"You're Such A Tease" (Misha)
One word for this: Kinky
LONG ONE!! (Go crazy with your imagination! 😏😉)
After seeing JIBCON 2017, THIS could totally happen in real life 😂😏
🎶: 'Gorilla' by Bruno Mars
The conversation had gotten pretty weird. You were on stage at a Supernatural convention talking about usual scenes filmed on set and right now, it was scenes involving you.
"So I had a scene with Dean I think last season, which was fine I guess," You felt awkward talking about it, "I mean, sex scenes are pretty awkward and stuff but it was okay."
Jensen looked at you with an eyebrow raised. He was going to say something but stopped. You asked him to say what he wanted and he sighed.
"Okay but seriously, as Dean, I've had a lot of scenes like those and can I just say that the one with you was by far the best," Jensen revealed and the fans went crazy, "No but seriously it was really really..." He drifted off and Misha wrapped an arm around your waist.
"Hey! She's my wife, not yours," Misha said defensively and kissed you on the cheek. Jensen mouthed a 'sorry'. "But I'm just saying that if you get a scene with her, it's all good," Jensen said and you hit his arm.
"I know right!" Misha looked at Jensen as they exchanged looks of pleasure, "This is one thing I can agree with Jensen about: sex with [y/n]."
You slapped his and looked at him with disbelief, "Okay change the topic boys!" Misha winked at you.
"You know, when you had a scene with him that actually got me thinking... Cas should have one with your character," Misha said and you watched him speak.
You giggled, "And then this season, he got the scene. Yay! But he couldn't do anything cause I was pregnant that time!"
"Is it too much to ask?" Misha said and you squeezed his shoulder.
You sighed slightly. Sure, the convention was interesting but you were getting kind of bored while the boys had fun. You decided to mess around with him, trying to turn him on but not making it extremely publically awkward.
When you shot that scene with Jensen you were starting to show really barely. If no one said you were pregnant they wouldn't notice. Now at the con you were 6 months in, and if your plan succeeded he'd have a tough time living with it.
You wrapped your arm around Misha. They continued to talk about the supernatural set and bloopers, while you slipped your hand under his shirt, lightly touching his back.
He didn't mind it at first but you felt him shiver. The weirdest part was that he was in the middle of his sentence and he suddenly moaned slightly then bit his lip. You knew that it's his sensitive spot... you know all his sensitive spots.
He finished his portion of answer then bent towards your ear, "Lord, please stop that." You grinned, "Nah." He bit his lip and shook his head, "You're so evil. Everyone will question what's happening on stage."
He had to force himself to move away from you. He walked over to Jensen and sat on one of the stools. You waddled to him and stood between the boys. You weren't going to give up on teasing him.
You weren't focused at the questions and answers at all, you felt so mischevious right now. You began to play with the hair at the back of Misha's head, another place that makes him fuzzy inside.
He started to get a bit uncomfortable. It reached to a point where he had to push your hand off from his neck, quite harshly.
You stood behind the stool, Misha held your hands down. You bent forward and whispered something soft into his ear.
You didn't realise that EVERYONE was looking at you two. "Get a room you both!" Jensen said and everyone laughed. You stuck your tongue out at him and he chuckled.
"I swear if you keep this up..." Misha started, then turned to you. "Then what? What is Mr. Collins going to do?" You whispered into his ear. The very style of talking was starting to drive him crazy.
"You can't do anything to me ha-ha," You sang and he clenched his fists. "Why are you torturing me? I can't sleep with you for another 4 months or something," Misha looked like a sad puppy. You sighed but you weren't changing your actions.
"Fine, I won't do anything right now," You said and he put his hands together prayer-like. "Thanks hun," He said.
They continued to talk but you were honestly bored. You love the conventions and love interacting fans but trying to turn your husband on seemed more fun right now.
"So I actually like acting more than directing because I can showcase-"
"Mmmm," You moaned slowly into the microphone and he looked at you with terror. Jensen looked back at you with surprise but it turned to a smirk as he saw his co-star's expressions.
"Uh... Y-Yes?" He became flustered and it was amusing to watch. He rubbed his neck, you put him in the worst possible situation. You've seen the awkward scripts he's read out on stage before at conventions so this wasn't that different.
He looked at the audience then walked to you. "Ooh busted," Jensen said childishly. Misha walked straight up to you, "I thought you wouldn't do anything."
"I said 'do' not 'say'," You grinned and he had nothing to say. "Okay we need to talk about this later," He furrowed his eyebrows and walked away, towards Jensen. You felt a bit anxious, he looked sincerely upset.
"You know there's that song..." Misha tapped his lips then looked at you with a grin. He decided to play along.
He licked his lips then sort of sang, "Oh your sex takes me to paradise... You make me feel like I've been locked out of Heaven!"
You stared at him with eyes squinted, a grin on your lips. He was definitely doing something to you too.
The crowd cheered a bit and sang along, you raised your eyebrows. "Oh brother... Look their horny!" He smiled smugly and you pushed him slightly while the crowd laughed and cheered.
Misha sat on the couch surfing through the channels on TV. You were back at the hotel, getting ready to go out for lunch with Jared, Jensen and Mark. You kept eyeing him with concern, his muscles were tensed up and it made you feel odd.
You placed your hand in his shoulder, squeezing it softly. He shut his eyes and bit his lips. "Don't," He said, jaw clenched, "You don't know how much I'm messed up right now. It's really hard for me to control this."
He turned back in his seat and you bent over, placing a kiss on his neck. He shut his eyes slowly, squeezing his hands into tight fists. A soft moan escaped his mouth.
"You know you can still kiss me," You said and he stood up. You wrapped your arms around his neck and placed your lips on his. It heated up quickly, wanting to pull away but his 'messed up' testosterone levels weren't giving up yet.
He messed your already made hair, you grabbed his shirt. He placed his hand on your stomach, you thought it was a reminder that he couldn't go further.
He pulled away, still angry. He ruffled his hair then kissed your cheek hard, "It's still not fixed. It's become worse, thank you very much."
"You know I'm going to knock you up so good you'll be in tears," He claimed and you rolled your eyes, "Wait and see."
And that broke into an argument. All the way to the restaurant across the street, after combing your hair and straightening your dress, you questioned him as to why he was so... you know... driven. You had never seen him like this.
4 and a half months later
"Shhh, daddy's got you," Misha held his daughter to his chest, rubbing her back softly. Soon, she had fallen asleep and he smiled at her peaceful slumber. He carefully placed her back in her crib and tip-toed out of the nursery.
He walked back to your bedroom, entering at the same time you exited the washroom after changing your clothes. You were wearing grey shorts that were maybe a bit too short, and a shirt that just covered your stomach.
Misha definitely had his eyes on you. "Hey, is she asleep?" You asked and he scratched his head. "Y-Yeah," he said. You walked over to him and pecked his lips, planning to go to the other side, your side of the bed.
But he had a DIFFERENT plan.
He pushed you to the wall, You looked at him with shock because of the sudden act. "What are you doing?" You asked, a little frightened.
"I've waited too long. I think it's overdue," He said and grinned. You raised an eyebrow, "What? Us and that bed?" He pressed you to the wall more harder, moving closer, "Yes. I've waited everyday since, at least let me have it this once."
"Baby don't say that, I've given you so much," You said and he looked to the floor while breathing heavily, "Gosh you're so horny right now." He looked at you, fire burning in his eyes, "Right now? Four months [y/n]."
You sighed, "Alright fine, but keep it down. I don't want [y/d/n] to wake up." He grinned, "Oh please, you tell that to yourself."
You rolled your eyes and pushed him away a bit. You grabbed your shirt hem and took it off, throwing to the far side of the room. "Your turn love," You placed a hand on your hip and he took his shirt off.
You pulled him by his waist and kissed him. It was slow at first, he couldn't believe it was finally happening. But then he let it go, is hands sliding from your neck to your head. You moaned softly, making him deepen the kiss.
He pulled away, leaving a trail of kisses on your neck. Your shut your eyes, your finger nails dug into the skin of his arms. He held your thighs and you wrapped your legs around his waist.
He threw you onto the bed, towering over you with a lustful smirk on his face. "What are you waiting for Mish?" You questioned and he bent down, laying on top of you.
"I'm cherishing every moment of this," He said and you rolled your eyes, pulling his face to yours.
His body heat made you shiver, as odd as it sounds. At a point you started grabbing at the bedsheet from how intense it was getting.
You made the most peculiar sounds, fearing that your daughter next door would wake up. You tapped Misha's arm, freezing and listening for any cries. He looked at you with furrowed eyebrows then shrugged it off.
"Sit up," He demanded and you looked at him suspiciously. Before you could question, He pushed your legs till you were against the bed frame. He bent over and pulled open the bed-side drawer, retrieving two of his old ties.
"What are you doing?" You looked at him with a sceptical expression. He moved closer to you, grabbing your hands and pushing them back to the wooden frame.
He kissed your neck as he tied your hands to the frame. You tried to get out of his strong grip but you were enjoying this... it was odd. He was never like this.
"Kinky... I like it but," You pulled on your both hands tied to the frame and huffed, "Too tight?" He winked at you, "Deal with it. It should be torture enough for you."
You cleared your throat, sitting comfortably. "So now what?" You inferred and he moved back. "Sweetheart, sit there like the pretty girl you are and leave it to me," He said, an eyebrow raised, "You'll wish this happened sooner."
The things he did... it was enough to make you yell out. "Oh f-Damn it, stop please!" You moaned till he looked into your eyes. He had this continuous look of mischief on his face and it was surprising.
He paused, giving you time to catch your breath. You pulled your hands to try to get loose, "You're... torturing me." You breathed heavily, holding your tied arms out as far as you could, "I can't even stop you!"
"That's what you get. You put this on your self," He said in such a matter-of-fact tone that it annoyed you. You felt like punching him right now but another part of you wanted him to just continue on.
He continued to make sure you felt the worst the best possible way. You couldn't stop from shouting his name from time to time... and he liked it. You were convinced that the neighbours at the most would hear your nightly sounds.
"Please, untie me!" You begged as he smirked. You placed your head back on the bed frame and huffed, "You know what you said... 4 months ago," You had a hard time breathing, "Yeah, I'm definitely close to being in tears."
He had a look of accomplishment on his face, "Well, when it comes to this... I keep my word." He kissed your neck and you tried your best to move away but your hands wouldn't let you.
"Gosh, you have never made me feel this way," You told and he smiled smugly. "Is it a good feeling?" He asked sexily, rubbing your upper thighs slowly.
"Oh hell yeah," You moaned and he moved closer to you, kissing you on the lips till both of you couldn't breathe.
"Don't you think it's my turn now?" You said, breathlessly. Misha was about to reply when-
You frowned as both your heads turned to look at the bed side table on the other side. Your phone was ringing. Who would call at this time so late?
"It's Jensen," He told and answered the call. He put it to your ear and you tried your best to steady your breathing.
"Hi Jen! What's up?" You said and heard throats clearing and nervous chatter. You asked Misha to put it on speaker phone and he held it between both of you.
"Uh... I, umm... Y-You should get your phone fixed Misha," Jensen said and you froze. "W-What do you mean?" Misha's voice trembled slightly.
"Just... just get it fixed," Jensen said and there was a loud sigh from Jared. "Okay see, you know that problem it's been having that it just calls people randomly. Well... Yeah, it happened at the wrong time," Jared explained.
"It called my phone right now," Jensen said and you couldn't even move a muscle. You felt horrified, embarrassed and ashamed. "You guys are really..." He chuckled, "It must be something to be in your bedroom right now."
Misha sat up straight, "Shut up asshole. Thank you for making everything awkward between all of us." He was furious but Jensen and Jared were terrified.
"I'm sorry but the call's been on for like a minute or something. We didn't know what to do then called [y/n]'s phone... to tell you both," Jared said and you felt so weird inside.
While Jensen talked about a previous time Misha's phone acted creepy, you whispered to him, with complete seriousness, to untie you.
He felt bad for you, the embarrassment glowed red on your face. "C-Couldn't you call us tomorrow or something?!" You questioned as you rubbed your wrists. "I don't know... we just thought that we should-"
"You guys are inconsiderate jackasses! You have no care for other people's feelings," You were pretty angry. You pulled your knees up to your chest and hugged them.
There was silence from their side but then Jensen spoke, "Okay. We just thought we'd inform you. Goodnight and enjoy the rest of your... yeah."
He cut the call so abruptly you regretted saying that. Tears stung your eyes, the whole thing made you feel messed up. "Hey," Misha rubbed your shoulders, "You okay? You wanna sleep right now and forget this?"
You fidgeted with your heads, "I actually... I actually don't want to but, gosh I feel so bad right now." You buried your face in your hands and he pulled you closer to him.
"Does my hair look good?" He wiggled his eyebrows and put on the cutest smile, trying to cheer you up. You smiled softly before ruffling his hair up even more, "Much better. Nice and sexy."
You looked at the ties beside you and smirked. You gave them to Misha, "I need to apologise to Jared and Jensen for calling them jackasses. It was really rude and it's not their fault. I'd be mortified too."
"In the mean time, you figure out how I can use those on you," You grinned as you pointed to the ties crumpled in his hands. He nodded and lay down, examining the piece of clothing.
"Hey... I've got one word," He pulled on the ties with a quick motion, like how you'd do when whipping a belt. You turned to him and he grinned.
"Blindfolds... Let's play a game."
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