"Ready Or Not, Here I Come!" (Castiel ft. Winchesters)
"Come on sweetheart, let's have some fun together," Castiel took your daughter from your arms and kissed her cheek. He placed her on his hip while she hugged onto his neck.
You smiled the kissed him on the lips. "Are you sure you'll be okay?" You asked and he nodded. "Of course we'll be, she's my daughter!" He said and hugged onto her tightly. You nodded then went back to your desk, placed in the corner of your bedroom. Castiel closed the door after he walked out, leaving it ajar.
You opened up your laptop once again and took a deep breath. You had deadlines to meet at work and documents to edit and complete. You had been a bit stressed lately but having Cas around helped out.
You began to type, the faint voices of your daughter and husband echoing through the corridors and entering your bedroom.
"Daddy, juice please?" Your one-and-a-half year old daughter asked after Castiel put her down. "Of course sweetheart," He said, holding her tiny hand and leading her to the kitchen as she waddled towards it slowly.
She crawled onto one of the chairs as Cas poured her half a glass of apple juice. He placed it infront of her and she immediately started drinking. Castiel sat infront of her, in silence while watching her, with a smile on his face.
"What would you like to do after you finish your juice?" Cas asked and she thought for a moment. "Can we pway a game? When you were playing with mommy..." She tried to think of a better way to tell her daddy about the game in her mind.
Castiel chuckled, "Hide and seek? Yes, let's play that." Your daughter started cheering happily as she jumped off the chair and made her way out of the door.
Castiel followed her till they ended up in the library. Sam looked up from the book he was reading and smiled widely. "Hi [y/d/n]! What are you doing here?" Dean asked and your daughter ran to him, hugging onto his legs. He gasped a bit then ruffled her soft dark brown hair.
"Me and daddy are playing hide and seek," she told, "I don't know what that is." Dean held her hand and walked over to his brother. Castiel smiled, hearing his friends interact with their not-by-blood niece.
Sam tickled her a bit and she laughed, grabbing onto his jeans tightly, Dean stood behind her. "Come on [y/d/n], where are you?" Castiel called out and Dean whispered for your daughter to crawl under the table.
Dean scratched his neck, "H-Hey Cas, what's up?" The Angel squinted with suspicion then shrugged it off when he couldn't see his daughter with the brothers. "Where's [y/d/n]? I thought she was with you," He furrowed his eyebrows, slightly concerned.
"Oh she went out while you were on your way here," Sam told, smiling nervously. Cas grew more suspicious. "[y/d/n], honey are you here?" He called out.
"Oh I think I see her there!" Dean exclaimed and pointed behind Cas. The Angel turned around and Dean told your daughter to crawl towards behind the comfy chairs near the bookshelves.
She giggled quietly, Dean made sure he spoke loudly so Cas wouldn't notice. "Maybe it wasn't her Cas, I think she's playing with her toys in her room?" Sam suggested and Cas shook his head, still looking around with worry.
"No, [y/n] is working. She would come and tell me," Cas explained, "[y/d/n]! Where are you?!"
Cas was about to exit the library when he heard giggling coming from somewhere in the library. He froze, looking towards where the sound had come from. He recognised the sound.
Cas started to walk ahead, the sound of soft whispering and mumbling helped him to find the source more easily. Dean tried to distract him but Cas was determined about finding his daughter.
He peered over the comfy chairs, looking into the gap behind and clearing his throat. Your daughter gasped and covered her face, "Daddy you found me!"
"What are doing here [y/d/n]?" He chuckled and his daughter crawled out and stood up. "We are playing the game and I was hiding," she explained and Cas raised his eyebrows, unaware about the fact that the game had begun.
"Now daddy I have to find you!" Your daughter told happily, looking at her Uncle Dean with a mischevious grin. Cas smiled then nodded, "Okay, cover your eyes and count to ten, Uncle Dean will help you. I will find a place."
"And no powers Cas!" Sam informed and the Angel nodded. He had played hide and seek once with you, a few months back. You both were bored and your daughter was a bit sick. You wanted to cheer her up, her throat was aching a lot.
"1... 2... 3... 4... 5..."
Cas looked around frantically for a place to hide. He thought of the bookshelves but they were too obvious. He walked ahead, looking at the telescope and thinking that area would be perfect for hiding in.
"... 9... 10!" Your daughter exclaimed and started looking around and waddling about. Uncle Dean held her small and delicate hand as she walked around calling out, "Daddy? Daddy!".
They eventually reached the far end of the library, your daughter looked into the observatory. "Let's go inside [y/d/n]," Dean said and stepped forward but your daughter didn't budge. She looked ahead with fright and concern, shaking her head in refusal.
"I don't like that place," She mumbled, stepping away from it, "It's scary." Dean knelt down and held her shoulders, "Hey, it's not scary. It's just a little dark in there. Look, I'll switch the lights on and it'll be better okay?"
Your daughter nodded slowly and held onto her Uncle's finger tightly, staying close to his legs. Dean moved forward and pressed the light switches. A few flickers later, the observatory was illuminated.
Dean looked to your daughter, "See [y/d/n]? It's better now." She nodded and they both stepped ahead into-
Dean and you daughter stepped back as Castiel laughed. "I scared you both, that was fun!" He snickered. Dean held his chest out of surprise and your daughter... well, she ran away and hugged onto the nearest table's leg.
"Honey, what's wrong?" Castiel walled ahead, glancing at Dean then kneeling down at the table. Your daughter looked away, completely traumatized, with tears rolling down her cheeks.
"You're scary Daddy," She said softly and Cas wiped the tears on her face with his thumbs. "I only did that to have fun [y/d/n], I didn't mean it," Castiel frowned, looking back at Dean then back to your distressed daughter, "Do you really think I'm scary?"
Dean sighed, "Cas let's not go there. [y/d/n] he only did that for fun! I got scared and I'm so big and strong!" Dean puffed out his chest and arms, making [y/d/n] giggle a bit.
"Now I'm okay! You shouldn't feel scared, we will protect you from things that are actually very scary," Dean told and Castiel nodded in agreement. He pulled his daughter closer then hugged her tightly, placing a kiss on her head. She wiped her eyes then whispered, "You're not scary Daddy."
Castiel smiled then pulled away suddenly, standing up and tapping your daughter's shoulder. "Tag, you're it!" He said, "Now you have to catch me!"
Castiel started to run... well, it was more like a pretend run, a slow walk. Your daughter isn't that great at running, she looks like a penguin when she does and it's adorable.
"Go catch him [y/d/n]!" Sam exclaimed and Cas made a pretend scared-out-of-his-wits face. "Daddy I can catch you!" She laughed, putting her arm out to reach his trench coat.
Castiel picked up his pace then turned left, walking between two tables. Your daughter struggled to go through but as soon as she was out she tripped on one of the chair legs and fell on her bum.
Cas turned around, his eyes widened. Your daughter looked around, lost and speechless, though she wasn't crying. "Hey, you're okay! [y/d/n] is all fine, she didn't get a boo-boo!" Cas smiled widely and clapped, trying to distract your daughter from the fact that she fell and so she doesn't cry.
He walked towards her and held her arms to pick her up. She grabbed her daddy's pants then hit his legs with her hand and laughed.
"Daddy I catched you!" She exclaimed with excitement and Castiel scooped her up and tickled her mercilessly. She laughed so loudly, the pleasant sound echoing throughout the Bunker.
He kissed her cheek then ran a hand through her hair. "Okay you win... and it's 'caught', not 'catched'," Castiel chuckled.
"What's going on over here huh?" You entered the library, a hand on your hip as you walked ahead towards the boys and your daughter. "I could hear loud giggling and I had to see what's up," You told, kissing your daughter on the cheek then pecking Castiel's lips.
"I apologize for making noise [y/n]. We were playing hide and seek then we played tag and I ended up becoming too involved," Castiel explained, frowning, while putting his daughter on the floor. She hugged onto your legs, nuzzling her face into your knees.
"Oh really? I guess I need to take a break and play with y'all," You grinned and everyone looked at each other. Castiel picked your daughter then ran away, "Everyone hide! Find us [y/n]!"
The Winchesters looked at each other, chuckling then scattering across to find a place. You covered your eyes and stood in a corner so you couldn't see anything.
"1... 2... 3... 4... 5..."
You could hear the clothes rustling and shoes stomping on the ground as the guys ran around. You smiled.
"... 6... 7... 8... 9... 10!"
You uncovered your eyes and looked around. To your surprise, there was no sign of anyone else present in the room.
"Ready or not, here I come!"
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