TFW Heart
So this imagine is going to be were the reader just got dumped by her boyfriend. She ends up walking home with an alcoholic beverage and, becomes drunk.
You were sobbing with the bottle of liquor in a paper bag in the palm of your hand. You were like falling over by the time you got back to the bunker. You were seeing two of everything. You took out your keys and, tuned the door knob. You managed to fall face down on the ground into front of you Sam, Dean, and, Cas suddenly appeared in front of you. "Why is there five of you?" You ask slurring. "Is she drunk?" Cas asked. You dropped the bottle and, began sobbing "no no no no no" you reach down to pick up the broken pieces. "If I don't pick it up Alex is gonna break up with me again. Wait he just did that!!" You say sobbing harder. They look at you with concern. Sam hoists you up and, carries you to your room. You pass out on the way there.
Next morning
"Oh no more liquor ever again." You try to stand up but, end up falling over. Face plant on the group you go out to the kitchen with a messy bun and, a pounding headache. "Hey y/n good morning how you feeling?" "Shhh I might kill you or throw up! You're too loud!" You groan holding your head, he snorts and, let's out a chuckle at you. You clamp a hand over your mouth and, run to the bathroom. You pass Dean and, Cas on the way. They look at you I'm concern they follow you, along with Sam. You barley have enough time to make it in there. With the door still open you start throwing your guts up.
Sam's POV
"Hey y/n how are you feeling this morning?" I say as she's holding her head. "Shhh I might kill you or throw up! You're too loud!" I let out a snort and, small chcukle. She suddenly clamps her hand over mouth and, runs. I chase after her and, so are Dean and, cas. I thought she was about to cry. She ends up throwing up instead. The doors open cas doesn't know what's going on. "Why is she letting this liquid out of her mouth?" Dean rubs her back. She jumps a little surprised, her cheeks red now. She was embarrassed. "She's throwing up from alcohol posoning. In other words it's what happens normally when you get drunk." Cas shakes his head and, mouths oh.
After you're done throwing up, you want to die of embarrassment. "Y/n what the he*l happened to you last night. You never ever drink." Dean says with a worried look. "Alex that's what happened. I came over to his house with a bag filled with groceries to make our 1 year dinner but, he was in bed with another women. I spent one year with that as*hole just for him to leave me for that slut!!" They looked at you in pity. "Don't pity me just do me a favor and, beat the sh*t out of him." They looked mad suddenly. You thought they were mad at you byt, no they were mad at him Dean got his gun and. Sam got a baseball bat. Cas just had his angel grace, if he wanted to he could scorn his eyeballs out. You were actually kind of scared of what they were going to do to him. They didn't get arrested but, it turns out they were driving by the other day to show you the damage they had done. His car was completely smashed in and, he had a few big nasty bruises on him. "He told the news reporter that it was a loan collecter." (Idk the word for it sorry everyone.) It was actually a pretty funny site. "Thanks guys." You hug them.
Ps next up is a jesen Ackles, then a Mark Sheppard one. Also do you guys want me to do the actor who plays Gabriel and, the actor who plays Balthazar. If you have a character I don't have yet that you want me to do. Please pm me or comment to let me know the character and, what you want done. Thank you all so much for reading my lovely peeps!! 👑🐶🍕💏👄 🎂 Can you guess the emojies for each character....
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