"You're Freaking Pissing Me Off!" (Camila x Castiel)
This imagine was requested by spacebuns-.
I hope you find it good! I loved writing it. Thanks!
🎶Song for the imagine🎶: 'Human' by Christina Perri
Dean walked into the library to where Castiel sat, eating a burrito. Dean sighed, he had never seen his friend so human-like.
He tapped the tables as he walked to Cas, feeling extremely nervous. "Cas, uh, can we talk?" He asked, wanting to find some way out of the conversation yet to come.
Castiel looked up as he chewed the food in his mouth, "Of course." He reaches and pulls out the chair next to him, "Dean, you know I always appreciate our talks... our time together."
A sadness washed over Dean's face. He didn't want to face his friend when he talked by sitting right next to him. Dean clears his throat as he side-sits on the table.
"Listen buddy, um..." Dean swallowed, shutting his eyes for a moment then looking at his friend with a broken heart, "You can't stay here."
2 weeks later...
You parked your car into the gas station, aiming to refuel your car as well as yourself. Once your car had a filled gas tank, you parked it infront of the store.
You watched as a guy, an employee with a blue waistcoat, walked towards the store. You squinted then raised your eyebrows.
You knew him... and you haven't net him for a while.
It's Castiel, the Angel in the trench coat.
You walked towards him. "Castiel! Cas!" You called out and he turned to look your way, but looked a bit frightened, avoiding your gaze.
You jogged to him, holding his arm. "Cas, it's me Camz," You told and he looked around, then smiled at you. "Camila," He said softly. You pulled him into a tight hug, he was a bit hesitant at first then melted into your touch and wrapped his hands around your back.
"I thought you forgot me Cassie," You told and squeezed him slightly. He shut his eyes, could feel him breathe on your neck, "I would never forget you Camila."
You pulled away, looking into his beautiful blue eyes. You kissed him on the cheek out of friendship then stepped back.
"What are you doing here? Why are you wearing an employee's jacket?" You questioned and he sighed, looking to the floor.
"I-I work here now," He told and you tilted your head slightly. "Castiel you are-were an Angel... You can't just work at a store all of a sudden!" You felt odd, as if you're responsible for this.
"I am not wanted at the Bunker, I'm human and I need to survive. What else can I do?" He said stifly and you held his arm. "Come with me. We'll figure this out together," You said, "I don't like seeing you like this Cas."
He sighed, staying silent for a moment. "Fine," He mumbled then looked inside the Gas'nSip store, "My shift ends in ten minutes. I'll join you then."
You nodded and smiled softly. You walked to your car, watching Cas go inside and resume his tasks. It didn't feel right to you. Castiel working... doing human jobs just didn't feel right.
You got a motel room that had two single beds. You settled down, getting Castiel some clothes from a yard sale and washing the clothes he was wearing previously.
Right now, you were sitting at the edge of your bed while Cas sat opposite you, on his bed. You both stayed in silence, You tried to say a word but it was as if you couldn't speak.
You stared at Cas, watching his sad, drained-from-any-emotion face and couldn't help but feel the same way.
"Cas, do you... do you want to talk about it?" You asked, moving a bit closer to him. "What is there to talk about Mila? I feel hated and hopeless," Castiel sighed and you frowned.
"I'm hungry, tired, I can feel every possible emotion. It's all too much to take in," Castiel told, "I feel... I feel like a pile of crap."
You stayed silent, which caused Castiel to furrow his eyebrows.
"What's wrong? Right now, you'd probably tell me that I can't feel like crap because it's something that belongs in the toilet," Cas sulked, "Then you'd probably make some joke to go along with it."
You sighed, "Have you ever heard of the movie 'Constipated'?" Castiel shook his head and you chuckled, "Probably because it never came out."
Cas smiled, "That's actually quite amusing and clever if you..." He looked up to the ceiling and sighed. He had no will to continue.
"Oh Cas, I'm humorless and jokeless right now. I can't act like everything is okay," You looked at him with pain erupting through your body while he looked at you hopelessly.
"What do you expect me to feel right now Camila?!" He questioned rhetorically, "Dean kicked me out of the Bunker when he knows that I'm human and I've never experienced being one before. What does he expect me to do? How am I supposed to survive?!"
Cas started to become agitated, you held his hands tightly. He looked as if he was going to tear up. "Cas, you can survive this. You've gone through so much with the Winchesters... so much with me. You can live being a human temporarily," You tried to comfort him and it seemed to work.
"But how could Dean do that? I thought he was my friend but now... now I think no one really cares about me," Cas rubbed his hands and you sat next to him on the bed.
"Cas, we all love you and care about you, okay? That will NEVER change," You said and placed your hand on the side of his face, "Atleast I can assure you that I will be by your side for as long as I live."
He shut his eyes and you moved your hand into his hair. "Oh Cas... Just try to relax okay? Just try to enjoy this new life somehow," You bent closer, running your hand through his soft but greasy hair.
He seemed to like the gesture, swaying a bit. You're just friends with Cas but you feel really open and comfortable around him.
"Cas, look at me. It'll be fine okay?" You kissed his cheek, "Now come on, turn that frown upside-down!" He smiled slightly and you got up.
"You should get some rest. We'll do some searching in the morning," You told and he nodded. Cas pulled his legs up and under the covers of the bed, resting his head on the pillow.
You pulled the covers over his shoulders then kissed his forehead. "Goodnight Castiel... I hope I don't have to teach you how to sleep!" You chuckled and he smiled.
"Goodnight Camz."
You turned and shifted in bed. You couldn't sleep. You weren't sure if it was because of Cas, because of Dean or because you just weren't sleepy.
You lay on your side, hugging the covers and hoping-
"N-No! Please don't-Please, don't hurt me! I'm just... H-Human."
You sat up suddenly, alarmed by the voice yelling. You turned to find Cas, jerking on his bed and arms flailing around.
He was sleep talking and the sight of it hurt you inside.
You got up and walked over to the side of his bed. You bent over, holding his hand. "Cas... wake up, you're having a nightmare," You whispered softly, close to his ear.
He stirred awake, looking at you with terror. "C-Camila?" His confusion turned into pure fear, "They'll... THEY'RE COMING." His eyes darted across the room.
You squeezed his hand, "You're okay Castiel. It was just a dream." You sat near him on the bed and he sighed. "Great. I can't even sleep properly anymore," He sulked hoarsely.
You gestured for him to move to the side and you slid under the covers next to him. He wrapped an arm around you automatically and you placed your arm across his chest.
"I'm right here Cas, right next to you. Nothing will happen," You whispered and he took a deep breath. You both shut your eyes and fall asleep.
And Castiel was perfectly peaceful through the night, knowing that you were right there by his side.
"Don't argue with me Cas. We're going and that's final," You clenched your jaw and the Angel sighed.
The conversation you had with Castiel and then the nightmare had really put your mood off. You were extremely angry at Dean and you had made up your mind to go and talk to him.
Castiel, however, didn't want to, but you managed to drag him along to the Men of Letters Bunker after numerous arguments.
In the next two hours, after a long and silent drive, You finally reached the Bunker. You tried your best to stay calm, to remain happy till the right moment.
You and Cas walked up to the door and he banged on it hardly. Moments later, the door clanged open and there stood Sammy Winchester.
"Hi Sam," You smiled and his face shone with happiness. "Hi Camz, Cas! How are you doing? Come on in!" Sam said and opened the door wider.
You three walked down the stairs, smiles on your faces as you approached the library.
"Who's at the door Sam?" A deep voice questioned as you heard loud footsteps approach you.
It was Dean... and he looked a little frightened to see you and Cas standing together.
You clenched your fists and forced a smile on his face. "H-Hi Dean," You said flatly. He furrowed his eyebrows then looked at Cas with a questioning look.
Right now, Cas was acting slightly strange. He kept glancing at Sam with confusion and concern... and it bothered you.
But not enough to let go of the fact that Dean stood infront of you.
"Hey, why don't I get some beers for you both. Let's chat and catch up," Sam said and you nodded with a smile. You watched him walk off then turned your gaze to Dean.
"So Cas... I thought you were going to stay away," Dean whispered fiercely and you rolled your eyes. "Dean, I-"
You punched Dean in the nose and pinned his arms down. He stumbled at being caught off-guard, holding his nose as it bleeded. You pushed him to the wall and placed your arm across his chest.
"Son of a-what the hell Camila?!" He said and you pushed him harder into the wall. "Shut up asshole," You spat, "I thought you cared but you're just a douchebag aren't you?!"
He was going to say something but you moved closer, "How dare you send Cas away when you know he's human?! He has nothing, NOTHING and you just let him go? HOW WAS HE SUPPOSED TO LIVE YOU BASTARD?!"
Cas grabbed your arm but you glared at him. Out of fear, he stepped away while looking at you with worry.
You moved back then slapped him, tears stinging your eyes. "I have never been so disappointed in you Dean. This is a new low, even for you," You looked at him with grief, "I thought you cared for us but I was mistaken."
You walked away to Cas, he held your arm and looked at Dean with a complete serious face. Cas then looked to you, "Are you okay? I don't think that was necessary-"
"I had to Cassie, for you," You told softy and he nodded. Dean grunted as he looked at both of you with hate. You watched him walk off towards the other side of the Bunker.
"Hey I got the-where's Dean?" Sam asked, four beers in his hands. "Oh he had to go to the washroom," You lied, hoping that Sam wouldn't notice.
Sam gave you the beers and nodded. You opened them up and took a sip. Cas however, continued to stare at Sam with doubt.
"Have a seat! Let's talk," Sam said but Cas shook his head. "Uh, we'd love to but we have things to do... Sam. Camila and I have a place to attend," Cas said and you looked at him with confusion.
"We don't have-"
He slithered his arm around your waist and moved closer to you. "Just follow my lead Camz," He whispered, which gave you chills. You nodded and he took your beer.
"Let me take that for you," He put them on a table in the library, "You anyways shouldn't be drinking." You squinted slightly, trying to decipher what he was doing.
Cas held your hand, you were surprised at the sudden show of affection from him. It was as if he was protecting you in a discreet way.
"Sam... it was great to meet you," Cas said and Sam smiled. He nodded and walked you to the Bunker's door. "Well we hope to see you guys soon," Sam said and you smiled, kissing him on the cheek.
"Same here! Bye Sammy, take care of yourself," You hugged him then he hugged Cas. You and Cas walked out and you noticed that the Angel was a bit agitated.
He quickly scurried into the car and put his seatbelt on. "Cas, what's wrong?" You asked and he looked at you with concern.
"That's not... There's something wrong," He said, gripping the door handle tightly. "What do you mean?" You tried to get him to answer.
"T-That's not... Sam."
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