Sam, John and Dean- Can you hear me now sammy?
The person who requested this chapter wanted to remain anonymous. This is a chapter where Sammy is deaf and he gets very sick so John leaves and dean takes care of him (Sam-15 dean-19)
Set in Deans POV
"How much longer?" I whined to dad in the back seat of the impala.
"Quit your whining! Just another five minutes..." he grumbled. He had gotten a call from Bobby but the job was far too dangerous for us so he has decided to rest me and Sam at the closest motel before we go on the hunt.
"How's Sammy?" I looked over to him. When his mother had caught fire when he was a baby the explosion was so loud that it cause Sammy to lose his hearing. Luckily he had his hearing aids in. I patted him on the shoulder and he looked up.
"How are you doing?" I signed to him. Sam shrugged.
"What's wrong?" I signed to him.
"Just light headed." I started to panic. Normally when Sam gets light headed he's getting sick.
"Why don't you sleep?" I patted my legs and he put his head down. I felt his forehead gingerly and he had a soaring temperature.
"Dad I think Sammy is getting sick." Dad looked over to the slumbering boy.
"He'll be fine." We soon arrived at the motel.
"Sammy wake up?" I shook him gingerly. He groaned and sat up, swaying slightly. I put my hands on his back and chest. He looked at me and nodded. I helped him inside onto a bed. I covered him up with a comforter before closing the bedroom door.
"I don't think Sammy will be well enough to go for this hunt dad." He opened a beer and looked over his notes.
"He'll be fine Dean." He grumbled. I rolled my eyes before heading to the sofa and covering myself with a blanket, falling asleep.
A few hours later
I sat up, hearing the loud sound of retching. I stood up and went to the bathroom. I pushed open the door to see dad sitting behind Sam as he lurched forward to throw up, his skin a pale shade of green.
"Dad?" I rubbed my eyes.
"Ok he's sick. I need to leave for this hunt. You take care of him." He stood up and grabbed his coat before leaving without another word. Sam looked up at me with hope and sadness in his eyes.
"I'm sorry buddy." I signed to him, sitting down behind him.
"It's ok." He signed back. He put his hand to his mouth, burping.
"Dean..." he whispered. It was the first time I had heard him talk in months.
I rubbed his back, making sure he knew he was safe. I waited a while before making a move.
"You ok now?" He nodded and stood up with my help. Suddenly the sound of rumbling echoed in the bathroom. Sam doubled over gasping.
"Please leave..." he signed, starting to fumble with his belt buckle.
I left, closing the door behind me. I heard him sit down on the toilet as everything erupted out the other end. I sat on the door. I suddenly heard retching. I opened the door regardless and thrusted the bin under his chin. He gagged and threw up. As soon as one started the other finished. After another hour he was left, shivering and cold and scared. I looked away as he cleared himself up. I helped him over to the couch and covered him a blanket, cuddling in beside him.
He signed to me before closing his eyes.
"I love you too Sammy...."
Sam was sick many more times during the next couple of days. Dean took him to the hospital to find out he had a stomach flu and that his appendix was about to rupture. After a week of being sick he managed to soon start hunting.
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