Mugged By A Mug (Misha)
🎶: 'Fix You' by Coldplay
Misha groaned, holding his forehead and wincing. He opened his eyes slowly, unable to see clearly at first.
"W-Where..." His voice was hoarse so he cleared his throat, "Where am I?"
He was sitting in a car, driving along the night road and passing lightposts and the many trees swaying in the breeze.
But there was a woman next to him... and he didn't know who she was.
Misha started to grow anxious. He fidgeted with his hands, looking out of the window for some sort of sign to tell him where this car was and where was it headed.
"I'm so glad you're awake, I thought you died honestly!" She chuckled and Misha looked at her with horror. He didn't find anything humorous in that statement.
The woman noticed his fright and sighed, "You were on the ground in an empty alley. You were bleeding and unconscious. I thought I should take you to a hospital."
Misha looked forward then held his head, groaning loudly. The memories came flooding back. What had happened to him just an hour ago was horrifying.
Misha felt extremely uncomfortable.
"I-I need to go away from here. Stop the car," He requested and the woman gave him a questioning look. "What, why do-"
"Stop the car PLEASE," Misha commanded firmly. The woman pushed the breaks suddenly, jerking the car forward. Misha scrambled out of his seat and slammed the door shut.
He stood there feeling completely lost, literally and mentally. He held his head, completely stressed.
Misha ran ahead, the only thing that made sense to him. He took a turn into the woods but he soon discovered that it was the worst possible idea.
"Hi, this is Misha Collins. Please leave a message, thanks!"
"Hey baby, I just wanted to know how you are. It's been two hours since you said you'd come home and I'm extremely worried. Please call me back..." You spoke into the phone and sighed, "I love you."
You ended the call and held the phone in your hands while all the worst possible ideas of what could have happened to your fiancè came into your head.
You decided that you'd go out to where Misha had gone, the local bar with some friends, in hopes that you'd track him down.
You got up and were about to walk to your bedroom to change when there were loud knocks on the main door.
You hastened to the door and opened it a bit at first. When you saw who it was you immediately opened the door wide and held his hands.
It was Misha... and he was a mess.
"Oh my God, honey are you okay?" You asked as you helped him inside. He slung a hand around your shoulders for support and you wrapped an arm around his lower back.
You helped him to the couch in the living room and pulled his jacket off. He was drenched in water, most likely because of the rainy weather.
Misha didn't say a word, and it worried you.
You held his chin and looked at his face. He had a bruised eye, scratches on his cheeks and scrapes on his jaw.
"Baby, what happened? Please say something," You questioned and he sighed. He rubbed his face, "I... I got mugged in an alley on my way back."
You looked at him sadly. "He took everything [y/n]. The mug took my phone, the five hundred dollars that I didn't know I still had in my jacket pocket from last week's dinner," He frowned and looked at you straight in the eye, "He took my watch... The one you gave me as an engagement gift."
That was enough to make you angry. You could have yelled at the top of your lungs but you didn't. It wasn't Misha's fault.
You held his face in your hand and he shut his eyes. "It's fine dear," You said and tried your best to smile. "But you gave that to me," He had the most innocent expression on his face and it melted your heart.
"I know but what can we do other than report the theft yeah?" You said," We'll do that tomorrow morning... Right now I need to fix you up."
You got up after helping him take his shirt off. You took the set clothes and put them in the laundry basket, resting inside till they get cleaned.
You got a damp towel and some medical supplies. You walked over to Misha, who just stared at the coffee table infront. He was starting to worry you.
You rubbed his dirt-filled face softly with the towel, he smiled a bit and that made you happy. "So, what exactly happened?" You asked as you gave him the towel to clean his hands.
"I was walking back home and I decided to take a short cut through a dark alley. I didn't know that there was some guy hiding behind the garbage bins," Misha narrated, "He jumped out and attacked me. He kept telling me to give him my wallet but I told him I don't have it. I had forgotten it on the kitchen counter." He pointed to the spot and you nodded.
"I had the five hundred dollars and I used that to pay for the drinks at the bar... The thug took the rest of it. Then he spotted my wristwatch. I told him no way and that he can take my phone instead," Misha told you then stopped. He turned you look at you with disbelief.
"You know what he did with my phone?! He threw it onto the ground and smashed it with his big ass combat boots!" Misha frowned and you giggled, though you regretted it immediately. He glared at you.
"Anyways, He kept asking me for the watch. In the end, he twisted my hand a bit and snatched it off," Misha said, rubbing his wrist. You held his hand and rubbed it slowly. You kissed the top and he smiled softly.
You grabbed a cloth and some antiseptic and went for a large cut he had on his upper arm. He flinched, you squeezed his hand slightly while you cleaned the wound.
"How did this happen?" You inquired and he sighed. "That's the second part. Some lady found me in the alley and took me to her car. I was unconscious so when I woke up in her car I was beyond confused. I demanded that she stop the car, I was just... paranoid," Misha said and you looked at him sadly.
"I ended up in some dark woods and that's why I'm so dirty. I cut myself deep on a splintered tree branch that I didn't see in the dark. I had to rip a piece of cloth from my shirt," He informed and you nodded.
"I ended up, after what I think was about thirty-five minutes, outside the woods and I saw the gas station that's a few blocks down. After that I just walked... more like limped my way home," Misha concluded and you wrapped your arm around his.
"I'm just glad you're safe baby. It could have been much worse," You said. He was going to argue with you but he decided to remain quiet.
"I'm completely... traumatized. A man shouldn't have gone through what I did just now," He rubbed his hands with concern and you frowned.
"I... I-I don't feel safe anymore [y/n]," He said and you squeezed his hand. He snatched it away from you and you looked at him hurtfully.
"I-I... I'm not the same," Misha said slowly. He looked as if he was going to cry. He held his head in his hands and breathed heavily.
You adjusted your sitting position, holding his shoulders. "Hey, hey there... you're okay Mish. Nothing is wrong with-"
"You don't know how I f-feel right now. It's horrible, I could have died!" He said a little loudly.
He looked down, noticing the ring on your finger.
"Maybe... Maybe you shouldn't marry me," He said and you looked at him with disbelief. "Wait WHAT?!" You exclaimed. "I'll never be the same mentally-"
You slapped him across the face. It wasn't one filled with anger, you were shocked at his behaviour.
"Why did you do that?!" He yelled. "You need to snap out of whatever delusional state you're in and come back to reality Misha," You said sternly, "You're not psychologically harmed permanently. You've just gone through a rough night, something sleep and rest can fix. Stop freaking creeping me out, seriously."
You didn't know where the sudden serious tone came from but you had to act like this to him.
His expressions softened. "I'm sorry... I don't know what's wrong with me," He said and rubbed his face, "I think I'm actually going insane."
You rolled your eyes, "You want me to slap you again?!" He moved back a bit and shook his head.
"But seriously, if I'm damaged it could... It could affect our kids," He said with fear and you laughed, to his surprise. You got up and got a glass of water for him, to maybe help with his nerves.
"Honey, we're only engaged! There's nothing wrong with you and anyways there's a long way for that," You said as you gave him the glass, "It's not like I'm going to tell you right now that I'm pregnant!"
You looked at him suddenly feeling weird. "Wait, are you?!" He questioned and you raised an eyebrow. "No I'm not!" You replied, "I want to spend as much time with only you as possible."
You placed your chin on his shoulder and hugged his arm tightly. "You're perfectly okay Misha. Don't stress out and get some rest. I don't need to be a doctor to tell you that," You told him and he smiled softly.
You smirked, moving closer to him. "Now, what else can I do to make you feel better?" You whispered into his ear and kissed his cheek.
He looked at you with a slight smile. You moved closer to him, planting your lips on his. He shut his eyes slowly and deepened the kiss.
You wrapped your arms around his neck, running your hands through his hair. He tugged on your shirt, turning his body so he faced you.
He groaned and you pulled away suddenly.
"What? Are you okay?" You asked with worry and he raised an eyebrow. "Yeah, I'm fine?" He responded with confusion and you nodded. "I thought you were in pain or something..." You expressed and he rolled his eyes.
"You're engaged to me and you can't tell the difference between when I'm turned on and when I'm in pain?!" He said and you hit his arm softly. "I'm just worried about you! You transferred your nerves to me," You said.
You both stayed in silence for a few seconds till Misha spoke. "Well? Aren't we going to continue what we were doing or do you want to take it somewhere else?" He grinned and you looked at him with eyebrows raised.
"You should sleep. I don't think you have the energy," You challenged. "Oh please, I can run a marathon right now. I'm perfectly okay, as you have been telling me constantly right now," He said and you rolled your eyes, chuckling.
You kissed his cheek, "I love you." He squinted at you, "Oh but do you really? Prove it!"
You got up and held his hand, pulling him up from his seat as well. "Fine, but you challenged me!" You said and he smirked.
"You were the one who said 'What else csn i do to make you feel better?', and this is what I reply with," He says and you looked at him with defeat.
"Now stop talking and carry on with your task!" He said and you bent down, as if addressing royalty. "Yes, your highness," You said and laughed, while you pulled him to your bedroom.
It was that side of you that he couldn't resist. You're goofy and funny, no matter who you're with or how old you are, and it always puts a smile on Misha's face.
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