Parental Guidance (Dean)
"...Okay, yes... Yes I will. Dean and I will be there as soon as possible. Thanks Stephen," You ended the call and fidgeted with your phone, concern flooding your veins.
"Did you get the location?" Dean asked, opening a beer bottle and taking a sip. You sat down on a chair in the Bunker's library and ran a hand through your hair.
You got up suddenly, your hands started to tremble. "Y-Yeah. We have to go now," You said and walked out to pack some clothes for both of you and keep your laptop.
In the next 10 minutes you entered the library, a duffel bag slung on your shoulder, to find Dean zipping up a bag of what you assume was filled with the usual weapons: guns, blades and bullets.
"Let's go," You said with no life put into it. He looked at you with worry, "They'll be okay." He came over and kissed your head. You wiped a tear off your cheek, "I just didn't want them to get to know this life. Now they have to."
He held your hand tightly and you both walked out of the Bunker and to the Impala.
Your parents had been living the normal life but they were taken by vampires to feed on 2 days ago. You didn't have anything about their location or wellbeing except a emergency phone call they had made to the authorities. You had tracked it down, something you had learnt from Sammy, and asked around for any vampire activity nearby. You successfully pinpointed the exact place they were held.
5 hours later
"Babe, you awake?" Dean tapped your shoulder softly, stirring you to consciousness.
"Huh, what?" You groaned and rubbed your face, "I am now." You squinted and looked ahead. It was evening time, 5:48 PM. "Have we reached?" You questioned and he nodded.
You started to get out of your seat but he held your hand back. "[y/n] listen, you need to be prepared for whatever is inside there. You know, they could be-"
"Please don't say it Dean," You clenched your fists and opened the Impala door, "I'm prepared enough to beat the crap out of these vamps."
He followed you out to the car trunk where all the weapons were resting. You checked the pistols then placed one at the back of your jeans. Dean did the same, handing you a machete and keeping one for himself.
You walked towards the warehouse, a usual place for vamps to hang out, gun pointed ahead and ready for any attack.
You heard chatter, which grew louder as you took steps forward. You looked to Dean and he nodded, giving you the signal to get ready and attack.
You slowly peeked through thin cracks of a termite-eaten wooden door that slides. You watched as two big guys walked around your tied up parents who sat on chairs. They kept conversing about how they can't wait to have a fresh new source of 'food'.
You, filled with rage, wanted to storm in and beat the crap out of them before finally killing them but you took a deep breath instead.
Dean was going to walk on the other side but you pushed him out from in front the door and howled like a wolf.
Dean looked at you with confusion and anxiety. You placed your hand on his mouth and shushed him silently with your finger on your mouth.
"What was that Bill? A wolf?" One of the guys said and you smirked. You were pretty good at imitating animal sounds.
You heard loud footsteps that dragged across the gravel-filled ground on the other side of the wooden gate.
You stood closely infront of him, your back right up to his chest. Deep inside, he kind of liked the position, other than the dread he felt about not knowing your plan.
The wooden gate slowly creaked open and as soon as you saw the guy poke his head through, you sliced it off with your machete.
Dean looked at you with shock, you nodded at him after watching the head roll to the side. He finally understood your plan.
The remaining guy on the other side looked at the gate, puzzled. You thought of another way to get his attention.
You scratched the door with your nicely grown finger nails then growled loudly, like a vicious dog.
Just as you expected, the other guy came over, terror covering his entire body. When he opened the door and stepped inside, Dean punched him.
You sliced his head off from behind him, it rolled to Dean's feet and he shrugged the eerie feeling off of himself.
You carefully opened the gate all the way to the end and stood there, watching your parents all tied up.
Your heart broke, but the feeling was replaced with anger and annoyance. You marched towards them, collapsing onto the ground when you saw that their heads were drooped a bit.
Your eyes moistened as you checked their pulse one by one. You sighed with relief when you found out that they're still alive. Dean helped to untie the ropes around their hands, legs and chest.
"Huh what?" You heard your mom say softly, "Please! Don't harm us, PLEASE!" She begged when she saw Dean infront of her. You stepped into her field of vision and held her hands.
"Mom it's me, it's your daughter. I'm here, you're safe now," You told but she was still hesitant. You held her hand and pulled her up from the seat. She stumbled and you slung her hand around your neck for support.
Dean was about to do the same but the sound of heavy boots stomping one the ground echoed everywhere.
You froze, staring at a dark corner of the area where the sound was coming from. Dean stood up from bending to help your dad and took a deep breath.
"Okay pal, let's finish this as soon as-"
He turned around and stopped, surprised at the fact that the 'pal' wasn't a guy but a woman.
"Dean Winchester, how lovely to see you!" She said, her voice piercing the calm and quiet of the room. He gripped onto the machete in his hand tightly, ready to attack the vampire any moment.
"Leave [y/n]'s parents alone!" He growled and she cocked an eyebrow. She smirked then opened her mouth, fangs growing out of her gums.
Dean signalled for you to get away, taking your dad with you. You hastened and at the sight of those teeth, your parents ran too regardless of how exhausted they were.
You made your way out and rushed to the Impala. You didn't want to leave Dean alone but you had to take your parents to somewhere safe.
You heard a shrill scream, which startled and made the blood run cold within you. Moments later, Dean limped towards you, the machete in his hand dripping with bloody.
You ran to him before he collapsed onto the ground. "Baby, you okay?" You looked into his eyes and held his face in your hands. He smiled at you tiredly, "She was a nasty bitch."
You pecked his lips then helped him walk over to the Impala. Your parents looked at you both in confusion and slight fear. They were definitely tired and weak, resting their heads back as soon as they sat in the car.
You told them everything.
You told them all about the life you had learnt to live in, about the monsters, about the trials and grief.
They were horrified and angry to hear that their daughter had completely changed her mindset about settling with a family after studying. Nevertheless, they pitied you.
You were sitting in your childhood home, where your parents still live. You had brought them some hot tea to relax their nerves.
"This is Dean Winchester. He's the one who I've been staying with for the past two and a half years and have been learning about these creatures," You told them and they looked at Dean closely.
"He's my boyfriend too," You said and smiled at him softly, "He uh... He had a brother, Sam, who passed away a few months ago. He was killed by one of these creatures, a werewolf. Dean and I have been in a relationship since then."
Dean was nervous. He hasn't met your parents and being your boyfriend he'd definitely meet them sooner or later.
They smiled at him, approving of his boldness and strength as well as love and care for you.
"Well I'm glad our daughter had someone like you to be with," Your dad said and he nodded. "Your daughter is an exceptional Hunter-"
"I'm sorry, Hunter?" Your mom inquired. You nodded, "People who kill monsters are called Hunters." You sighed, suddenly realising something.
"I'm afraid you both would have to learn the basics about hunting too, so that you can defend yourself," You explained, "Dean and I won't be there everytime to help out even though we would try our best."
They frowned and you looked to the floor sadly. "Mom, dad, you both must be hungry. I should get you guys something," You said and got up. Your mother started to refuse but you told her that it would be for the best to eat something right now.
You asked Dean to join you in the kitchen. Part of the reason to prepare some stood was to talk to him privately.
You decided to make some chicken sandwiches and got all the ingredients ingredients out. You started to prepare it and Dean helped out when you spoke up.
"Dean, we have to take them to the Bunker. They need to learn all they can," You said and he sighed. "They could use them as bait, to blackmail us maybe. Your parents won't be safe," Dean replied, "We'll teach them a few things here and-"
"But baby, everything's in the Bunker. The weapons, the books, the stuff for spells and things. There's space for them to stay too," You tried to reason but he kept quiet. He had nothing against your parents, he just didn't want to be responsible if they were harmed.
"Babe please, for me?" You put on your best puppy eyes and he sighed. "Okay, for you... and for the safety of your family," He said and kissed your head.
You smiled happily, pulling him for a kiss on the lips. "Thank you Dean! I love you so much," You said. You picked up the plate of sandwiches and walked back to the living room, serving them to your parents. You and Dean ended up eating as well.
"Mom, dad, Dean and I have decided that it's best if you come with us to our place. It has all the facilities and you'll be safe, and able to learn everything to defend yourselves," You explained and they looked at each other.
"I honestly can't leave here without knowing that you both are safe and you'll be able to fend for yourselves," You said sadly and Dean held your hand.
"It'll just be for a month or two, You can stay longer if you want though," Dean told, "We'll teach you how to use guns and also all about how to know what creature is what. It'll be like a boot camp."
Your parents got up to discuss their decision. Dean wrapped an arm around your shoulder as you waited in worry.
"Alright fine. We'll join you and learn all we can," Your dad said and you jumped up with joy. You hugged both of them together, "Thank you! Trust me, you'll love the place we have to ourselves."
"Yeah, it's called the Bunker," Dean told, "And it's owned by people, my ancestors, called 'Men of Letters'."
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