off?"
"I have the money."
"But you can't be spending wildly like that."
"Yeah. Do you remember you still have a $30,000 debut from that bet you lost?"
"Money is human problems."
"And as long as you live with humans, it is now your problem."
"God, woman, why are you worrying!?"
"Because at the rate you're going, you'll be bankrupt in a year!"
"I'm the King of Hell!"
"That doesn't mean you don't have responsibilities! I'm just trying to look out for you!"
"Well, don't!"
"Fine!" You angrily left him in his house and drove away.
You picked Balthazar off the ground. "You're drunk again," you stated even though you doubted he'd heard you. He mumbled something as you sat him upright and slapped him. He opened his eyes.
"You drink too much," you told him.
"That's absurd. I rarely drink," he slurred.
"What's this?" You said, pointing to all the bottles of booze littered on the floor.
"I have it undercontrol."
"No, you don't! You drink without reason, and then you become violent!"
"I am not violent!" He yelled, throwing a bottle he was holding to the floor. It shattered and a shard of glass got stuck in your leg. You gasped in pain and looked at Balthazar. He had never physically hurt you before.
"I'm, I-" He started before flashing out. You sat down on a chair and stared at the glass, unsure what to do. Cas appeared, though, and helped you. He apologized for his brother and you nodded and said, "If you see him, tell him he's not allowed back in the house."
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