Don't leave me Gabriel x Reader
"Gabriel...don't leave me to die without you, please." I whisper, grabbing his hand, coughing up blood.
Gabriel kneels down to my level, grabbing my head and resting it in his lap, tears slipping down his face as he combed my hair with his delicate fingers.
"Y/n, let me heal you! Please, I don't want you to die." He pulls my head onto his chest, cradling me, holding me closer.
Whats going on you ask?
Well, let me tell you.
My name is Y/n Winchester, my brother's are Sam and Dean Winchester, My dead parents, John and my unknown mother, and dead adopted father Bobby Singer.
About two months ago I was stabbed be a demon.
No, my brother's weren't with me at the time.
I needed some fresh air, away from the bunker, so I took a walk down to the store a mile or so away to get more beer, pie, and other much needed food.
I was walking past an alleyway when a man grabbed me, flashing his black eyes at me, he stabbed me in my torso, running away like a little bitch.
I was bleeding out, my life flashing before my eyes, this is how one of the famous Winchester's go out huh?
Or so I thought...
I saw a glowing light, a flutter.
I heard a struggle, then I saw him.
A tall lean man, beautiful longish caramel hair, light blonde scruff, golden eyes that looked like a glass of whiskey setting in the sun.
He bent down towards my torso, his hand on my wound,a shriek leaving my lips.
A glowing light emits from his hand, the pain ebbing away.
The man sat back, staring intently at me.
I sit up, looking at my torn bloody shirt, there is no wounds, only blood.
"Who are you?" I question the handsome stranger.
"The names Gabriel, archangel, son of god, blah blah blah, your guardian angel." The man named Gabriel smirks, helping me to my feet.
"My names Y/n-"
"Y/n Winchester, yeah I know all about you and your brothers. Born February 7, your 26 years old, Sam and Dean are your brothers, infamous hunters, killing monsters, angel Castiel, blah blah adopted father yada yada." He grabs my hand, sending us to the bunker.
"Y/n M/n Winchester! Where have you been!? Why is there blood everywhere!?"Dean starts to yell at me, walking towards the entry of the library, then seeing Gabriel at my side, smirking.
"Son of a bitch! Sammy get that damn angel blade now! Gabriel's here!" Dean pulls my bloody body away from Gabriel, Sam coming out with the angel blade, glaring at the smug looking Gabriel.
"We told you to stay away from her Gabriel..." Dean growls, taking a step towards him, angel blade in hand.
Sammy pulls me behind him, not minding all the blood.
"Sammy, Deano." Gabriel greets.
"Why are you here Gabriel?" Sam asks calmly.
"Well Sammy boy, your sister was attacked, may I add you weren't there to protect her, and since I'm her angel, I saved her, again something you failed to do." Gabriel smirks, looking very pleased.
Dean glares at him, then looking at me for answers.
"It's true, a demon tried killing me, but then Gabriel showed up, killed the bastard then healed me." I smile peeking my head out from behind Sam looking at Gabriel, he winks at me, earning a glare from both of my brother's.
"So that mean's-" Sam starts off.
"We're stuck with the feathered idiot." Dean finishes with a low growl.
"Bingo!" Gabriel gives them both a thumbs up, a shit eating grin on his face.
And we've been stuck with him ever since then.
*Time skip*
"Gabriel, Sam and Dean just left on a hunt, they left me here and I'm really bored." I sigh aloud, making him appear almost instantly.
"Hey Y/n." He walks in my room, leaving the door open, he sits on the edge of my bed.
"Hey Gabe." I smile at him, sitting up I wrap my arms around his neck, hugging him tightly, smelling his heavenly scent. (my crushes name is Gabe omg)
He wraps his arms around my waist, hugging back.
"Hey sweet cheeks, we need to talk." He pulls away sitting back, twiddling his thumbs.
"About what Gabe?" I ask sitting criss cross in the center of my bed.
"Us." He glanced at me, looking back down at his hands.
"Us? What do you mean? What about us? Did I do something wrong Gabriel? Do you have to leav-" He pushes me on my bed, hands intertwining with my own, he kisses me roughly.
I slowly kiss him back, enjoying the taste of his lips, the sugary-ness of his lips, it makes me crave more.
Gabriel pulls away, putting his forehead against mine, breathing heavily.
"Gabe?" I speak up, opening my eyes to see his whiskey eyes looking back at me.
"I've wanted to do that for so long Y/n..." He smirked, bitting his bottom lip.
I grab the collar of his jacket and pull him in for another sweet tasting kiss, longer and more heated then the first.
"Y/n? Gabriel?" I pull away and see Sam in my doorway, hand on the handle, mouth open in shock to what he just witnessed his little sister do.
"Sammy! Please don't tell Dean! He'll kill me!" I shriek out in fear, scooting back to the head board, Gabriel also scooting back.
"Don't tell me wha-" Dean walks in, bag slung over his shoulder, a goofy look on his face, until he see's Gabriel and myself together on my bed, red lipstick smeared on Gabriel's lips.
"Dean..." I whisper, scoot farther away from Gabriel, almost falling off the bed.
"Gabriel...let's go have a chat in the library shall we?" Dean grips his bag strap tighter, walking away with Sam on his trail, Gabriel following.
After their foot steps fade away, I get up, following them, listening to their conversation.
I peek into the doorway, I see Gabriel pinned against the wall, an angel blade at his throat.
"What did you do Gabriel?"Dean sneers, Sam a foot away just in case things go south.
"She called out to me." Gabriel says calmly, shrugging his shoulder's, like a blade at his throat is nothing new.
"And?" Dean shifts on his other foot, pressing the blade even closer to the angel's neck.
"I kissed her..." Gabriel gulped.
"Was she okay with it?" Dean glares harder at the angel, wanting to have any reason to kill him.
"She's the one who wanted me to kiss her again." Gabriel lightly smirks.
"I will kill you if you ever break her heart. No one, not even Y/n, Castiel, Sam, or even Chuck will stop me. You got that?" Dean presses the blade harder to the angel's neck, making him bleed.
"Yes sir." He smirks.
Dean pulls away, putting the blade on the table, grabbing some books and putting them in his bag.
I turn around and run to my room, hearing Gabriel's foot steps grow closer.
Gabriel walks in behind me, shutting the door, smirking, leaning against the door, smiling.
"I saw you." He smirks, walking towards me, pushing me on my bed.
"I just wanted-"
"To make sure Dean didn't kill me? Sweet gesture but Dean wouldn't do that to you." He grabs my waist, scooting me up towards the head of the bed, he lays his head on my chest, cuddling closer.
I rack my fingers through his hair, making him sigh softly.
"Yeah, its because I love you Gabriel." I smile, inhaling his scent.
"I know." He moves, putting my head on his chest, his chin on my head.
I scoot out of his grip, knee's on either side of his hips, straddling him, I grab his face in my hands.
"I said I love you dumbo." I smirks, letting one hand fall beside his head.
He sits up, and pulls my face close to his, kissing me softly, and passionately.
He pulls away, a soft smile on his pink lips.
"I love you too angel."
"Are they gone?" I smirk.
"Give them about 5 minutes or so, why sugar?" He smiles, kissing my jaw and neck.
*You/Your POV*
You smirk, trailing your hands down Gabriel's chest, gently tugging at his pants.
"Oh really sugar? You wanna do that?" He growls, nipping at your neck, leaving reddish marks.
"What can I say? Your a charmer Gabe." You lightly pant as Gabriel slips his hand underneath your bra, playing with your breasts ans he flips you both over, pinning you to the bed.
"I do try my best honey." Gabriel smirks, bringing his lips back to yours,his tongue dancing with your own.
You slide your warm hands under his shirt, feeling his cold chest.
He shivers at contact, moaning ever so slightly.
Gabriel sits up, straddling you, he pulls his jacket off, then his shirt, next slipping his belt out of the loops of his jeans.
You sit up as well, tugging at Gabriel's soft golden hair.
He moans out loudly, grabbing the hem of your black tank top.
You lift your arms up, allowing Gabriel to take off your shirt, he then takes off your black lace bra, leaving your chest bare and exposed to him.
He bends his head down, lips grazing your left bud, he opens his mouth, gently tugging on your nipple with his teeth, he begins sucking, licking, and placing gentle kisses on your left breast, while groping and pinching your left.
You let out a loud moan, tugging at the angel's golden hair, you pull his face towards your own.
You stare into his whiskey coloured eyes for what seemed like eternity.
"Gabriel...I want you to make love to me."
He nods his head, and with a snap of his fingers, the rest of your's and his clothes were gone.
Around the whole room were rose petals and candles that smell like pumpkin pie.
(Fun fact, did you know the smell of pumpkin pie turns 40% of men on??? I was researching the most romantic candle smells but an articular showed what candle/perfumes turn guys on, pumpkin pie was the highest percent, who knew right? Your welcome haha!)
"Is the mood good enough for you?" He smirks, laying you down as as you wrap your legs around his bare waist.
"It's perfect." You smile, bringing his face closer to yours as he slowly slides his member in you.
*Third POV*
Y/n pulled Gabriel close, kissing his soft sugary lips, moaning and he slides in and out of his lover slowly and sensationally.
She never thought she would fall for a angel trickster.
Even if there was another exactly like him, she never could have thought she would fall for Gabriel, let alone the angel falling for her first, a mere human, nothing in comparison to the archangel.
Y/n never thought of herself as highly as her brothers, Castiel, and of course Gabriel did.
She hasn't had a high self esteem since her father left her mother.
Her father was John Winchester, her mother...she doesn't remember, she was given to a man she knew as her father for so long, Bobby Singer.
Bobby raised Y/n with the boys, that's how she found out she had family, other then Bobby.
Sam and Dean always call Y/n the "youngest", but in reality, she's only 1 year younger then Dean.
Y/n would always call herself bad names, joke about how she was born in a trashcan, how she was garbage, little to her knowledge, that hurt her brothers, it hurt Castiel and Gabriel the most.
They saw when she was first born, that she was going to be one of the best Winchester's ever, that she was going to do amazing things one day, they saw her grow up, they saw every accomplishment she achieved.
They saw when she first met her brother's, they saw how much they cared.
The boys knew they where fucked up, and they accepted that.
But it hurt the boys to see their sister talk so lowly about herself.
That's another reason why the boys let Gabriel stay, because he makes her happy, especially after what happened a few years ago...
Its something the brothers haven't seen in years.
Gabriel caressed the girls cheek, kissing her jaw.
"Do you know how beautiful you are?" He sighed softly, looking into her e/c eyes, smiling slightly.
"I'm not beautiful..." The girl looked away, blushing.
The angel grabbed her chin, forcing her to look at him.
"You are beautiful. Let me show you." He pulled out of the girl, kissing her lips, jaw neck, chest stomach, and thighs.
The angel wrapped the girls legs around his naked waist again, and kissed her.
As they kissed, he slide his length inside of her.
She gasped, a moan leaving her mouth.
He slowly thrust his length in her, in and out, a slow pace.
His mouth was near her ear.
"You are beautiful, your my whole world, you mean everything to me, I love you for you, you make me feel, people love you, your the most beautiful girl I ever laid my eyes on, your scars makes you you, they make you unique, just because your not like a model, doesn't mean you don't deserve love...I love you." He whispered in the girls ear, making a tear slide down the girls cheek.
"I love you Gabriel..." She kissed the angel, and enjoyed the rest of the night with her former lover who made her feel loved, something she hasn't felt in years...
*Next morning*
"Y/n, I have to leave for awhile, they really need me upstairs, usually I wouldn't give two shots but I have too." Gabriel kissed Y/n's hand, a small frown on his face.
She nodded, pulling him in for a long passionate kiss.
"I love you angel." He smiled, lightly biting his lip.
"I love you Gabe." And with that, he poofed away.
*1 week later*
Its been a week since the girl has heard from her angel lover, she was worried, scared.
Then she heard it, in her head.
It was at breakfast with her brothers.
Y/n, its me Gabriel, I-I...I really need your help...please meet me at 2224 w Kansas St. ...its urgent...
She took out her phone, looking up the address she was given, a warehouse, probably abandoned.
"Hey Sam Dean? I'm gonna go for a drive okay?"
The girl looked to her brothers for permission to leave.
"Okay, take the bike, and...please for the love of god, be careful." Dean, the oldest nodded.
The girl got up, and walked to her room swiftly, closing the door behind her.
She opened her panty drawer, getting out an angel blade that was a gift for the girls birthday years ago.
She went to the garage, hopping on the midnight black bike that Ketch had left on his last visit, and driving off towards the warehouse.
*Time skip*
The girl got off her bike, walking up to the broken warehouse doors.
She stepped inside, glass crunching underneath her feet, she called out to her lover in a hushed whisper.
"Gabriel? Gabriel where are you?"
She walked further inside, seeing more glass, but...also a light shinning on what looked like to be her lover in a chair, tied up.
She rushed over to him.
"Gabriel!" She shook the angel, but no response was given.
The angel had deep cut wounds and gashes everywhere on his body, he was bleeding profusely.
"Oh hello y/n, long time no see, remember me?"
To be continued...
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