Water Colours (Castiel)
🎶: 'Everglow' by Coldplay
(I was reading this again... I cried a bit 😭)
"Alright sweetheart, let's go," Castiel told his three year old daughter. She frowned at him, "But daddy, Uncle Dean and I haven't finished playing Snakes and Ladders!"
Castiel put his arms on his waist and gave her an authoritative look. "Come on now, you can finish it after you wash up," Castiel instructed and the little girl got up from her seat and walked towards her father, shoulders slumped.
Dean smirked. He had a special relationship with the Angel's daughter, and it had grown ever since you had left.
You had died on a hunt four months ago. Your daughter is a nephilim and as everyone knows, it's forbidden for a human to have a child with an Angel. Ever since your daughter was born, Angels have been after her, aiming to get rid of her.
"She's a child, she won't hurt anyone!" Castiel would reason, "It's about how a child is raised."
He loves your daughter more than anything... and he loved you all the same.
But one night while you all were out, an Angel appeared out of nowhere and went towards your daughter with his blade. You stepped in his way, causing the blade to pierce through your stomach. You couldn't let your daughter die.
Castiel tried his best to save you, even your daughter did with her powers without knowing, but nothing worked.
They all watched you fade away from their lives, leaving heart broken Winchesters and a family who lost their wife and mother
Castiel sulked, every second of every day since you had been gone. In the beginning he had tried to get a way to bring you home but then the Winchesters told him that it's best to move on.
"Daddy can I have a bubble bath?" [y/d/n] asked in a soft voice. Castiel smiled softly and kissed her head, "Of course you can, my Angel." She squealed in excitement and Castiel helped her to remove her clothes.
Her father prepared the bath tub, filling it with water till the level of it reached her belly button then adding a few drops of bath liquid that would make 'bubbly bubbles' as you daughter calls it.
She jumped inside and immediately started rubbing her foamy hands together and making a mess. "[y/d/n], please don't spill any water from the tub," Castiel told and she nodded obediently.
He ruffled her soft brown hair slightly and smiled, "Enjoy." She looked at her daddy with love in her eyes, "Thank you Daddy!"
Castiel walked towards the wardrobe and took out fresh clothes for your daughter, and a pair of socks too. He set them on the bed then walked out of the room and towards the library where the boys sat.
"So Cas, how are you doing?" Dean asked as he constantly rolled the dice for the board the out of impatience and boredom.
"I am well Dean," He replied, "I can't thank you enough for helping out with caring for [y/d/n], and also you Sam. It means a lot to me... and it would to [y/n] as well."
Dean put his hand out as he got up, "No need to thank us Cas. You're family and [y/d/n] is family. We help each other whenever and wherever we can. [y/d/n] is a wonderful and beautiful girl. I love her to bits!"
Castiel smiled and Dean looked at him softly. "[y/n] would be real proud of you Cas. Look how far you've come, from being an unaware Angel to a single dad who knows how to take care of his child on his own. That's progress if you ask me," Dean told and Castiel nodded, not able to shed off the slight sorrow he still had within him whenever you're part of a conversation.
Castiel rubbed his eyes then got up from his seat. "I should check on [y/d/n]. She seems awfully quiet," He said then walked towards the bedroom and then to the washroom inside.
"How's my Angel-"
He froze, his heart stopping for moment as he witnessed what state the bathroom was in.
There was red everywhere. The white floor was stained with red marks and footprints while the walls had scrapes of hand marks and fingerprints.
Castiel had a hard time breathing, unable to look at the tub that had now been transformed into a pool of red rather than filled with foamy white.
"N-No... please," He panicked as he attacked the pool of red for finding his baby, dreading the fact that she may have drowned.
Sighing with relief but still in concern, Castiel searched the room and looked around for his daughter. "I can't lose you too!" He yelled and ran out of the room and towards the library, while calling out for [y/d/n].
"D-Dean, Sam... she's... I don't-" Tears rolled down Castiel's cheek as he walked to the boys. His hands were stained with red. The Winchesters got up with worry and rushed over to Cas.
"I c-can't find her anywhere. She's gone Dean," He looked to his hands, "Her blood... she's-"
"Dada?" A soft voice said and Castiel turned around sharply.
[y/d/n] stood at the library entrance, wrapped in Castiel's trench coat and shivering slightly.
"Daddy what's wrong? Your hands are red," She said innocenly and frowned. Castiel ran to her, collapsing to the floor and examining her body.
"A-Are you okay? Are you hurt?" Castiel asked, gripping her hands. She shook her head, afraid about her daddy's serious face.
Castiel hugged her tightly, breaking down into tears. "I thought I lost you," He trembled, "I can't lose you too. I lost your mother, I can't lose you! I'm so sorry."
He kissed her head and she looked at him sadly. "Daddy why are you crying?" She asked and wiped his cheeks. Her hands were red, Castiel held them tightly and smiled softly.
"I was just worried about you," He replied, his voice steadying slightly. She looked to the floor, ashamed then said, "I'm sorry daddy. I couldn't wait to open the new paints you got me and I went to the tub and a bottle fell insideafter I opened it."
Castiel looked at her with his head tilted slightly. "The red paint made the water red and then my feet and hands got dirty too, and your hands are dirty. I'm sorry," She cried quietly and Castiel hugged his daughter again.
"I thought you were in danger [y/d/n]. Don't scare me again," He said in a stern tone and your daughter nodded, "Come on, let's go clean you up."
Castiel paused after he stood up then looked to his daughter with a raised eyebrow. "What's that?!" He pointed at the trail of small red footsteps on the floor ahead.
"Sorry," She mumbled softly and Castiel looked at the Winchesters, exhausted. Dean smirked slightly, "We'll clean it up, don't worry Cas."
Castiel nodded then walked towards his bedroom to clean himself and his daughter... and the bathroom.
Castiel sat on the chair, trying his best to hold back his tears. He held his face in his hands and sighed.
"Go visit her Cas," Dean said, "Just go again. It'll be fine." Castiel sulked slightly. It ached him to watch his daughter, she looked so much like you and it made him miss you more.
The last time he visited you in Heaven was a few weeks after you had passed away. You were so happy to see him but all he did was look at you with sorrow and pain. He disappeared a little later and went into a wave of depression, locked in his bedroom that you had shared with him before.
Dean pulled him out of his misery. He had to yell at him slightly, but it helped. Dean told him that he needs to take care of his daughter, that she doesn't need a father who has completely lost his mind.
Castiel got up then sighed, "Alright. Just watch [y/d/n]." Dean nodded then put a hand on his friends shoulder.
Castiel stepped back, looking at his daughter for the last time then disappearing, on his way to Heaven.
He finally found your room in the aisle of all the people who's names were '[y/n]'. He took a deep breath then entered inside.
Castiel had shut his eyes when he had entered, opening them up slowly. He looked around sighing slightly when he saw that it looked exactly the same, with a few minor changed here and there.
Your heaven looks like your dream home, a home you wanted to have with Castiel and your daughter as a family, but you never got the chance to. Back on earth, you stayed in the Bunker with the Winchesters.
You hummed happily as you cleaned the dishes. Your heaven was inhabited with your memories. Because you couldn't have the real Castiel or your daughter, you would live through your memories with them.
You set the dishes then turned to the living room. You glanced back and froze, the hairs on your neck standing up straight.
Castiel stood there, staring at you in awe.
You knew the difference between memory Cas and the real one... this was the real one.
"[y/n]," He said softly and you ran to him, jumping into his arms. He hugged you back, nuzzling his head into the crook of your neck. "Cas, I can't believe you're here," You whispered into his ears.
"I came to see you. I should have come more often, I'm sorry-"
You broke him off by kissing him. He cupped your cheeks and moving your hands into your hair. You wrapped your hands around his neck, moaning slightly as he deepened the kiss.
You were happy that Castiel wasn't like how he was when he visited you last. He was more like the Castiel you know and love.
He lifted you up and you wrapped your legs around his waist. He walked over to the table and set you down, not breaking the kiss at any point. You both make out for a few more minutes till you pulled away.
"You have no idea how much I've missed you," You said breathlessly. He kissed your head, "I miss you so much, and [y/d/n]-"
He paused, feeling odd and regret for mentioning your daughter. "H-How is she?" You asked, squeezing his hands. "[y/d/n] is perfect. She looks more like you everyday. She's grown so much, I'm sure you'd be proud," Castiel told and a tear rolled down your cheek.
He didn't realise that he was crying too. He wiped your tears then wiped the drops on his face. Castiel stepped away, "I have to go."
"No Cas, please stay," You begged, feeling your heart ache.
And he was gone.
You cried a bit, you didn't want to be away from him for such a long time again.
You turned around, your head in your hands as you continued to sob. You missed life on Earth so much that-
You looked back, a hand covering your mouth. You saw your daughter standing there and you broke down into tears.
"MY ANGEL!" You rushed to her and picked her up. You hugged her so tight, crying softly, then kissing her head and cheeks.
"Mommy, I miss you. Can't you leave this house and come home?" She asked and you cried a bit. "Sorry baby," You said, looking at Cas and sighing, "Mommy still has some work to do here."
Castiel walked up and hugged you both. "Look Cas, we're a family again," You sobbed. He smiled then took your daughter from your arms.
"This is supposed to be our dream house babe, I wanted us three to live in a place like this," You told Cas. Your daughter spotted some toys on the living room floor and asked her father to put her down. She ran to them and smiled.
"Mommy, who's are these?" She asked and you looked at Cas. "They're yours honey, all yours," You replied and Castiel wrapped his arm around your waist.
You held his arm and walked to the back of the house. The view was something you loved. You had a glimpse of the seaside, seagulls flying and the waves hitting the warm sand.
"This is beautiful [y/n]," Castiel looked ahead and you rested your head on his chest. He frowned a bit, "I'm sorry I couldn't give you this."
You ran a hand through his hair and kissed his jaw. "Don't say another word baby. You gave me everything I could wish for. You gave me [y/d/n] and you gave me a good life," You said and he looked at you with tears in his eyes, "I love you more than anything Castiel. You and [y/d/n] are my whole world. I just-"
You started to cry, surprised at how emotional this visit from Castiel had gotten. "I just don't want you to leave me. I know you have to go but-"
He rubbed your cheek with his thumb softly, "I'll come everyday [y/n], it'll be as if you're still on Earth. [y/d/n] can come too, sometimes, because she's half Angel."
"I promise I will never leave you again," He hugged you then kissed you passionately on the lips. He pulled away then chuckled.
"What's wrong?" You asked and he looked at your daughter. "I have to tell you what happened today in the Bunker with [y/d/n]."
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