Winner Or Loser? (Dean)
🎶: 'I'll Make It Up To You' by Imagine Dragons
(Ugh I love this song, it's from their new album 😍❤)
You ran your hands through his hair, he moaned slightly at your soft touch. "S-Stop that... please," He literally begged, breathlessly, after he paused from giving you a mark-leaving kiss on your neck.
"Why?" You asked, looking at him straight in the eyes, "Is Deano feeling all tingly inside?" You batted your eyes at him a bit and he groaned. "Yes. A lot," He replied flatly and you smirked.
You pulled on his hair lightly and moaned loudly. He sort of collapsed on top of you and you giggled. "I told you to stop! Goddamnit woman!" He yelled a bit, growling with anger and frustration, with a hint of lust.
"I like messing with you when you're horny Dean, you act funny," You rubbed his bare muscular arms and smirked, "You're so... vulnerable."
He looked at you stiffly then got off you, walking over to get his shirt. "Dean?! Look, I'm sorry. Please, come back!" You got up and followed him, "I really need you right now, you can't just leave in the middle!"
He had a slight grin on his and turned around sharply, gripping your arms and pushing you to the wall. "You don't know how much in love it when you're all aggressive and rough," You said and licked your lips, "It's so... sexy."
3 days later...
"Hey babe, I was thinking we could watch a movie and maybe spend the night together... You know... doing stuff," You twirled your finger around the table and looked at him with hope that he'd agree.
All he did was give you a low hum, and continued to look at his phone.
You crossed your arms and stared at him with disbelief. The day after you slept with him 3 nights ago, he started being distant. He didn't give you the same amount of attention he usually does. You even made pie for him yesterday but he didn't even say thank you.
You squinted at him, gating his attitude with you that came out from somewhere suddenly. "SAM! I want a drink," You said aloud and the younger brother looked at you with his eyebrows raised.
"All THREE of us are going to go out and enjoy our time," You said and got up, bending forward towards your boyfriend, "And 'all THREE' means you too Dean."
He rolled his eyes at you and hugged as he got up. You gave him a look of shock, then turned to Sam who just shrugged.
Dean continued to stare and scroll through his phone with that annoying-ass grin on his face, which made you fill with rage. You sat next to Sam, Dean had the whole of the opposite bench of the booth.
"Hey I uh, I'm going to the washroom. I'll bring back some beers?" He asked and Sam nodded. All you did was continue to decipher his body language.
Since you don't naturally trust people, you decided to follow Dean. Sam shrugged at you, not wanting to be part of the conflict.
He did in fact go to the washroom but he then exited the bar and got into a car. You stared as the car drove off, in disbelief.
THAT SON OF A BITCH! You thought, stomping your foot on the ground.
You stormed back into the bar, not caring if you captured people's attention. "Sam, give me the keys," You demanded and put your hand out. Sam raised his eyebrows then sighed, fumbling through his pockets for the keys to the Impala.
He gave them to you and you wrapped your hand around them, nodding slightly then strutting off to the bar exit.
"Wait, what's wrong?"Sam asked and you sighed, turning around and looking at him sadly.
"Your brother messed up real big. He's a jerk," You said and walked off, "I'll wait for you in the car Sam, otherwise come home on your own."
Sam shook his head then placed a few bills on the table as payment for the beer. He followed you back to the Impala and you both sat inside.
You paused for a moment, staring ahead through the windshield unable to accept if whatever was happening was real.
"I love him Sam. Why would he do this to me?" You had tears in your eyes. "You aren't sure that he's cheating in you-"
You rolled your eyes and scoffed, "Oh please, I'm aware of his history with women. It's the reason I have the slightest trust issues."
Sam frowned and you started the car, driving towards the Bunker feeling disgusted at Dean's behaviour.
3 hours later...
"Hey [y/n], how are-"
You slapped him hard across his face and he stood there in pain and shock.
"Don't act innocent with me Winchester! I know all about your nightly meets with some chick called Isabella," You said with anger, pointing a finger at him, "WHAT HAVE I DONE TO MAKE YOU CHEAT ON ME ASSHOLE?!"
Dean clenched his fists and glared at you, "How do you know I was cheating huh?! You can't just accuse a man!"
You rolled your eyes and walked over to your laptop, crossing your arms. "Since I don't trust people, especially being with you in a relationship, I followed you after you said you wanted to go to the washroom," You explained and showed him your laptop screen.
"You went to some house where this woman called Isabella Maisons lives," You revealed, "You spent 3 hours with her Dean!" You stepped away and he rubbed his forehead.
"And I tracked the license plate of the car you sat in to confirm," You said and he stared at you with disbelief. "THAT IS AN INVASION OF PRIVACY!" Dean yelled.
"WE'RE IN A RELATIONSHIP DEAN! There's no such thing as 'privacy'! You tell each other EVERYTHING," You shouted back, "That includes the reason why you ignore me these days, the reason why you act like a jerk every time I do something for you, and why you keep going off to places without telling me and are addicted to your phone suddenly!"
"A man has his freedom of choices [y/n]-"
"Well, a 'man' needs to tell his girlfriend where he's going! I have trust issues with you Dean, you've made it larger now, thanks a lot!" You argued and he cocked an eyebrow.
"Well that's your problem!" He took a step forward and you looked at him blankly.
"You know what, that's it. I'm done," You said and rubbed your forehead, "I'm sick and tired of dealing with your emotional jerky crap Dean. I'm breaking up with you."
And then he realised exactly how big of a mistake he had made.
"N-No, [y/n] PLEASE!" He put his arm out to reach as you walked away but you pushed it off. "Yeah, now see how stupid and selfish you are," You spat and strutted off to Sam's room, so that you could cry on his shoulder.
You were happy with him out of your life. No worries, no issues... but you missed him. You still love him and you want those mind blowing days spent with him and even more mind blowing nights.
You continued to stay at the Bunker. You were still a hunter, and one with nowhere else to live. With Sam, you still remained best friends, but with Dean... it became more of acquaintances.
He tried everything to get you back for the past two weeks. First it was with his words, then he'd write you letters and poems (copied off from Google, though he did try writing one too which ended up with you being compared to a slice of pie).
One day Dean had brought you your favourite flowers. You were in awe but all you did was put them in a vase filled with water on a table in the library, somewhere at the end.
He kept going on about going out with you for dinner or to the bar, or staying home and spending the night watching a movie. He even got to the point where he said that he 'needed' you desperately, begging.
But you continued to reject him, a pang of hurt always hit you, and you continued to fight crime and live in a separate bedroom now, which used to be yours before you dated Dean.
"Come on [y/n] please, give me a second chance," Dean pleaded and you huffed, slamming the heavy book shut. "Dean leave me alone! STOP PESTERING ME EVERY FREAKING MINUTE OF THE DAY!" You exclaimed and he moved back a bit.
"No, I will not leave you alone till you give me a second chance," He crossed his arms and you walked over to Sam.
"Well too bad because I'm with Sam now," You stuck your tongue out to Dean and kissed the younger Winchester on the cheek. Sam was completely lost by your words.
Dean smirked, "No you're not." You squinted at him, "Yes I am."
"You're not with Sam. The way you act around me, how your eyes dilate whenever I touch you or you see me, how you have a slight stutter... You still love me," Dean analysed and you bit your lip due to the lack of comebacks to his words.
"W-Well I... I like Sam, atleast he won't cheat on me," You said and wrapped your arms around his neck. Dean got up from his seat and walked towards you.
"But you like men who take charge once in a while," He winked at you, "You know that Sam won't fulfil that."
"Hey! I can take charge-"
You looked at Dean with frustration, as he licked his lips. "You have to give me a second chance," He said softly but you shook your head. "You hurt me inside Dean, I don't think I can forgive you," You said with sorrow and he unexpectedly picked you up and put you over his shoulder.
"DEAN PUT ME DOWN DAMN IT!" You shouted as you hit his back with your fists. You kicked your legs around as he hurried to his bedroom.
He shut the door with his leg once he entered and locked it. He put you down and pushed you up to the wall, an arm across your chest so that you couldn't move at all.
"Seriously?!" Dean laughed at your show of panic and desperation to not give in to his 'take me back' policy.
He kissed your neck hard and you couldn't stop yourself from moaning.
"Damn you Dean..." You said breathlessly and he grinned. His hands moved down to rest on your waist as he spread his legs out, pushing you as far as he could into the wall.
He kisses you on the lips passionately, while your hands, without thinking, move under his shirt, tracing his flawless body. He groaned a bit, you didn't even think about pushing him off and running out of the room.
You still loved him with every fiber in you... You just wish he didn't cheat on you and you didn't want to seem weak and give in.
"Jump," He ordered and you obeyed. He placed his hands under your thighs as you wrapped your legs around his torso. You moaned as he kissed the life out of you, but you didn't mind it at all.
You hit his chest with your fist and he pulled away, gasping a bit. "I don't like you Dean!" You said, panting, "You're a cruel man for turning me on right now!"
"It's all part of the plan sweetheart," He said sexily and you shivered a bit. You wrapped your hands around his neck and ran your fingers through the hair at the back of his neck.
He carried you to the bed that was a few feet away and threw you onto it. "Please [y/n], I'm so sorry about going with some other random chick. I'm a selfish bastard sometimes but that didn't mean that I should cause you any hurt," He said and ran a hand through his hair, "I promise... I'll make it up to you, every night."
He crawled on top of you and was about to kiss you but you put your hand out to stop him.
"Fine, I'll... give you a second chance," You sighed and Dean's face glowed with happiness, "And I say this before you make my evening interesting so that you don't get whatever pleasure you had planned through this."
He rolled his eyes and chuckled. "If you screw this up again so help me... I'll leave the Bunker and I'll make sure you never feel the satisfaction of sleeping with another woman again, got it?!" You warned him and he looked genuinely frightened.
Dean nodded and you relaxed yourself. You pulled him towards you by his neck and kissed him. You pulled away after you needed to breathe again and said, "I love you and that's the only reason why I'm giving you a second chance, not because sleeping with you is the best thing ever."
"Can you stop talking please?!" He begged, "You have no idea how horny I've been these past days." You laughed, "That makes the both of us."
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