The Cat's Out Of The Bag (Dean Ft. Castiel)
"You should have told me. What kind of parents don't tell their daughter that they hunt monsters and they could get killed at any moment?!" Your 13-year-old daughter yelled. You looked at Dean, who had nothing to say.
"Still nothing?" She shook her head in disbelief and stormed away. "[y/d/n] please, let's talk about this," You tried to reason with her but she ran off into her bedroom and slammed the door.
3 hours ago
"Baby calm down. She'll be fine," Dean attempted to console you. "How can you say that?! She's kidnapped by that thing and she doesn't know anything about the supernatural! How is she supposed to fend for herself?!" You argued at the top of your lungs.
You were close to hitting him. Dean held his hands out, holding your shoulders tightly. You cried out, tears streaming down your face, "She's with a vampire... My baby's with a vampire." Dean pulled you closer, hugging you as he looked to his brother with concern and teary eyes.
Later on...
You had reached just in time. That vampire was about to take a drink from your daughter when you stormed in and shot him in the head. He had a few guys around and Sam and Dean took care of them. All you aimed to do was get your daughter out of there.
"Baby, are you okay? Are you hurt?" You questioned as you untied her hands. Her clothes were torn, her hair and face dirty and messy. She was crying.
"Mom, what's happening? W-What is this?!" She cried. "Shh, let's just get out of here," You said and held her in your arms. She stumbled a bit and you helped her onto her feet.
"This is for kidnapping my daughter you son of a bitch!" Dean yelled and beheaded the last vampire. He was breathless, staring at the head as it rolled onto the floor. Your daughter was horrified.
"[y/d/n], are you okay?" Dean asked his daughter as he walked over to her. She looked at her parents and Sam with fear, hugging herself and refusing to hug anyone.
"What just happened? What was that 'thing'?!" She was close to exploding. You looked at Dean with worry and he sighed.
"That was a... Vampire," He said and looked to the floor. "W-What...?" Was all your daughter could say.
"Vampires, werewolves, ghosts, shape shifters... They are all real," Dean told and [y/d/n] looked at you to see if you agreed. You squeezed her shoulder.
"Woah woah, wait a minute," She raised her eyebrows, "So vampires are real? And it was going to kill me?"
"Wait, how long have you known about this?! How do you know about this stuff?!" She was starting to grow loud.
"You mom and I, and uncle Sam, hunt these things. We save people, hunt these types of things and it's a kind of family business," Dean explained. You were surprised that your daughter laughed.
"I'm sorry, I'm having a hard time believing this. You hunt... Monsters? Like big foot and loch ness?" She questioned and you smiled. "Not that type of stuff but yeah," You said.
"WHAT THE HELL?!" She yelled, which surprised you, "And you were planning to tell me all this when exactly?!"
"Till as long as we could keep it from you," You said sadly. Your daughter stared at you with disbelief, "Oh my god... And because of this I was kidnapped. If I knew I could have done something."
"You know this is all your fault," She walked up to you and Dean and pointed at you both one by one, "If you would have told me, I wouldn't have been in this mess, I could have done something."
"[y/d/n] we-"
"You're supposed to tell your child about these things," She continued to say, "When a child's most feared things are real, they're supposed to know about it. I can't believe you kept it a secret. Don't you care about me?! I guess not, you were probably ready to kill me off."
Tears rolled down your cheeks, Dean clenched his jaw. He didn't dare to look up. Sam felt extremely awkward.
"[y/d/n] please, can we talk about this? As a family?" You said through the door. "I don't want to talk to people who keep secrets from their daughter," She yelled. You sighed and walked away, anger starting to boil within you.
You walked back to the library and Dean got up from sitting on the table, "How is she?" You rubbed your forehead, "She won't talk, she doesn't want to."
"We'll give her some time then talk to-"
"Don't you see what's happening?! It's breaking apart Dean, our family is breaking apart!" You started to yell.
"No it's not, it's just-"
You stepped closer to him, grabbing his shirt, "Stop telling yourself that! WE HAVE RUINED IT!" Dean held your hands.
"You know if you just listened to me, she could have done something! SHE WOULDN'T BE IN THIS MESS!" It was Dean's turn to yell.
[y/d/n] sat on her bed with her knees pulled to her chest. She buried her head in her knees, hugging them and crying as she heard her parents argue at the loudest volume they could. It was all muffled but it didn't make it any better.
They were angry. They blamed themselves for making this happen to [y/d/n]. She couldn't argue with that, it was their fault.
If they would have taught her, would have told her about it all, none of this would have happened.
But nevertheless, [y/d/n] felt the slightest hint of guilt... And it kept growing bigger.
[y/d/n] looked up, cheeks covered in dry tear stains. "[y/d/n] please, it's Cas-It's Uncle Castiel," The man in the trench coat said. She didn't know that he was an Angel. "Uncle Castiel please, I don't want to talk to anyone right now," She told.
She sighed and walked over to the door. She opened it and her uncle still stood there, wanting to help his 'niece' feel better.
Castiel hugged [y/d/n] tightly and she broke into tears. He shut the door behind him as he walked over with her to the bed.
"I heard about what happened. I'm so sorry," He said and rubbed her back softly. "They kept it from me, my own parents kept secrets," She sniffed, "Why?"
"They just want to protect you," Castiel said. "Well if getting kidnapped by a vampire who I don't know anything about is 'protecting me' then no thanks. I don't want their protection," [y/d/n] said, "Why wouldn't they tell me? I'm not going to think they're crazy or something. I want to learn."
"This life... It's not that great. It's a burden," Castiel told and she raised her eyebrows. "How? In what way?" Your daughter questioned, "My mom and dad save lives... How is that not great?!"
"It causes a lot of grief to a person. You are never sure about life or death," Castiel said and she sighed, "We have lost so many people in the past and they don't want to lose anyone else."
He raised her chin and looked into her eyes, "We've all had, are having or will have our own share of trials and grief, no doubt. You're parents just want you to have a smaller share. That's why they want to keep it from you for as long as they can."
"But from now, they have no choice but to tell you about it. Welcome to a Hunter's life. You're officially a Winchester now," Castiel said and [y/d/n] hugged him again.
She and Cas have a very intimate relationship, from the moment she was born. She's loved him from being a child, always looking forward to spending time with him. You trust him with your life.
"Thank you Uncle Castiel. I love you," Your daughter said with a soft smile. He pulled away from the hug and held her hands, "You know there's a story, I'm not sure if your parents have told you about it..." You daughter shifted in her seat, listening with full attention.
"When you were going to be born, your mother was in a lot of pain, no doubt. Your father was out with Uncle Sam on a job, a hunt unfortunately, and they had told me to look after you before going," Castiel narrated, "[y/n] was in so much pain that she was convinced that she was going to die."
You daughter listened, a look of horror flashed across her face.
"She held my hand tightly, tears in her eyes. She told me, 'Castiel if I don't make it today, promise me that you will take care of my baby girl, promise me that you'll look out for her if Dean can't do it.'"
"I was scared at that moment, it was a huge responsibility but I took it upon me. I told her 'I promise'. It hurt me to see your mother in that state but she was fine in the end," Castiel said.
He looked into your daughter's eyes, "Look [y/d/n]... I will protect you with my life, I made a promise. I will help you with whatever I can but what your parents do for you is for your own good. They love you and that's why they didn't want to share their grief and pain with you."
"You're parents are in so much pain right now. They feel like... They have ruined your life and-"
Your daughter looked away, wiping her cheeks. Before Castiel could say anything more, she ran out of her room and to the library. She immediately hugged you when she saw you.
"I'm so sorry mom. I'm such a horrible daughter!" She cried out into your chest. You rubbed her back slowly, looking at your husband for help. "What's wrong baby?" You asked, feeling a bit shaky.
"I'm sorry that I shouted at you and dad and I'm sorry that you think that you ruined my life. You haven't ruined my life and I want to learn, I really do," She said in a rush as she sobbed.
You looked up to see Castiel walking into the library slowly. He nodded at you and you understood that your daughter and him had a little chat.
"Baby it's okay, daddy and I were just... Talking," You said and Dean intervened. "Yeah, we do that usually... And sometimes at a high volume," He said and smiled softly.
He kissed your daughter's head and she pulled him into the hug too. You saw a tear roll out of his eye.
"Now you need to be prepared to learn about all kinds of things that are hard to believe," You said. "And that means homework, a lot of reading and researching," Dean said and your daughter frowned a bit.
You looked to Cas and grinned. Your daughter pulled away from the hug and looked to her Uncle as well. "I think we should start with Uncle Castiel," You said and smirked. She looked at you with confusion.
"Uncle Castiel is not a human," You said, "He's an Angel."
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