TFW Christmas
So sorry I haven't updated in a little bit I have reached 318 readers this is fuggin amazing thank ya'll! Just wanted to say now the green costume is gonna be the same but, that's it. So yeah this is team free will in case you didn't already know what that meant the first time I saw it I thought it meant The Fucking Winchesters! 😂 Lmfao anyways enjoy my lovely peeps.
Today was Christmas day and, you decided to dress up as an elf. You got pointy gold heels an elf outfit and, gold earrings. As you were putting it on you realized the costume was sexy elf. Meaning boobs were gonna be hanging out and, the skirt was gonna be really short. You had put it on anyways beacuse you had bought it awhile ago and, couldn't return it now. It was a tradition ever year to dress up for christmas but, last year when Sam, dean, and Cas had saved you from the djinn your family had already been drained. You made it to the hospital just in time with a fading heartbeat. The next morning you woke up they told you they terrible news. You have been living with the Winchester's ever since and, Cas comes and, visits any time he can. So this Christmas you would be spending with Sam, Dean, and Cas and, maybe a few surprise guests of your choosing ;). You heard the bunker door open and, close signaling boys were back from the hunt. You were just grabbing the last ornament from the box it was yor favorite one, one you had given your sister it said princess on it. It was in the shape or a crown with a gold wire hanging from it with blue beads and, black buttons on it. You has given it to her when you were in elementary school. As you were bending over the box a tear slipped down your face. You quickly wipped it away. You smiled thinking ahout happy memories then all of a sudden. You jump when you feel a hand on your ass.
Dean pov
Me, Sam, and Cas just got back from the hunt. As we were walking in we noticed how festive it was. Probably
Y/n. Just as we got down the stairs I noticed y/n black lacy thong sticking out from her tiny little elf skirt. I keep feel myself feel myself getting hard. Sam grunts and, Cas looks down and tilts his head to the side. I go up and, grab y/n ass as she jumps up. "Oh hi!" She smiles and, hugs me then pulls apart. My eyes immediately go to her boobs that look like there gonna pool out any second. "Merry Christmas Sam!" She hugs him tightly and then she runs over to Cas and squeals. "Oh my god Cas I am so happy you here!! Don't get me wrong I'm glad everyone's here but, I haven't seen you in so long!!" She hugged him and, he grunted by now we all had boners. "I'm gonna go to my room really quick." Me and, Sam yelled before scurried away. WARNING SOME SMUT!! "Okay when you come out they'll be pie waiting for you." I ran to my room Sam closed his door and, so did Cas. I pulled my pants down and, boxers and, started to jack off thinking about her in that tight little outfit. I kept going until I came with a loud moan of pleasure. I went to the bathroom and, washed my hands before drying the sweat off of my forehead. SMUT OVER WITH we all came out to the living room to find he bent over again damn!
All the guys has run off into their rooms so you decided to get their presents out. It was only a few minutes later you heard someone come back into the room. You turn around and see Dean there. "Well it was supposed to be a surprise but, I got you a Christmas gift. Actually all of you speaking if which where are Sam and Cas?" You said "Uhh I don't know but, I'm gonna wait until they come out." He said. "Okay I also wanted to apologize for the outfit it wasn't originally supposed to be slutty but, I just found out today that it was." Dean blushed before saying "oh I hadn't noticed." Not long after be said that Sam and Cas came back into the room. "Hey so I got you all presents and, we have to open them!" You said. They sat down on the floor and, opened there presents you got Sam the last book in the game of thrones series which he needed. You got Dean another jacket one that doesn't have holes or any burn marks on it. And you got Cas a shirt with a slice of pizza on it as a joke but, his real gift you got him was a baby kitten.
"I would have gotten you guys animals but, I don't think Dean is to found of them because of his alergees. Plus I would have to take care of it all the time, while you guys were out on hunts." You got up and, saw how happy everyone was Castiel petting his new kitten Dean putting on his new jacket and, Sam starting to read. You left and, went into your room you clutched your sisters ornament to your chest and, started weeping. You felt arms go around you and, hold you close. It was Dean. You turned around and, hugged his chest. "I'm sorry I just really miss her." You said "I know it's hard to believe right now but, everything's gonna get better somehow or someway."
I just wanted to say I dedicate this chapter to my beautiful sister Cheyenne who I'm so thankful to have and, to see everyday. So thank you Cheyenne for being my sister I love you.
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