Castiel x Cat!Reader : Little Blue Ribbon.
(YN) : your name (HC) : hair colour (EC): Eye colour (HL):Hair length
Castiel x Cat!Reader - Little Blue Ribbon.
Your POV
You were in a very difficult situation, walking around on your 4 paws. Yes, four paws. You were a hunter and had managed to get on the bad side of a witch, instead of killing you. She... Turned you into a cat.
You kept pounding down the streets, the rain pelting down. You were trying to find the motel that you were staying at with (FN), your hunting partner. You sighed and kept getting lost. Losing your way while dodging cars that seemed to want to run you over. You were kicked by people that walked past. You hissed seemingly easily, you kept running. Your paws hurting, everything seemed so much bigger...
Soon did you grow tired and hungry and tried to find somewhere to hide from the rain. You made your way into a park, hiding under a bench. Curling up and shivering from the cold. You heard footsteps, your ears perked up and saw a long trench-coat. You peeked your head out from under the bench. A man with sunken eyes and a long tan trench-coat was sat, he turned his head to look at you. His blue eyes caught your (EC) coloured eyes. He tilted his head and went on his knees and reached for you, you backed away from the strange man with such striking blue eyes. He laid his hand out softly, you cautiously approached and looked at him. Somewhere deep down you trusted the man. You approached him and his hand came down to softly pet you. You unexpectedly purred, you couldn't control it. You purred and arched your back into his touch. He smiled and slowly picked you up. He looked at you and pet your (HC) fur. You purred and he spotted something around your neck. He looked at it and you saw that it was your anti-possession symbol necklace, it seemed to have shrunk with you. He smiled
"You must belong to a hunter little one." He stood up and kept you close, knowing how cold it was. You kept close, your claws digging into his jacket. He started to walk somewhere. Slowly you were lulled to sleep by his beating heart.
You awoke and found yourself in the lap of the man that found you. You looked up at him. He kept petting you. Two new people entered the room
"Cas. Why is there a cat on your lap?" the shorter of the two asked
"I found her in the park, she seemed cold so I picked her up." He tickled under your chin
"Cas, what if she's someone else's Cat, they're probably worried sick." The taller of the two kneeled by you and the man who you now knew to be named Cas.
Cas frowned and kept petting you, fiddling with your necklace as well
"Cas. Think about it. Ask her what her owner is called, maybe we'll find her and give her back to them." The shorter one propositioned, Cas picked you up and looked you in the eyes. He started to talking to you, you tried to talk back but it came out in 'Mew Mew Mews'. Cas sighed
"I can't hear anything..."
"Are you sure Cas." The short haired one rose a brow
"I am not lying, Dean." Cas began to pet you.
You curled up on Cas' shoulder, nuzzling him. Cas pet you. The taller one pet you calmly and smiled, you purred. You liked the taller one, he was definitely nicer than the other one. The other man tried to pet you, a disgusted look on his face. He laid a finger on you and you slashed him with one claw. He hissed in pain
"HOLY FUCK! GOD DAMMIT! IT'S FERAL! FUCKING FERAL." He held his bleeding finger
"Inside voices Dean and I do not tolerate such language." Cas looked at him, the man known as Dean scoffed and walked away. The taller one went after him.
"Now... What to call you... hmmm..." He stood up and walked over to a laptop, sitting down at the table. You hopped down and onto the table, looking at the screen
You looked at the screen and saw names like 'Fluffy' and 'Honeysuckle'. You hated the idea of being called 'Fluffy'. Cas looked at you, you laid a paw on the keyboard. He rose a brow you motioned for him to keep scrolling. He scrolled down till he found the name that you were actually called.
"(YN)?... Do you like that name?" You nodded and purred as if to say 'YES!!!'
Cas smiled and picked you up "You are now called (YN), I am Castiel. Nice to meet you." He lifted your paw and shook it like he would do a person's hand. If you could smile you would.
'Castiel... ' You thought in your head, the name seemed sweet and soft. You purred as you thought
'I think I'll like living here till (FN) finds me.' You hopped onto his shoulder and curled up, purring as you fell asleep
TIME SKIP~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
You awoke and stretched, you looked down at yourself 'Day 1 of being a cat begins...' You looked around and looked for Castiel, the nice man that saved you. You were met by soft green eyes, it was the taller one of the men you met last night. To you he was ginormous, like a giant. You looked up at him and soon saw the shorter one named Dean walk in, giving you a glare. You stretched and hopped off the couch that you were somehow sitting on. You saw that Castiel was gone. You kept looking for Castiel
'Maybe he can help me, I sense something different about him...' You kept looking around the motel room.
You were still getting used to living life on four paws. You felt soft hands pick you up, you freaked out till you realised it was Castiel, he carried you back to the living-area and pet you softly. He held you in front of the two boys, they looked at him weirdly.
"Introduce yourselves, it's rude not to."
"Introduce ourselves... to a cat?" Dean rose a brow
"Yes Dean."
"I am not introducing myself to a cat."
"You are very rude, Dean."
"I'm not!"
"Then introduce yourself to (YN)."
"I am no- wait... (YN)?"
"Yes, her name is (YN)."
You just watched the two talk, being held in Castiel's hands softly.
"Cas... You're already attached." Dean sighed, Castiel frowned
"Is being attached wrong?" Castiel tilted his head
Dean rubbed his temples "Fine.. Hi (YN), My name's Dean. Nice to meet you." Dean said unenthusiastically
"Thank you Dean, Now you Sam."
"Hello (YN), I'm Sam." He waved.
Castiel smiled "Thank you, much appreciated." He sat down and pet you more.
"One thing Cas."
"Yes Dean, what might that be?"
"The cat isn't allowed in the Impala."
"Dean..." Castiel sighed
"No Cas." Dean walked into a different room
Castiel sighed and pet you more. You were confused, even though you were actually human, you had no idea what the hell an impala is?!
You looked up at Castiel and climbed up and nuzzled him. You don't know why but you were attached to him, like a magnet you couldn't get away from him, you wanted to be near him. You didn't know why.
"Cas, we better go buy stuff since (YN) will need cat food." Sam told Cas, You went 'Yuck...' in your head but thought 'Maybe I'll like it..'
Castiel nodded and pet you more
"We better go to the pet-store then, leave the cat here and we'll be back here in an hour or so." Dean sighed and got his jacket, so did Sam. Castiel sighed and looked into your eyes.
He opened his pocket, you knew what he was thinking and devilishly sneaked into his pocket, wanting to piss Dean off. You really didn't like him. Even if you were human you wouldn't like him, you knew just by the way he acted. You curled into his pocket, Castiel stood up and walked over to Sam and Dean. You kept low. You didn't really mind being a cat right now.
Castiel walked with Sam and Dean, they sat in a car.
'This must be an impala..' You thought
You kept curled in Castiel's pocket 'Its so nice in here.'
Castiel put his hand in the pocket and played with your tail. You pawed at him softly, not scratching. Trying not to scratch him. The car stopped and soon did he take his hand out of the pocket and stood up. You curled up. You began to think about how (FN) is doing? If he/she was doing okay or not. He'll/She'll probably be searching for you. You stayed curled up till Castiel put his hand in the pocket, he began to play with you secretly. You stayed curled up. Occasionally peering out of the pocket to glance out at the world that you once saw as so small, that was now so so big. Castiel took his hand out of the pocket, as not to let Sam or Dean notice that he had you in his pocket. You sighed or chuffed in a weird yet soft way. Soon enough did you notice that Sam and Castiel were holding a basket filled with cat supplies. You peered out and looked at Sam, you saw the outline of something on his chest under his under-shirt and plaid over it, you focused on it and it looked like a anti-possession tattoo. You went back into the pocket, deep back.
'Hunters...' You curled up and tried to think if you had heard of the two before.
There is only one pair of hunters that you and (FN) know of by the names of Sam and Dean.
Sam and Dean Winchester...
You had heard of the pair, they were supposedly very different from one another. Which you saw was true. But you had never heard of Castiel before. There were rumors. It all confused you, everything that has happened since yesterday is confusing. You felt like you were being swayed side to side, like a crib of sorts. It was soothing but soon became harsh as Sam, Dean and Castiel got into the Impala. Castiel held the pocket you were put in, sliding his hand into the pocket, almost sensing that you were afraid or not comfortable.
TIME SKIP~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ AT THE BUNKER
You awoke and found yourself in a small cat bed. You were curled up tightly into a ball. Castiel was no-where to be found or seen. Dean looked at you and held up a small plastic bag.
You rose to your... four paws and backed away from the older Winchester brother. He opened the bag and took out what seemed to be Build-a-bear clothes... A trenchcoat... a mini trench coat... A mini tan trenchcoat... You tried to scamper away but Dean caught you. You scratched and mewed loudly. Hating being held by the idiot hunter.
Castiel's POV
I appeared back in the bunker after leaving to attend to some other business, I looked for (YN). I kept looking for her. I frowned and walked around, looking for her. I heard hissing from another room, I appeared in the room and I saw Dean holding (YN), She was hissing and scratching.
"Let go of (YN), Dean." I said from behind him.
He let go off her, (YN) scampered off. He had dressed her in a small baby-sized trench-coat, similar to my own. A ribbon had been used as tie around her neck, I walked over to her and took the trench-coat off of her, throwing it in the bin, I undid the tie and re-used it, tying a bow instead. She stayed close to me.
"Cas, any news on the witch?" Sam came into the room
"I know of her location, she's taken a young man/woman by the name of (FN). He/She's a hunter."
Your POV
Your eyes widened
'(FN) has been taken by the witch. God damnit! He/She probably went looking for me and got caught by that witch bitch...'
You felt as if you needed to do something, something to help but being in this form won't help...
You curled up and Castiel pet you.
"If she has an innocent then we must go after her and save Miss/Mr (FN)... as soon as possible." Castiel responded to Sam
Sam nodded and went to go find Dean. Castiel kneeled by you and pet you more. You felt guilty for (FN) being captured...
A couple of hours later did Sam and Dean prepare to leave, the moon was high. You needed to go with them. You had to. You sneaked into Castiel's trenchcoat for the final time before the three hopped into the impala. You stayed low and made limited movement. Not wanting Castiel to know you were in his pocket.
You felt cold air waft past you as you peered out of the pocket. There stood the witch. Smirking wickedly. (FN) was tied up and by a fire. The witch held a long knife, spell book in hand.
"Hello Winchesters, and the Angel of the Lord." The witch smirked more, Sam and Dean cocked their guns. A long dagger was now in Castiel's hand, preparing to fight.
"Release him/her! you bitch." Dean rose his gun, the witch threw his gun away with a flick of her wrist.
"I've already finished with his/her friend, this one came searching for the girl... Let's just say she's now in a more.. furry situation. But I think you already knew that Castiel."
Castiel looked at her in confusion, as did Sam and Dean. Your fur was on end and soon did you decide to make people aware that you were here
You jumped out of the pocket and stood by Castiel.
The witch smirked "Having fun (YN)? Having fun living life on four teeny weeny little paws." The witch teased
You hissed and felt yourself grow taller, still retaining fur but growing. The moon was high and Castiel stared at you. You chuffed and ran towards the witch. Castiel ran after you. You attacked the witch and Castiel helped you. Sam and Dean freed (FN) and kept their guns by their side. You kept attacking the witch till you were thrown to the side by her. Castiel stabbed her with his blade. Her eyes lit up and burned, her mouth sizzled. You somehow let out a human like gasp.
Sam, Dean and (FN) looked down at your cat form and as the moon reached its final full phase, you felt something change. Your body twisting and turning, stretching and the fur was no more. You felt your small paws turn to hands and fingers. You sighed as you felt your feet touch the leaves that covered the ground. Your head rose up and hair hung in front of your eyes as you looked up and met eyes with Castiel. You felt a chill up the back of your neck and down your spine. You looked at yourself and saw that you were butt naked...
You screeched and hid behind a tree, not wanting to be seen. Castiel looked at you and took his trench-coat off. Walking towards you, he handed his trench-coat to you. You pulled it around yourself and looked into his eyes
He looked at you, his hand reached out and touched the ribbon that was tied around your neck. The ribbon he tied around your neck. You looked into his eyes, he looked straight into yours.
"Uhm can you two stop having a chick-flick moment, you're making me feel sick." Dean groaned
You looked at Dean and hissed, after you did you instantly covered your mouth with your hand. Two small things poked out of your head.
A pair of cat ears...
Sam chuckled, as did Dean. You sighed "Well it's better than being all cat I guess." playing with your ears
Castiel looked at you more seriously, you frowned.
"I'm am sorry Miss for inflicting a name upon you when you were unable to contact with me at all, I'm sorry (YN)... I-I mean Mis-"
You put your hand on his shoulder, he went completely silent
"It's fine, actually (YN) is my name, I did choose it when you were deciding what to name me, I'm fine." You smiled at him
He smiled back at her, and touched the ribbon that was tied around your neck again and was about to take it off, you stopped him and smiled
"Leave it. I kinda like it." He smiled ever so lightly at you.
The morning approached as the moon slowly disappeared from the sky. (FN) hugged you and led you to his/her car. You sighed and smiled sadly at Castiel, who got into the boy's impala.
The two cars drove close to one another and they both arrived at their destinations which was a matter of seconds between each other. The boy's bunker was on the bottom floor while (FN) and (YN)'s bunker was one floor up.
'How ironic... how didn't I know that it was the same motel that (FN) was staying at?' You facepalmed
Well then again, everything looked so much bigger when you were a cat. You gave yourself that one.
You exchanged glances with Castiel as you walked up the stairs, and as he walked into the bunker with Sam and Dean. You walked into the motel room and found some clean clothes and changed into them. You held Castiel's trench-coat in your hands, you held it close and inhaled his scent. You shook your head and put some comfy shoes on and headed down to Sam and Dean's bunker. You held the trench-coat in your hands, biting your lip as you knocked on the door. Sam answered the door and called Castiel over. Castiel stood before you and looked at you with a soft look in his eyes, the same look he gave you the first time he met you in the park that night. You smiled and handed him his trench-coat. He slipped it on and flipped the collar slightly. You smiled
"Much better, you look more like you... I better get back." You turned to leave when Castiel caught your hand in his. You turned to look at him
He walked closer to you and kissed your cheek, you blinked a couple of times. He let go of your hand and as he closed the door he said
"Goodnight (YN)..."
You snapped out of your daze when you heard him close the door. You touched your cheek and slowly walked back up the stairs. Laying down on your horrible motel bed as soon as you got into your motel room, still touching the place where he kissed your cheek with your palm. (FN) was already asleep and slightly snoring. You sighed and laid awake, thinking about him. About Castiel. You felt your small cat ears drop down to rest on your hairline as your eyes closed, your mind still racing and thinking about the Angel who rescued you in the park and helped you turn back to 'partially' human self...
TIME SKIP~~~~~~~~~~~~
You awoke to seeing (FN) packing, you sat up and sighed. Knowing that this meant that you were leaving this small town. You sighed again and brushed your hair with a comb and remembered when Castiel pet your fur when you were stuck as a cat. You purred lightly and closed your eyes, your cat ears twitched. You opened your eyes after a bit and went to packing your bags, (FN) brought their bags down to the car.
You packed everything and walked down the stairs, you stopped in your tracks when you saw the Winchesters and Castiel standing by the Impala. Which was parked across the road from (FN)'s car. Your eyes caught Castiel's. You gave (FN) your bags and he/she put it in the back. You turned to meet Castiel's eyes. His bright eyes caught with yours and you stood there, frozen to the spot by his eyes. Soon enough did (FN) call saying it was time to go and to say goodbye. You sighed and said goodbye to Sam and Dean. You looked at Castiel for the last time and said softly
"Bye Castiel... I hope our paths intertwine somehow in the future." You smiled and turned around, walking to the passenger seat of the car. Opening the door and sitting down. Your heart and mind kept yelling
'GO BACK!!!!!!'
You bit your lip and as soon as (FN) started the ignition did you sprint out of the car. Castiel was about to get in the back of the Impala when you shouted
"WAIT! CASTIEL!!" He froze when he heard your voice and started to walk over to you, you walked over to him. He was a few meters away when you grabbed his tie and pulled him into a soft yet deep kiss, he froze for a few seconds before almost instinctively kissing back and holding you close, his thumb brushed your small cat ears which made you shiver. The two of you stood there, him kissing you deeply but yet so softly and innocently.
The two of you parted and you looked him in the eyes, still holding his tie
"Where did you learn to kiss like that?"
He smiled and chuckled
"I learned it from the Pizza man." Castiel smiled and brushed your small cat ears softly once more.
You smiled and chuckled.
The two of you stood there for a few minutes, looking into one another's eyes and talking quietly before both Sam and Dean and (FN) beeped their car horns. Saying it was time to go.
You chuckled and kissed him again, he blushed lightly
"We will most definitely cross roads again. I'll make sure of that. (YN)." His gruff voice sounded softer than usual.
You smiled and like that the two of you walked off, you sat down in (FN)'s car and soon enough did he drive off. The Winchesters drove off in the other direction...
Your's and Castiel's paths did intertwine once again, and many times after that...
And through all of that, the one thing that reminds you truly of the memories of those 2 days....
Still remained tied around your neck...
The small blue ribbon that now held a small charm... A charm of a single pure silver... A charm...
Of a single feather...
THE END ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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