Jisung dropped Felix off at his dance class then left to head to his production class.
Felix entered the class and hid his wings. There were ten other people there. Felix only recognized one person. His cousin Minho.
He smiled and walked up to the male who also smiled.
"There is my baby cousin!" The male smiled.
"My demon cousin! How are you?" Felix asked hugging the male.
"I am good. Where are your wings?" Minho questioned.
"I have them hidden right now." Felix stated.
Minho pouted.
"It's weird being the only fairy in the school and all." Felix nervously laughed.
"So, have you made any friends?" Minho asked.
"I suppose. Han Jisung, Kim Seungmin and guy named Chan." Felix told him.
"J-Jisung oh that is cool." The demon scratched the back of his neck.
"Do you perhaps have a crush on Jisungie?" Felix questioned.
"Minho~hyung who's the cutie?" A silk voice asked.
Minho sighed and looked at his best friend. Hwang Hyunjin.
"You stay away from my cousin, Hwang." Minho stated.
Hyunjin put his hands up in defense.
"I was just wondering who is is." Hyunjin smiled.
"I'm Lee Felix." Felix introduced himself.
"Hwang Hyunjin, at your service." The male miled kissing the youngers hand. The younger retreated his hand from the older grasp.
"Nice to meet you and I have a boyfriend." Felix smiled.
"Yah! When did you get a boyfriend!?" Minho questioned.
"Six months ago! I told you this. Taemin~hyung and I got together." Felix told his cousin.
"Oh. That right." Minho remembered.
"Does he come to this school?" Hyunjin asked curiously.
"No, he is human. He goes to a different school." Felix responded.
Hyunjin was about to speak again but the the dance teacher walked in.
After 2 hours of dancing it was finally time for lunch. At some point during dance Felix's wing popped back out.
"Lixie! Are you ready to go to lunch.?" A sweet voice asked from the doorway of the class.
Judging by how Minho blushed and looked anywhere but the door, he'd guessed it is Jisung.
"Yeah, I am. Cya later MinMin!" Felix waved and headed to his squirrel friend.
Minho just waved not trusting his own voice.
Hyunjin just laughed a little, but then, pouted when he didn't get a goodbye from the cute new boy.
"Lix you know Lee Minho?" Jisung asked with wide eyes.
"Yep, he is my cousin!"
"But, how are you a fairy if he is a demon.?"
"I am adopted. Minho's mom's sister adopted me when I was really young. My parents they didn't really want a fairy for a son. It is to feminine for a boy. That wanted me to be human like my dad." Felix sighed.
Jisung pouted. How could parents do that to there kid.
"Your wings are very pretty." Jisung smiled looking at the brunet's Purple and blue wings.
"Thanks. No one has ever complimented my wings before. Your ears and tail are very pretty as well." Felix told the male motioning to the olders' black ears and fluffy tail. Jisung smiled.
They made it to a canteen.
"Felix this is Seungmin~hyung and Changbin~Hyung." Jisung told the younger pointing to the pale male from earlier and another male who had black hair.
"Felix and I met earlier I showed him his dorm room." Seungmin smiled.
"Nice to meet you Felix. I'm Seo Changbin 4th year magic user." Changbin gave the male a wave.
"Lee Felix 2nd year. I'm a fairy." Felix smiled sitting down.
"I don't think I told you earlier. I am a vampire!" Seungmin exclaimed happily.
The brunet took note of what everyone is.
Hyunjin laughed at something Minho said as he walked into the area of the canteens.
"The new student is absolutely adorable." A student whispered.
So far today for Hyunjin consisted of him hearing about the cute new student.
"Hyunjin, did you see the new student? He is cute, I'd think you'd like him." Chan spoke.
"Your cupid is showing Chan." Minho stated.
"Your gay is showing Minho. You have drool at the corner of your mouth." Chan pointed out.
Minho clicked his tongue, wiping the corner of his mouth.
"His mind is plagued of thoughts of the squirrel hybrid. Pure and impure." Hyunjin smirked sitting at a canteen that was to far from the fairy and his friends.
"I'd appreciate it if you didn't read my thoughts." Minho hissed.
"It's not my fault your thought are running wild." Hyunjin shot back.
"Hey, Hyunjinnie~" a rather high pitch voice greeted the male. Hyunjin slightly winced.
"Hi, Hana." He muttered.
"I was wondering if you want to meet up at my dorm tonight." The neko smiled.
Hyunjin rolled his eyes.
"Hana it was a one time thing. It was just a one night stand. Nothing more." Hyunjin groaned.
"But, we had so much fun." She pouted.
"Once again Hana it was a one time thing."
Minho and Chan ignored the conversation that was taking place and walked over to the fairy.
"Hey, lixie are thes your friends?" Minho asked looking at Jisung.
Chan rolled his eyes and sat next to the fairy putting his arm around the youngers shoulders.
Felix nodded.
"You already know Jisung. This is Seungmin and Changbin." Felix smiled.
The two males waved.
The was a sudden screech.
"SCREW YOU, HWANG!" The girl who was talking to Hyunjin shouted.
Hyunjin shrugged.
"How often does that happen?" Felix asked.
"Well, this is the second time he has been told to screw off. Most of the time the person usually runs off crying." Minho shook his head.
Hyunjin walked over eyeing the arm around the fairy's shoulder.
"Hi." Hyunjin sat on the other side of Felix.
They all greeted the male, kind of. Jisung adamantly ignored him. There was a silence then, Felix's phone went off.
He pulled it from his pocket and his whole face lit up.
"Taemin aren't you supposed to be in school." Felix questioned putting the male on speaker.
"I am my love. I have a free period. I figure I'd call you" his voice was weet maybe a little too sweet.
"Oh, cool! I am currently at lunch!" Felix beamed.
"You being good?"
Even through the phone the demon, cupid and incubus could tell something was up.
Jisung must've sensed something was up because, he shifted into his squirrel form cause of the tension.
"Of course you are. My little one."
Minho was quick to bare his claws.
Jisung saw this and jumped on the males shoulder.
Chan looked over to Minho. He looked angry but dazed.
Felix was still talking with his boyfriend paying no mind to the people around him.
Hyunjin could practically hear every single one of Felix's boyfriends thoughts. They were all quite disgusting. From an incubus' point of view if they think that it is disgusting it is probably really bad.
After a few minutes the boy hung up.
"Sorry, that was my boyfriend." Felix smiled.
They just nodded not saying much.
"Where did sungie go?" Felix questioned.
Minho pointed to his shoulder where a small black squirrel sat sleeping.
Felix smiled.
"Cute." He whispered.
Hyunjin was still in a dazed about the thought he heard.
He couldn't shake the feeling that it was possible that Felix's boyfriend was in fact supernatural as well.
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