Unsinkable •Sabriel Titanic•
*I'm posting this in three parts because I just couldn't make it any shorter 😂*
(Requested by im_asadboy)
Sam let out an annoyed huff as his older brother Dean grilled him about being safe and calling as soon as he got to New York.
Hundreds of people milled around them, the atmosphere was full of excitement and awe. The reason being the fact that today was the maiden launch of the Titanic and Sam Winchester was one of the lucky ones to go on it.
"Sammy? Are you listening to me?" Dean shook his brother, who just shrugs him off.
"Dean, I will make contact the moment I get to New York, I promise," Sam smiles, and Dean just sighs, pulling him in for a hug.
"Sorry Brother, I'm just worried about you, I don't know why, that ship's called unsinkable for a reason."
Sam laughs and picks up his luggage, smiling hesitantly at his older brother. "Well, I best be off..."
Dean quickly hugs him again, worry still in his eyes, "see you... bitch."
Sam grinned, rolling his eyes. "You too, jerk."
A couple of people around them seemed to shoot them looks at their language but for the most part they were invisible in that large crowd.
Then Sam smiles at his brother one last time before turning and melding into the crowd boarding the ship.
~ ~
Sam leaned against the railing on the decking of the Titanic, feeling peaceful as he looked out over the calm waters, the sun setting in the distance.
"Quite a sight, ain't it?" A cheerful voice chirps out from behind him.
Sam jumped, gripping the rail tighter as he spun around with wide eyes. There stood one of the workers, obviously finished his shift, with a sheepish smile.
"Apologises moose, I hadn't meant to startle you."
Sam splutters for a moment, trying to form words.
Finally, "m-moose?"
The shorter man chuckles, "well, I don't know your name and you are awfully tall."
Sam blushes, "my name's Samuel Winchester, you are?" Sam holds out his hand as he studies the stranger.
"Gabriel, Gabriel Novak at your service," he bows dramatically before shaking Sam's hand.
Sam was slow to respond, he was too taken aback by the man with the golden hair.
"Sam huh? I shall call you Samoose now that we must be friends."
Sam snorts, "I barely know you, how can we be friends?"
The man, Gabriel, just wriggles his eyes at Sam and joins him in leaning against the railing.
"I can't believe we only launched today and yet land has already faded from view," Gabriel mused.
Sam decides that the man probably wasn't all that bad, maybe he'd even make the journey more exciting, and leans beside him.
"Yeah, and before we know it, we'll be in a whole other country," Sam let a bit of his awe leak out into his voice.
Gabriel nods, "hey Samoose, you don't sound like you have an English accent, are you from around here?"
Sam shook his head, biting his lip as he gazed out at the water. "No, I was actually born in America, but we moved to England when I was 12 because of family."
"Ah, well I'm from here but I moved to America with my family about... ah lets say ten years ago now, I was only 10 at the time so I lost my accent, only my older brother Balthazar kept it."
Sam hummed to show he was listening and Gabriel began telling him all about his family and the different stories he has from over the years. They end up staying out there well into the night talking.
The next two days were interesting to say the least. Sam spent a lot of time with Gabriel when the shorter man wasn't working and they had quickly became best friends.
Sam only started imagining that there was something else there when Gabriel started shamelessly flirting with him, which Sam quickly realised was just a part of the man's personality.
He wondered what Dean would think of Gabriel, and found himself excited to tell his older brother about him when they reached New York.
Sam was sitting in his room when a slight knock at the door made him grin widely. Seconds later Gabriel bounded in, shutting the door quickly behind him.
"Samoose! I've missed you."
Sam laughs, "Gabe, it's only been 9 hours."
Gabriel sighs, dramatic as always as he flops onto the bed by Sam. "I know, but I-"
Sam looked at Gabe curiously, wondering what was up with him.
"But I- uh, haha forgot what I was saying."
Sam shook his head in amusement, not noticing the blush spreading across Gabriel's face.
"So, do you think you will stay in America?" Gabriel asked, looking at Sam.
Sam shrugged, looking at his hands. "Maybe, if I convince my brother to come over I definitely will."
Gabriel was quiet for a long moment, before sitting up beside Sam. "What about... us? Will we stay in contact?"
Sam blushed, if only Gabriel knew... "of course, you are my friend? Are you not?"
Gabe grinned widely, "I am Samoose, you are my best friend now."
Sam smiled and looked at Gabe, finding himself frozen as he stared into those golden eyes.
Gabe was smiling shyly, his gaze fixed on Sam as they seemed to move closer.
Sam was cut off as Gabe did something that not many men would be brave enough to do in their time, he did the very thing that was hated upon. He kissed a guy.
Sam's eyes widen as Gabriel's lips pressed firmly against his, tasting of sugary foods. Then his eyes drift shut as he shift closer, moving his lips in sync with Gabe's.
Pulling Gabe onto his lap, Sam runs a hand through Gabe's hair, the both of the pulling apart briefly for air before kissing again.
"Sam," Gabe whispers, holding onto Sam's broad shoulders.
Sam smiles against Gabe's soft lips, deepening the kiss as they fell back against the bed.
Sam woke the following morning with his arm slung across a very topless Gabe. A small smile graces his lips as he studies Gabriel, who was still peacefully asleep against Sam's chest.
They hadn't gone any further than removing their shirts last night, but Sam still felt like he was in heaven.
'People say this is bad, unnatural, but I've never felt happier,' Sam thinks, hugging Gabe closer as the shorty stirs.
"Mornin' Samoose," Gabriel says in a sleep filled, husky voice.
"Morning Gabe," Sam presses his lips against Gabriel's temple, causing him to giggle and roll over to face Sam.
"So, this turned out a lot better than I expected," Gabriel whispers, gazing into Sam's eyes.
Sam presses a kiss against Gabe's lips. "Oh? How did you think it was going to go?"
"I was scared you'd punch me or something," Gabriel grinned sheepishly. "You can't blame me for that though, people frown upon me based on my personality alone, if they knew I liked guys... I'd loose my job."
Sam kisses Gabriel again, "well, I'm glad you risked it."
The two spent the day hidden in Sam's room, exchanging kisses and talking as the hours blurred by.
Eventually Sam leaves for dinner as Gabriel goes down to the workers gallery, grinning ear to ear as he decided there was no better way to spend his day off.
Sam spent the entirety of dinner day dreaming about the life he and Gabriel could have once they reached America.
"Mr Winchester? Are you alright?" One of Sam's dinner companions, Crowley MacLeod was watching him curiously.
"Oh, I'm sorry, I was just thinking about what a nice night it is."
Crowley smiled, their other companions nodding in agreement.
"That it is," A girl named Jessica Moore smiled kindly at Sam.
"Should be smooth sailing tonight, and hopefully tomorrow as well," Crowley added.
"That's if you don't worry about the ice berg warnings they've had today," Michael Singer frowned, taking a long sip from his whiskey glass.
Sam almost got distracted again when the whiskey reminded him of Gabriel's eyes, then another worried voice joined their conversation.
"Ice bergs? But this ship is unsinkable, isn't it?" Kevin Tran asked, looking sick.
"Of course, the captain won't let it even touch an ice berg though, so I don't see why you two are worried," Crowley said smoothly.
The conversation turned onto other subjects after that, the matter of ice bergs forgotten. Sam just nods along, occasionally speaking when someone spoke to him, but the rest of the time he spent day dreaming about Gabe again.
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