Sam x Reader : Love Blossoms in Prank Wars
Sam x Reader : Love Blossoms in Prank Wars
(YN) : your name (MN): Middle name (LN): Last Name (HC) : hair colour (EC): Eye colour (HL):Hair length (FC): Favourite Colour (LFC): Least favourite colour
Your POV
As you walked into the bunker, you strolled straight into the bathroom. Making sure to grab a towel along the way, not wanting to have a repeat of what happened a couple of months ago... You felt the grime that stuck to your clothing, almost rub on you. Your skin felt gross so you quickly unchanged and switched the shower on. You put the towel to the side and stepped into the shower/bath cubicle. You sighed and watched the dirt wash straight off of your skin. You smiled and began to wash your hair.
You groaned and kept washing your hair. You and Sam never really met eye to eye all of the time. He teased you so you teased him back. You and him went to Stanford together, you were a friend of Jess'. After her death, it became clear that Sam was a hunter and you turned out to be a peaceful naturally gifted witch. You went on the road with both him and his flirtatious brother Dean. And you just had to develop a more than big crush on Sam...
"I'LL GET OUT WHEN I'M FINISHED SAM! BE PATIENT!" You shouted as you finished washing the shampoo out of your hair.
You washed the rest of your body and stepped out of the shower, not switching it off yet. You dried your body and just as you were about to switch the shower off and wrap the towel around yourself.... The bathroom door slammed open
You interrupted him as you threw a shampoo bottle at his head, it bashed his nose, you could have sworn you heard it crack. Sam held his nose as you turned the shower off and quickly grabbed your towel and wrapped it around yourself.
"For Christo Sake, Sammy!" You hissed and held the towel around yourself tighter.
"Well I need a shower too!"
"Fine! Have the shower!" You walked out of the bathroom and didn't see that Sam was staring directly at your ass...
You smirked as you walked into the kitchen area and heard the shower start again
"Now... Time for some payback Sammy." Your hand twisted the hot water tap and you heard a girlish screech come from the bathroom. Which most definitely made you smirk even wider
You saw steam escape the bathroom as Sammy rushed out of it.
"(YN).." He bellowed lowly
"Yes..." You grinned
"WHAT THE HELL?!" He screeched
"I just wanted to have a little... fun." You smirked even wider
"You sound like Gabriel..." He scoffed and rolled his eyes
You smirked as you spotted something by the bathroom door and you glanced at Sam which made you blush lightly but smirk wider.
"Oh Sammy~ Looks like you've left something." You pointed to the large wet white towel that lay in a heap on the ground.
Sam looked at the towel and then down at himself, he blushed like a schoolgirl and ran back into the bathroom, grabbing the towel as he ran into the bathroom quicker than you could say 'Moose'. You burst into hysterics, him running into the bathroom gave you the opportunity to stare at his ass this time ;)
TIME SKIP ~~~~~~~~~~
You sighed as you finished drying your hair, shaking your head like a wet dog slightly. You sighed and decided that you needed to get changed. You walked out of the bathroom and went into your travel bag. You grabbed your bra but... you couldn't find any of your underwear. You frowned and found the dirty washing bag, you and the boys put your dirty clothes in it and washed your clothes when you reached a launderette.
No pairs of underwear were in there. You heard snickering. You walked up to it and saw Sam snickering. You rose a brow until your eyes caught sight of something hanging out of the window.. Something (FC)...
Out of the window for the whole world, well more like the whole city to see was 5 pairs of your underwear, hanging out the window like little flags. You blushed madly and screamed
"SAMMY!!! WHAT THE HELL!!!" Your face burning bright red.
He smirked at your fuming expression. Your eye twitched as you pushed him out of the way, grabbing a coat hanger to try and hook your underwear onto. You had managed to get nearly all of them until... one pair fell off the thing that it was hanging off of...
You squealed and tried to grab it but it was too far... You watched it float down like a feather would and fall into the hands of a familiar face.
Dean Fucking Winchester...
You screeched as he looked up and spotted you, you hit Sam in the chest with your fists before sprinting into the bathroom once again, grabbing your travel bag along the way. You heard the motel room door open and close. You got changed and zipped up your bag. You opened the bathroom door and quietly walked out. Bag in hand.
There stood Sam with Dean by his side, with the last pair of underwear in his hands. You walked up to him and snatched them from his hands. Not before Dean slipped in one of his witty remarks
"Nice choice in panties (NN)."
You growled at Sam and stared at him, wanting to wipe that annoying yet sexy smirk from his face. You thought for a second and looked him in the eyes
"You've messed with the wrong witch, Sammy boy."
"Oh really."
"Indeed.. I (YN) (MN) (LN) declare a... PRANK WAR! with against you! SAMUEL WINCHESTER!" You pointed a finger at him and smirked
"I accept this... Prank war, When does it begin?"
"As soon as we shake hands upon the matter." You held your hand out which he grasped and shook. You smirked and used your naturally born telekinesis to do something as you shook hands with him
He let go off your hand and smirked, you turned on your heel and headed towards your bed but before you did you turned your head and looked at him
"Oh by the way Sammy... Your flies undone." Sammy blushed and looked down at himself and fiddled with the jean zipper till it went all the way up. You giggled and flung yourself onto your creaky motel bed.
It had been two days since the prank war began... And it was late at night, you were finishing up today's final prank. You sniggered as you used your telekinesis. You finished the final parts of the prank and ran back to your bed and sniggered more. Preparing for when Sammy would finally awaken...
Sam's POV
My eyes opened and I yawned, I stretched and as I started to sit up did I feel a sudden throbbing tug at my hair. I flinched and turned my head to see each of my individual locks of hair tied to the bedpost
"DEAN!!!!!!!!!! (YN)!!!!" I screeched and Dean shot awake.
"What is it Sammy!! Is it a demo- what the actual fuck Sammy?!" Dean snorted
"This isn't funny!!! Help me!!!!" I pouted and tried to undo the knots that tied my hair to the bedpost
"(YN)!!!!" I screeched and watched (YN) walk in with such confidence, obviously faking tiredness.
She pretended to yawn "Hmmm.. What's wrong? I just woke up from a lovely nap." She purred each word which made me hiss.
Dean was unknotting my hair as I saw (YN) smirking at me, I frowned.
'Game on...' I mouthed to her
'Fight me Moose boy.' She smirked and left the room.
Time Skip ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Your POV
I was fiddling and messing with some herbs and other bits and bobs. Mixing them in a bowl, before letting it drip into Sam's shampoo bottle. You smirked even more. You twisted the cap of Sam's shampoo bottle and shook it slightly. You put them where they usually would be placed. You sneaked out of the bathroom and pretending you were reading.
Little did you know that Sammy was doing the exact same thing but with your shampoo bottles in the small crappy kitchen that came with this motel room. He twisted the bottles closed and shook them harshly. He crumpled up the (LFC) hair dye box and put it in the bin. He smirked and kept them behind his back as he walked into the bathroom, putting them beside his own shampoo bottles. He walked out and went back to doing some research on his laptop.
The past few days had been filled with scary to humiliating pranks. Like clown laptop jump-scare games to using your razor to shave his chest-hair and leaving a ball of gross, sticky chest-hair at the end. You could probably make a weave out of it...
You sighed and looked at Sam. His eyes caught yours. You felt your hair and it felt greasy so you decided to take a shower
"I'm going for a shower.." You walked over to the bathroom
"Lock the door this time and don't take long." Sam sniggered
You gave him the middle finger and slammed the bathroom door shut. You hopped in the shower after getting unchanged. You sighed lightly and squirted some shampoo onto your hand, massaging it into your scalp. Your shampoo smelled different but you shrugged and ignored it. Letting it wash out of your hair, you switched the shower off and wrapped the towel around yourself. You unlocked the bathroom door and walked back into the area where Sam was.
"The shower's free Moose-boy." You glanced at him
He hopped up and brushed past you, heading into bathroom. You smirked
'Hope you enjoy having green hair for a couple of weeks Sammy boy.' You giggled to yourself
You sighed and wrapped your hair in a small towel. You sighed as you saw Sammy exit the bathroom. The towel was now tightly wrapped around his waist.
You sighed as you saw him grab the crappy hair-dryer he bought ages ago, you remember teasing him about buying it. He disappeared into the bathroom and switched the hair-dryer on. You got changed into some pajamas. You were feeling extremely lazy so you used your telekinesis to undo the towel that was wrapped around your head. You used your telekinesis again to switch the hairdryer on and let it do all the work, closing your eyes. You sighed as you felt your hair. You smiled, your hair was dry. You opened your eyes and looked for a mirror as your grabbed your brush. You began to brush your hair absentmindedly. You found a mirror and looked right at yourself
You gasped and looked at your hair. You screeched "SAM!!!!!!!!"
And at the same time you heard Sam yell "(YN)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
You ran to him, but you slipped on something which sent you tumbling into something, well rather someone. You fell and grabbed onto fabric pulling the person down with you. You closed your eyes as your head hit the floor. You felt hot air tickle your nose and lips, you opened your eyes to see that you were nose to nose with Sam... His hair was now neon green. He was blushing and you knew that you were as well... You looked into his eyes but couldn't hold it in. You burst into laughter and soon after so did Sam. The two of you were in hysterics. His nose still brushing against your own. You looked into his eyes as your laughter died down. Sam looked straight into yours.
"You're so cute when you laugh..." He muttered, you smiled lightly, pink dusting your cheeks.
You soon saw that Sam's lips were so close to touching your own. You took the chance and leaned up slightly. Catching his lips with your own. His eyes widened while your's closed. His soon closed and his hand brushed against your cheek and went to the back of your head, lifting it of the ground more. You smiled and wrapped your arms around his neck. Still kissing him deeply and sweetly.
The two of you soon separated from the kiss and smiled at eachother.
It seemed that love blossomed between the both of you like a cherry blossom bud in Autumn.
You smiled at him as you sat up, your arms still wrapped around his neck. He smiled and pecked your forehead.
You chuckled and twirled a finger around a lock of his now neon green hair
You saw Dean walk in and he snorted as he looked at both your and Sam's hair.
Sam rolled his eyes at him and kept looking at you
"I guess this prank war is over." You smiled
"Indeed but who won?" Sam asked and smirked
"I guess its a tie..."
"I can deal with that." He kissed your cheek
Dean made vomit sounds which made both you and Sam shoot glares at him
Dean held his hands up in defense and left the room, You chuckled and nuzzled close to Sam.
Sam held you close and smiled more. You looked up at him and sighed. Before you closed your eyes you heard him say
"I love you (ANN)."
"I love you too Moose-boy."
THE END ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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