How you meet
You were lucky enough to be on vacation in France. Of course, you were in Paris. The city of romance. You were following the rest of the tourists to the Eiffel Tower. You admired the tower and wanted to take a picture with it.
"Excuse me, mister," you called to a stranger who was passing by. His eyes lit up when he saw you. "Can you take my picture please?" You handed him your phone.
"Sure," he said. He quickly tapped the woman next to him's shoulder and said, "Pouvez-vous nous prendre en photo?" He handed her his phone and positioned himself right next to you. His arm slumped around your shoulder. Now, usually, you would've pulled away. But you were in Paris and you guy was most definitely hot.
"Un, duex, trios," the woman said. The moment the last word came out of her mouth, you felt warm lips plannted on your cheek. You were shocked, but couldn't help a smile. "Quel beau couple," she said with a smile before handing him the phone back.
"I'm going to need your number," he said. You stared confused for a moment. "The picture is on my phone." He showed you and the picture was indeed in his phone.
"You could've just asked me for my number," you said after you gave him your number.
"Yes, but where's the fun in that?"
"What did she say? The woman who took our photo? Before she left?"
"What a lovely couple," he said with a cheeky smile. "Name's Balthazar if you're interested."
"Pleasure to meet you, ma chérie," he said, walking away.
First Date
You recieved the picture over text. The pictured showed you smiling with a light blush and Balthazar was kissing your cheek. Meet me where we met at 8 pm? You were in Paris and you felt you could do anything with life because of that so you agreed to his request.
At eight pm, you appeared right on time to the Eiffel Tower, specifically where you took the picture at. You felt your phone buzz and you received a message that said, look to your right.
And there he was a few feet to your right. He had a single rose in his hand. With a smile plastered to your face, you walked to him.
"Bon jour, ma chérie," he said. You smiled at him. "You look beautiful." Balthazar admired your dress.
"I know," you said, deciding to be a little self confident.
"How do you feel about snails?" He asked. You tried to keep your face from falling. Snails? No offense, but you weren't in the mood for snails. He burst out laughing. "I'm kidding. Steak?"
"Wonderful," you said in relief.
He offered his arm and you took it. You walked down the street to a restaurant that had tables outside. You took a table outside and had some really good steak.
"So what do you do?" Balthazar asked.
"I'm a photographer," you said.
"You? Really? Interesting. What do you?"
"I, uh, take pictures for this nature magazine. I get to travel alot. They pay good too," you said.
"Ah. Well, Y/N, where is your next work assignment taking you?"
"I'm not sure. I think I'm going to Mexico next. But there was some talk about Canada. I'll just have to wait and see."
"Why are you a photographer?"
"I just look capturing the moment. Some things are just beautiful and need to appreciate it."
"Like you." You blushed. "How about I capture the moment?"
First Kiss
You were on your first date with Balthazar. He had just said how he wanted to capture the moment. "How are you going to capture this moment? I don't see a camera."
Without hesitation, he leaned in and his lips gently touched yours in a sweet kiss. You could taste the champagne in his lips. There was a little tongue in it because it wouldn't have been a french kiss otherwise. When he broke away from the kiss, his lips lingered on yours for a moment before he leaned back and said, "That's how you capture a moment."
How you sleep
Spooning. You're the little spoon and Balthazar is the big spoon. One hand lazily wraps around your waist. The other hand plays with your hair.
First I love you
Your assignment at the time was to take pictures of a rare frog in the rain forest. You were sticky, tired, and cranky. Your tour guide was annoying and flirted with you endlessly even after you informed him you had a boyfriend.
"How much farther?" You asked.
"Oh, it's close. Those frogs always hang there. Speaking of hanging, are you free tonight?" Your tourguide asked wiggling his eyebrows.
"Wow. I didn't think you could get much worse," you muttered. He stopped and you nearly bumped into him. "What? Why are you-" He leaned in to kiss you but you pushed him away. "What the fuck? I have a boyfriend who-"
"Is right here," Balthazar said right behind your tour guide. "Lenny, is it?" He asked your tour guide, Lenny. Lenny nodded. "I love Y/N very much and would appreciate if you stepped away from her and didn't try to kiss her. Wonderful. Now, run along. I can show Y/N the way."
"No way, man. I'm sup-" Balthazar silenced him with a glare. Lenny swallowed suddenly aware that Balthazar was not one to mess with. "Okay, fine. But when you two get lost, I'm not going to rescue you." He stormed off.
You ran to Balthazar and hugged him. "You don't know how happy I am to see you."
"Ditto. Now, let's go see a frog."
You walked hand in hand down the forest. "You didn't have to day you loved me, you know," you said. It kinda bothered you that the first time he said I love you was a lie. "You didn't have to lie. I think your muscles would've scared him off just fine."
Balthazar chuckled. "I wasn't lying. I love you, Y/N." You were speechless and a small blush spread. "There," he pointed to a small log on the floor. The frog. You took your camera and took a few pictures of the frog.
"Thank you," you said. "I love you." You looked into his eyes. He leaned down to kiss you but Lenny's screams cut it off. "Lenny?"
"It wasn't poisonous. He should survive a minutes without treatment. Now, where were me?"
"Bal," you said, rolling your eyes and taking his hand to go find Lenny.
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