Past Vs. Future (Willow x Castiel)
This imagine was requested by WillowLaurenGCoy.
(Long one!)
At first it didn't feel different. You were standing in the same spot, in the same small town, but it had minor changes. The people around were all of a sudden changed and the cars parked were of older models.
The spell definitely worked.
Rowena had sent you back in time 8 years, to the time where Cas had been revealed to the Winchesters. Where... basically, the possibility of your existence had sprung into action.
You're here to set things straight with some other Angels who went back in time to this point as well to kill Castiel and your mother, Elena.
It all felt so odd and peculiar. The thought of meeting your parents slightly frightened you. They never told you many stories of their youth, you don't even know if they liked each other at this point.
"Jack, I think we should-"
You turned around to find no one standing next to you. Before you were zapped back in time, your friend and fellow hunter, Jack, was standing right next to you, shoulders barely touching.
You grunted slightly, "Well I guess the spell didn't work that well." You looked around frantically then hurried ahead, calling out his name occasionally and trying to call his number, which would hopefully work.
You walked ahead, keeping your head low after noticing the odd stares you were receiving from the people around you, for some reason. You had got slightly-
You bumped into a man, a rather tall and buff one. You stepped back and looked at his face, going speechless for a moment.
"Uncle-I mean, Dean?" You mumbled with surprise that you bumped into him of all people.
He furrowed his eyebrows and scanned your face for any recognition. "Who are you," He stated rather than asked. "I'm..." You sighed, wanting to tell him so bad who you really were, "My name is Willow and I... I know you and Sam and... C-Castiel."
You watched Sam approach you from ahead then you saw Cas. You couldn't believe your eyes, he looked so young... so untouched from the world. He was even wearing an old trench coat, you had never seen it.
"D-Dad?" You whispered quietly and Castiel looked at you, completely puzzled. Dean held your arm and pulled you forward with him.
"Come on, you're coming with us. Tell us what you know," He demanded as you were dragged to the Impala. He sort of threw you into the car, giving you a dirty and confused look. Sam put his hands in his jacket pocket while Cas clenched his fists.
"What's happening? Who's this?" Elena asked the boys and you stared at her in awe. Your mother... she looked so young and beautiful, not that she isn't anymore. The liveliness in herself showed in every step she took.
"M-Mom..." You whispered and Dean rolled his eyes at the fact that you're not saying anything. "Stop your drama and spill the beans. We haven't got all day," Dean grumbled and you looked at him with slight annoyance.
You stood up straight and took a deep breath, "My name is Willow and I have come from the future with my friend Jack. He's not with me right now, we lost track of each other."
Everyone gave each other glances. "Look we're not buying what you're selling so tell us who you really are and we won't make this hard for you," Dean stated and you sighed.
"I'm telling you the truth! I know that Angels have come back and they want to kill Dad-" You paused, "They want to kill Castiel and Elena." Elena looked at you softly, she felt inclined towards giving you a chance for some reason.
"I'm an abomination, my mother is human and my father is... he's an Angel. I'm a Nephilim, honest. I know everything about the supernatural world, I know every detail about each of you," You said confidently, hoping they'd change their mind.
There was silence across all four members of the past world. You looked at each of them then to your 'mother'. "I think she's telling the truth guys," Elena said and Castiel grunted. He pushed himself to the front then scammed you from bottom to top.
"She's an abomination, it's not acceptable. We should get rid of her before she can cause calamities. Who knows what she's done in the future?" Castiel said with anger and you looked at him with disbelief.
This was in no way your father.
If he was like this before you were born then your existence has definitely been a good thing because he's changed so much, in a good way.
Castiel grabbed your arm tightly, you tried to pull away. "But you don't understand! I'm you-"
You were teleported to another place, an old warehouse. Castiel still gripped your arm. He pushed you and you fell to the ground, raising your arm in defence as tears stung your eyes.
"By the orders of Uriel, I have to kill you," He said sternly and raised his Angel blade slowly. You shut your eyes but there was a bright light that filled the whole room. It lit up your eye lids, making you cover your eyes with your hands.
You recognised the voice, it was softer than the person who was going to kill you... even though it is the same person.
You opened your eyes and saw your father standing behind Past-Castiel in anger. He took his Angel blade out then grabbed Cas by his coat collar and yanked him to the other side of the warehouse.
Past-Castiel looked at his future self with horror. "W-What is this... witchcraft?!" He yelled. Your father looked at you the back to his past self. "It is witchcraft in a way, a witch did send me back in time," He explained, taking a few steps ahead, "I'm your future-"
Past-Castiel didn't care about the details. This... 'imposter' had to go.
He charged ahead and attacked your father, making a sharp cut in his arm as he defended his face. He yelled in pain then grunted, attacking the other Cas with his blade.
They continued to fight, it was gruesome and it ached you to watch your father get injured. You wanted to do something so bad.
In the end, Past-Castiel won the fight. Your father lay on the ground motionless, breathing heavily. "If you are my future self, you're a disappointment. So weak," Castiel stated and you glared at him.
A hand was placed on your shoulder and you turned around sharply, startled. "Come with me, child," A man of dark-complexion said with a grin on his face and you disappeared out of the warehouse.
Past-Castiel grumbled and glared at his future self. "You will pay for interfering with my tasks," He threatened and your father rolled his eyes.
"I was so clueless, so lost in the world," He shook his head, "You don't understand who that girl is! She is your-our daughter. Willow... you and Elena have a child together and you were about to kill her!"
Past-Castiel stared, completely bewildered. "N-No, it is a sin... it is wrong. What trickery made me produce a Nephilim?!" He yelled and your father stepped closer to him.
"No trickery, you fell in love Castiel. It was the best thing that ever happened to you and I wish... I wish it happened sooner," Your father told and smiled slightly, "Elena... she's beautiful."
Castiel continued to envision your mother as her younger version, while Past-Castiel grunted. "She will change your stone heart Castiel. She'll... show you the greater purpose in life than following around orders from a superficial source," Your father informed and Castiel's expressions softened.
"Now, you need to tell me where Uriel went with Willow," Castiel demanded and the past version nodded slowly.
The two Castiels teleported to a bright room that looks similar to ones in Heaven, where Angels in authority do their work. "This is where Uriel is assigned," Past-Castiel told.
Your father's ears perked up as he heard a young girl scream in agony. He followed the source of the voice to stairs under a trap door that led to a basement. He looked at Past-Castiel and frowned, opening it up and slowly walking down.
"I haven't done anything wrong! You have to... YOU HAVE TO BELIEVE ME!" You yelled out to the man infront of you, who you now know is Uriel.
"URIEL!" Your father yelled and as soon as the Angel turned around, he flicked his wrist and Uriel flew to the wall behind him. He looked at your father with confusion and horror, then raised an eyebrow.
"H-How is this... p-possible?!" Uriel glanced at the Castiel behind your dad then back to him. "I am a god, you should give me more respect!" Castiel said and twisted his hand, causing Uriel to gasp for air and gag at his insides twisting.
"This is wr-wrong C-Castiel. You are more... Wayward than I th-thought!" Uriel managed to speak out, making Castiel growl and snap his fingers.
Uriel exploded into a million pieces, spraying across the whole room and sticking to the walls and floor.
"D-Dad?" You stuttered, disgusted by the particles of Uriel on your face and clothes. Your father rushed to you, kissing your head and stroking your cheek.
Past-Castiel came over and you felt odd, looking at two versions of your dad. He placed a hand on your hand and tried to heal you but stopped, fearing that he'd hurt you-
"Willow? Castiel?" A voice spoke from the top of the stairs, then loud footsteps hurried to you. It was Jack.
"Oh my lord Jack, where did you go?! I thought I lost you," You put your arms out and he held them. Your father gave you both looks while Past-Castiel squinted with suspicion, hands clenched into fists.
"I was in the neighbouring town, I tracked you here Willow," Jack informed, "Let me help, please." He moved forward but Past-Castiel grunted and put his arm out to stop Jack. He clearly didn't trust this... stranger.
Jack didn't seem too confused about the whole two Castiels deal. "I can help her, please!" Jack requested and Castiel moved out of the way.
Jack touched your arm and you were suddenly shot with a sharp pain flooding throughout your body. You arched your back a bit, your eyes glowing for a moment. You groaned in pain, holding onto your father's hand tightly.
Once healed, you were breathing heavily. You smiled at Jack then thanked him. He looked at you softly... You felt a spark through your body, a spark of happiness and desire. You felt some attraction towards him.
"What is the meaning of this? How do you have powers?!" Your father questioned and Jack looked at him with horror. "That is nothing to care about right now. Willow is-"
Your father grabbed his arm and pulled him up after he himself stood up. "I demand you tell me who you are Jack!" He exclaimed and you flinched. You wanted to say something but you feared your father right now.
"I'm a Nephilim and I'm L-Lucifer's son... please don't hurt me! I mean no harm," Jack put his hands out in defence and shut his eyes tight. Your heart fell out of your chest, you couldn't believe he was a Nephilim all along... and the son of the actual devil.
"You're a disgrace Jack," Castiel said flatly and put his arm up after he took his Angel blade out, "You need to be killed for deception and for being an abomination!"
Before he could do anything, you stepped in. "Dad wait!" You stood up and pulled your father's arm, "You can't kill him! Sure he deceived us but... I'm a Nephilim too! You might as well kill me along with him!"
Castiel looked at you with a soft expression then frowned. He let go of Jack and he fell to the floor. You checked if Jack was okay, there was complete silence in the room.
You father looked to his past self, "We need to get back to the others, we have to plan out to save you and Elena from being killed by the Angels who have come back from the future."
It was a peculiar experience for your father to meet Elena, who is now the love of his life. He continued to stare at her at first, before it was revealed that you are his daughter and Elena is your mother. She then looked at you and your dad with softness, a smile always on her face. Surely, her view of the Castiel of her time changed as well.
After the future party told the past about the Angels and planned out on how they would defeat them, it was time to head back to their proper time.
"I'm sorry but none of you can remember this event," Castiel said to everyone from the past. He then looked at Jack who then nodded and raised his arm to Dean's forehead.
"Woah, what do you think you're doing?" Dean backed away and you sighed. "We have to take your memories from the past few hours. It would affect the future otherwise. You will return to how you were when we did not come back in time. You will remember something else in place of this, as an explanation of what happened for the past few hours," You explained, looking at everyone one by one.
Past-Castiel hugged you tightly, you raised your eyebrows at the sudden embrace, not expecting it. "I'm so glad you of all people are my daughter," Castiel whispered to you and you smiled, "I... I'm very proud of you." You pulled away, staring into his eyes that were glistening at the moment.
You smiled at him warmly then planted a kiss on his cheek. "And I'm glad you're my father, the best Angel out there," You said and he looked to the ground, "Trust me, you may not like Elena right now but you will fall in love. My dad there can't live without her, trust me... I know, I've seen things." You chuckled and he smiled slightly.
Castiel walked over to your father and shook his hand. "I am happy about the way I turned out," Past-Castiel commented and your father nodded, with a smile.
Elena, Castiel, Sam and Dean went to their places. Elena lay down on the couch while Castiel sat in one of the comfy chairs. Dean sat at the table, head on his hands, and Sam sat on another couch across.
Jack went to each of them one by one, pressing his first two fingers to their heads and causing them to become unconscious. They'd wake up after an hour, unable to remember what really happened.
To your surprise, Jack hugged you as soon as you returned back home to your actual timeline. You smile softly, closing your eyes in loving the cosy embrace. However, your father wasn't that happy about it.
Jack pulled you away to a far corner, you glanced at your parents for a moment before he unexpectedly kissed you on your lips. It was weird at first but then you melted into the act, kissing him back passionately.
Jack holds your arms tightly then you both teleport to another place.
Castiel growled then charged ahead, about to follow you when your mother placed he arm on his shoulder. She wrapped her arms around his waist from behind and kissed his neck.
"Let it go Cas, she's grown up now. You have to let her make her own choices," Elena told and Cas sighed. He nodded slowly then kissed your mother.
"Daddy!" A small child exclaimed in happiness and hugged Castiel's legs tightly. "Hi sweetheart," He said to his son, who smiled widely.
"Daddy can you read me a story?" He asked and Castiel furrowed his eyebrows, tilting his head a little. Sam and Dean walked out of his bedroom and raised their eyebrows.
"Crowley had come to visit but as soon as you came back he disappeared for some reason," Sam explained. Crowley usually reads your son a story, he has excellent narration skills.
Castiel nodded then smiled, "Come on, let's read you a story."
"I can't believe that you lied to us," You shook your head, taking a sip from the beer bottle in your hand. You were sitting on Jack's car hood, which was parked in an open field. You both were watching the night sky while trying to talk things out.
"Well I didn't technically lie-"
"Lied with omission! How could you leave out the fact that you're a Nephilim?!" You said loudly. "If you're in my situation you'd understand. The Winchesters, and your dad, would want to kill me Willow!" He replied and you huffed.
You both sat in silence for a little bit then Jack brought you closer with his golden wings. You couldn't hide the small smile on your lips.
You kissed him, then pushed him down with your wings so that you were halfway on top of him.
"I love you Willow, I've always loved you," Jack states, cupping your cheeks after you pull away, "You may think that if love my mother but I love you more than her. I never got the chance to know her."
You paused for a moment, "You're going to have to do better than that if you want me to overlook the things you've kept secret."
He grinned and sat up, pushing you onto your back. "Then I guess we'll have to stay here for a little longer then," He said then kissed you like he had never kissed anyone before.
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