'Well' Brewed Cup Of Joe (Misha)
This imagine is dedicated to XxSasMasterxX, someone who loves Misha buckets and buckets, right?
ENJOY! (I hope you enjoy this!)
You felt the covers pull away from your legs, uncovering your shorts-wearing thighs. You stirred awake, the sudden chill on your skin made you shiver. Soon enough, your were fully uncovered, wrapping your arms around yourself.
"Baby, you awake?" You said hoarsely and sat up, leaning back on your arms. Someone peeked out from under the covers, frowning slightly. Your boyfriend had the messiest hair and you tilted your head in confusion. He looked completely fresh, as if he hadn't slept at all.
"I-I'm sorry, did I wake you up?" Misha asked guilty and you nodded. He sighed then kissed your hand, you smiled softly. "You can go back..." He paused, squeezing your hand a bit and groaning, "You can go to sleep."
You turned to your bedside table and switched the lamp on. You shut your eyes immediately, the bright light stung. You rubbed your eyes then asked, "What's wrong babe?" You crossed your legs and faced him. He sat up a bit as well and ran a hand through his hair. He rested his head back on the bed frame and shut his eyes, as if in pain.
"Are you in pain? Is it your stomach? Your legs? You did do a lot of work yesterday. Maybe it's your back," You said in a worried rush. He chuckled a bit then winced.
"I-It's my head, I'm having the worst headache I've ever had in my life right now," He explained with difficulty. The pain was so much that he couldn't keep his eyes open.
You got up from the bed and slipped your feet into some fuzzy slippers. He held your arm back and looked at you with a questioning expression.
"Where are you going?" He asked and you told him that you're getting him some medicine. He nodded then lay back down, a hand on his forehead, pressing his temples.
Five minutes later, you returned with a warm glass of chocolate milk and a pain killer pill. Misha sat up straight and took a deep breath. You gave him the medicine and he placed it in his mouth. He looked at the glass of milk and looked at you, puzzled.
"I'm not a child [y/n], I don't need warm milk," He commented and you crossed your arms, raising an eyebrow.
He shrugged and swallowed the pill. "Warm milk will help your body and mind relax, it can help with the headache," You told and placed a kiss on his cheek, "And I know how much you love chocolate milk." He smiled shyly, holding your hand then kissing your lips.
"I'm sorry for waking you up and-"
You placed your finger on his lips and he moved back a bit, slightly surprised. "I don't need any apologies from you Mish," You said then walked over to your side of the bed. You crossed your legs and patted your lap, telling your boyfriend to rest his head on your legs.
Misha hesitated at first but then lay cuddled up close to you. You stroked his hair slowly, making him drift off to sleep. You pressed his head lightly, massaging it and rubbing soft circles on the sides. Soon, you could hear near-to-quiet snoring coming from him. You smiled and placed a kiss on his head, then slowly set his head on his pillow.
You shut off the bedside lamp then snuggled under the covers, hugging onto Misha's arm for the whole night.
The next morning...
You walked into the kitchen but stopped, confusion and surprise filling your mind. "Baby, where did all the coffee go? I thought you said that there was enough for me," You said as you walked into the living room where your boyfriend sat watching TV, "It's completely empty."
You crossed your arms then raised your eyebrows, noticing how Misha kept tapping the table with his nails and bouncing his knees.
"H-Hi [y/n], you look gr-great! I mean, you're in your night clothes b-but you st-still look... really really really really g-good, like I mean it and you always look good. Do you ever have a bad day? I don't think s-so!" He said in a fast rush and you walked towards him slowly, concerned.
"Are you okay Misha?" You questioned hesitantly and he looked at you, completely lost. "Yeah! Yup, I'm great and I'm perfect, just like you! Isn't that weird? We both are perfect! I mean, you look perfect but I feel perfect and I definitely don't have that h-headache anymore. Thank the great good Lord above for that huh?!" He once again blurted out, hands going everywhere as he talked.
You continued to watch him, trying to figure out what was wrong. "Honey, did you have all that coffee in the pot?" You asked, dreading the answer.
"OH YEAH! I did, and another completely full-to-the-brim pot through the night and in the beginning of the morning. It has helped me a-a lot and I f-feel... GREAT!" He replied and your heart sank. You rubbed your forehead and he walked up to you.
"D-Do you have a headache? Have some c-coffee! It's-so good!" He drifted off, staring at the wall for a moment. Misha then kissed you on the cheek, a hard and long one. You scrunched your nose then huffed.
Great, I need to deal with a caffeinated Misha, You thought.
"Okay tell me what happened? Why did you drink so much coffee?" You asked and he sat at the kitchen island. You stood across him and he sighed, seeming more relaxed and chilled right now.
"Well... the headache didn't exactly go away. It came back after three hours of taking the medicine and I-I couldn't s-sleep," He responded, "I didn't want to disturb you so I got up and tried to walk around. I used this warm cloth on my forehead, it was relaxing."
You frowned, you'd help him no matter what. "Since I-I have a panel today, I n-need to be fully and completely awa-ake," Misha said, "That's why I started dr-drinking coffee! See? It's not bad at all! I feel great and I can talk on and on and on..."
And just like that he was back to his high-on-coffee, jumpy self again.
He continued to smile widely and talk fast, which was beyond worrying for you. "Just... relax and remember that you'll be in front of a lot of people okay?" You said as you rubbed his arm. He nodded quickly, continuing to tap the sides of his legs out of anticipation and the fact that he was loaded on caffeine.
He walked onto the stage and you bit your lip, hoping that everything would go well. "H-Hi guys! What is... What's up with all of you great and fantastic people? I mean, I feel great and I'm definitely NOT high on caffeine, pfft," Misha said in a hurry and you face-palmed yourself.
This is not to go like how it usually does...
The audience fell silent and Misha pulled on his shirt collar, suddenly feeling nervous at all the weird and questioning looks he was getting from everyone.
"O-Okay... Let's start with some questions!" He raised his fist slightly in the air as if in some victory. You looked back at everyone who was back stage and smiled nervously. A girl walked up to the microphone and asked a question.
"Hi Misha, how are you doing?"
Oh no, please don't ask him that, You thought and shut your eyes out of fear of how he'd react.
"I-I'm fantastic! I have never felt better... You know, let me tell you a story. I was feeling like crap yesterday after working and doing all the stuff I do which isn't much but it is quite a lot for you guys I guess because you aren't in the same line of work right?" Misha started his marathon of answering and talking, "So I felt like crap and then... and then I went to sleep and I couldn't sleep which is odd because I can usually sleep super well and really quickly. But [y/n] was sleeping next to me and she was actually sleeping and then I guess I woke her up because she asked me what's wrong and I told her my head hurts and she gave me some medicine and I ate it and then I had a glass of milk which was okay I guess..."
Misha continued to literally talk at a speed of a thousand miles an hour, you were horrified. You really wanted to go up on stage and save his life from all the awkward whispering and stares he was getting.
"... Because you know, when you feel a little depresso, have an espresso," He winked and pointed to the crowd, who were completely silent. Misha frowned, clearing his throat and standing on stage awkwardly.
"Oh God Misha... Just continue the panel please," You mumbled to yourself, a part of you wishing that he heard it.
"Y-You can ask your question, sorry," Misha sat on the stool in the centre of the stage and listened to the girl as she asked about what was his favourite part about shooting the latest season.
"It was really nice and I loved every bit of it! This time I got to prank a few people! I can do whatever I want, HA HA HA! Suck it people!" He said and snickered. You gave up on him acting like he normally does about five minutes ago.
He waited for the audience to cheer, but no one reacted in any way.
"Anyways, I mixed up Jared and Jensen's underwear one time, another time they had to take shower with cold water for a week and once I made sure that they didn't get any dessert! It was so good though, the best chocolate pudding and brownies I have ever eaten," Misha told, "THEY WERE SO GOOD AND JARED AND JENSEN HAD THE WORST TIME EVER!" He continued to laugh at himself and you shook our head slowly, wanting to crawl into a hole.
You gathered all your courage and walked onto the stage. Misha turned to look at you, surprised. "Hey b-beautiful, what are you do-doing here?" He asked and you rolled your eyes. You grabbed the microphone from his hands and took a deep breath.
"Hey guys, I know I have no purpose to be on stage but after watching how this poor little teddy bear was acting I thought I should clarify some things," You explained and the crowd listened to you with all attention, "Like he had said in his blurt out of words, he was having a really bad headache last night and he didn't get a wink of sleep. He had some medicine but it didn't seem to work. What lovely Misha here did was, because he didn't want to fall asleep during the panel or act completely drowsy and emotionally dead, he drank coffee... and a lot of it, surprisingly."
You looked at him and sighed, he was hugging onto your arm like a small kid would do if he was scared.
You kissed his cheek and smiled slightly, "He's just extremely high on caffeine and I tried to tell him to just... take it easy on the talking and all, but I guess it didn't work so well." You chuckled and he hugged onto your arm tighter.
You stood there for a moment and then started to walk off but he held your arm, making you stop.
"Hey guys, you don't mind if [y/n] stays here right?" He asked and everyone exclaimed a big 'No!'. Misha smiled and you raised your eyebrows.
"Besides, I love you a latte!" Misha grinned and you rolled your eyes, face-palming, "Oh come on, that was funny! Guys, wasn't that funny?"
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