Unsinkable Part 2 •Sabriel titanic
*also, this is the song I listened to a lot while writing this fic... it's an amazing song ♡*
Finally dinner was finished and Sam excused himself from the group, claiming to feel ill. Rushing back to his quarters, his grin came back as he saw Gabe waiting for him, casually leaning against the wall.
They slipped into the room, locking the door behind them, and sat on the bed.
“What’s going to happen when we reach land?” Gabriel suddenly asks, breaking the comfortable silence.
Sam shrugs, “I honestly don’t know, do you, do you want to be… uh, dammit I don’t know, together?”
Gabriel chuckles as Sam stuttered and blush, and Sam glares playfully at him as he replied. “I would love to try this,” Gabriel grins.
They end up lying together, Gabriel’s head on Sam’s chest as the taller boy plays with his hair.
Meanwhile, on the top decks of the ship, a look out spotted a looming mass in the gathering haze, and Balthazar Novak hurried to pick up the telephone to warn the bridge, ringing the warning bell as he did so.
Sam and Gabriel heard some sort of commotion, but were too caught up in each other to take much notice.
It was an hour later, Sam was happily kissing Gabriel when the ship pitched dramatically.
The two shot upright, eyes wide as they clutched each other.
“What was that?” Sam asked, pulling Gabriel closer as shouts filled the halls, the ship jolting again.
“I don’t know,” Gabe said distractedly, clinging to Sam.
They grab their shirts and tug them back on, running out into the corridor to see what was happening.
“Everyone to the lifeboats! Woman and child board first!-“
Sam didn’t hear the rest of the words that the sailor was shouting, the people rushing around them chaotically were too loud.
“Gabe-“ Sam grabbed the shorter boy and pulled him closer.
“Don’t lose me in the crowds,” Gabe said fearfully, holding Sam’s hand tightly.
Even in the chaos, some people shot them looks, but for the most part they were ignored as people ran for the safety of the life boats.
“L-lets go,” Sam pulled Gabe, struggling through the crowd.
The stairs were blocked, people were making it up, but very slowly.
Sam pushed and pushed, but they were still stuck near the bottom nearly an hour later. This was because crowds from upper levels had pushed in and everyone one was trying to get out of the lower levels.
So when water first started seeping in, panic began washing through the crowd, driving people to act even more reckless as they surged up like wild animals, now ignoring the poor worker who had been trying to make people file out in a calm and ordered fashion.
This was all it took for the crowded line to start moving.
Sam keeps a tight grip on Gabriel’s hand as they moved, wet shoes squeaking against the hard floors.
“Sammy! We can take the workers short cut,” Gabe shouts, tugging Sam along as they reach the next floor.
The ship pitched up again, sending people around them sprawling as they fought against the flow of this floor’s habitants.
Gabriel leads him through a door and they start running down the narrower corridor even as water began sloshing at their feet.
Dashing up another set of stairs, it wasn’t long before they reached the decks. Here, it was even more chaotic than downstairs, and Sam noticed Gabriel was scanning the crowds, as if looking for someone.
“Gabe, who is it?”
“My brother! Balthy, he works on the ship too,” Gabe had tears in his eyes.
“We’ll find him,” Sam promised, kissing Gabriel’s cheek and leading him away from the life boats that the woman and children were frantically climbing into.
They run across the deck, yelling Balthazar’s name as loud as they could.
“Balthy? Has anyone seen my brother Balthazar!?”
“He went downstairs looking for you,” a passing sailor calls out as he rushes to help people onto the life boats.
Sam was distracted momentarily, in a blind moment where all he could see was a lifeboat that only had half the people it could hold being launched. He was temporarily angered by this, which lead to him going to run over and stop them from launching more prematurely.
Then he realised in his distraction he hadn’t notice Gabe slip is hand free, and now the golden haired man was nowhere to be seen.
“Gabriel!?” Sam’s heart missed several beats as he spun around, scanning the busy area. “Gabe?”
A lump formed in his throat as he began running blindly, searching for his Gabe. “Gabriel!?”
A flash of golden hair caught his eye, going into the maintenance corridor, and Sam realised that the shorty had gone off in search for his brother. Sam would do the same.
So he took off after Gabe, shoving through the crowds desperately. He slams through the heavy metal door and takes the stairs two at a time, sallowing back his fear at the sight of glittering water as he got further down.
Sam froze when he thought he heard a distant reply, the water was steadily rising by now, reaching his calves.
“Gabe?” Sam shouted down the empty corridor.
“Sam!” There was Gabe, sloshing through the waters and dragging an injured man behind him.
Sam rushed over to help him, wincing as the shifting ship sent him into the wall, hurting his shoulder.
“Sammy,” Gabe looked like he was on the verge of tears as they reached each other, Sam immediately helped with the man who he assumed was Balthazar.
“It’s okay Gabriel, they’re still loading the lifeboats.” They made it to the stairs and started climbing them, slowed by Balthazar, who appeared to have a broken leg.
Sam was horribly aware of the rising water, and by the look of Gabriel’s pale face, he wasn’t the only one. Sam thought about Dean, for the first time he began wondering if he would ever see his older brother again.
It wasn’t long before they made it back up to the decks, which seemed even more chaotic than before.
Sam could hear people crying loudly, children screaming for their parents and people praying for help.
Sam also noticed there were more people crying for help than there was people who were actually trying to help.
So many lifeboats were gone now, and Sam was determined to get on one before it was too late. He was scared of dying and wasn’t afraid to admit it.
Gabriel met his eyes briefly, Sam’s fear mirrored in his as they search for an empty life boat.
But they were nearly all gone, and there were still so, so many people on the deck.
“We’re going to die, aren’t we?” Gabriel bites his lip, tears obvious in his eyes.
Sam shook his head, “I won’t let you die Gabe, we’ll get out of here.”
Then, he heard the words that made his heart leap.
“We have room for a few more!” A man shouts from beside a surprisingly full lifeboat.
Sam ushers Gabriel and Balthazar over to it, fighting through the crowds to get to the front.
“Please! My friend’s brother has a broken leg,” Sam pleads, shoving them forward once more.
The worker hesitates, but he was obviously friends with Balthazar because his eyes soften and he waves them onboard. “That’s the last for the boat,” he calls out, despite the people pleading and crying.
A man steps forward with a girl on his hip, and Sam places them as Mr Harville and his 5 year old daughter, Jo. “Please, my daughter, at least take her,” Mr Harville pleads.
There was obviously no more room, Sam had doubts about the boat floating as it was. So he did the only thing he could, seeing no one else would do it.
Sam got off the boat, sending a silent apology to his brother and Gabe, then he shrugged his jacket off and wrapped it around Gabe’s shoulders, he wouldn’t need it much longer.
“Sam! Sammy no!” Gabriel tries to follow him, but Balthazar holds him back.
“Sam! No please! Let me go,” Gabriel sobbed, thrashing as Sam throws the little girl onto the boat instead.
“Sam,” Gabe looks at him pleadingly.
Sam felt like his heart was being ripped out as the boat was hurriedly lowered into the water, taking Gabe and his pleading cries with it.
‘I’m so sorry Gabriel,’ Sam thinks, barely noticing the father thanking him tearfully.
Turning on his heel, Sam lets the tears fall as all the people he’d never get to see again flood his mind.
He’d promised Dean he’d be okay, looks like this will be the first time that he broke a promise to his brother. As for Gabriel, well maybe they just weren’t meant to be.
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