When You Tell Dean You Like Him
I am going to do one more of these before I stop with you like him series I might even do an extra character but I do not know. Sorry I haven't updated in a little bit have been mad busy and have a really suck cold but, anyways I hope you enjoy Halloween request are open! PS i am sorry guys i had a really cool picture to put here but my phone hates me!
You had been out on a hunt with the guys and, you have secretly liked Dean for about a year now. You wanted to get it a secret barbecue you thought the feelings has passed but, they hadn't and tats what made it worse. Every time he was with another women you felt the pang of jealsoy. You knew it would have to be sooner or later that you tell him but, you just couldn't help feeling like he was gonna shoot you down. You went to a bar almost every night but, that was expected. Anyways this night you went to a bar but you had an uneasy feeling in your stomach. You decided to leave early considering the fact that it looked like dean and Sam had left you alone at the bar. You noticed the impala was gone and, called Sam. He told you which motel they were at and you walked there. You were gonna take a shower so you went in Deans room to get your bag when you noticed him and another women on the bed. You ran out of there trying to hold in tears ran past Sam and into the fridge. Castiel, Lucifer, Crowley, and Gabriel were there. You grabbed a bottle of beer and chugged it down while tears ran down your face. They looked at you like you were crazy. If only they knew the reason why you were crying in the first place. After you finished that beer you were quick to grab another one but before you could open it they pried your hands open and took the bottle. You felt the effects of the first beer kick in. Since you were a light weight one beer could send you to the floor passed out cold. You got really dizzy but, you were able to handle it. You saw the girl leave in a tizzy. Dean appeared out in the hallway with a little towel on and his hair soaked. You said in your drunk splurge "Wow your hot!!" You then proceeded to laugh your ass off. "Jeez guys what happened." said Dean. "I have no idea she came in here and drank all of a beer in like two seconds. She is drunk as hell right now!" that is when Lucifer laughed. The next thing you saw was black. You woke up with deans t shirt on that went to just above your knees with black sweats on. You got up and ran past everybody to make it to the bathroom just on time to throw up. you walked out into the kitchen after brushing your teeth and they were all talking. "shh....... why are you all so loud." you said with a yawn and killer headache. "Hey Dean can I talk to you for a second." You grabbed his hand and pulled him into the hallway. "Dean whatever I said last night about liking you I did not mean it." You said in a huge splurge and blushed madly. "You did not say anything about liking me. Wait do you like me?" You did not say anything. you just stood there awkward and your strawberry blonde hair in a huge knot. You looked down and that is how he found out you liked him. He lifted your face up and kissed you tenderly. You hear shoes scruff against the floor and all is you hear is "Whoa." You take his hand and lead him to the bedroom you close the door..........
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