Love Is... Odd? (Kyra x John Winchester)
This imagine was requested by KyraLeBlanc. I hope this is what you envisioned!
Just for reference (I was trying to work out the age gaps and stuff... this is what made the most sense to me):
John = 49, You = 31, Dean = 28, Sam = 24
You stared out of the window, listening silently to the roaring engine of the Impala. It was soft and soothing enough to make you sleep... as weird as it sounds. The street lights flashed by, creating a sort of rhythm that made your eyes droopy.
You panted as you pulled the knife out of the beast's chest. You placed the strands sticking out from your headband behind your ear and wiped your forehead. Killing a werewolf couldn't be harder.
"Nice going Ky!" Dean said, clothes tattered and stained with dirt. You nodded and smiled, "You too." You observed the other two werewolves laying dead on the floor in the corner beside Dean and Sam.
Click! Clack! STOMP!
You removed your pistol from behind your pants, pointing it towards the sound. Dean stepped closer, attack-mode turned on.
"What are you-Boys!" A voice coughed then looked up and smiled. Sam and Dean walked towards the man who appeared from the shadows and hugged him tightly.
"What are you doing here?" Sam asked. "I should ask you the same thing," The man said and you slowly stepped towards them. You knew who the man was... it was none other that John Winchester.
"Oh, Dad, this is-"
"Kyra Elizabeth," He said and smiled softly, "Extraordinary hunter... I'm happy to meet you." He extended his hand and you shook it.
"I-I am happy to see you too sir," You said, respecting the man you learnt your hunting techniques from in the beginning. "Please, call me John," He said and smiled warmly.
You were knocked out of your thoughts when Dean drove over a speed breaker. You huffed quietly and rested your head back on the seat.
You were on your way to put an end to this extremely annoying spirit who jumps from state to state. Can you believe that?! You couldn't in the beginning, till you actually encountered it face-to-face. You were travelling to Kansas finally to finish its ghostly ways.
The trouble is that daddy Winchester is part of the hunt... which is sure irritating for you.
He's not the irritating part, its the small pull you have towards him that distracts you form actually doing your job. You've been a bit sloppy lately, making a few mistakes in research, spoiling the whole gang's cover and just plain messing up. Normally, you're as great as the best Hunters out there but with John around... In simple words, he's your weakness.
It's been two years with him hunting with you, Sam and Dean but you haven't gotten used to his presence.
"So you guys are ready?" John asked and you nodded, even though he couldn't see you. The boys low hummed and you sighed.
This awkwardness is going to be the cause of my death, You thought.
You thankfully arrived to the place in the next half an hour. You got out of the car, Sam and Dean looked at the old mansion with fascination. If Sam's research is correct, the SOB should be camping out here for the time being. You walked to the Impala's trunk and opened it up. You started gathering the weapons you'd need tonight.
"Need a hand?" John said and smiled at you. You smiled nervously and shook your head, "I'm good t-thanks."
He furrowed his eyebrows as he examined one of the blades, "You seem... awfully quiet. Everything okay?" He stepped closer to you and you took a deep breath, "Y-Yeah, I am okay. I just-I'm worried about this hunt."
John put his hand on your shoulder and smiled softly, "Don't worry, we've got your back. We look out for each other." You nodded and watched him walk away with a gun, bullets and an iron rod.
You sighed. He was super sweet and caring. You adored his courage and he was an amazing father, his boys love him and look up to him. He can be strict and 'soldier-like' sometimes but in the end he does it for the best for his family.
You liked that about him, you liked everything about him. His authoritative side, his caring side. You never felt this way for anyone else. You definitely... love him.
But there's one problem.
You have a seventeen year gap with him.
You sighed. Sure, age can't stop 'true love'. Look at the countless celebrities... George Clooney!
He probably doesn't like me... I mean, look at me. I'm worthless, You thought.
You started to walk towards the boys but Sam turned back after looking at his EMF device. "This isn't right. The spirit isn't present here," He announced.
You raised your eyebrows, "What do you mean?" You snatched the device in his hands and walked ahead a bit. It didn't make its annoying beeping sound. You frowned.
"Wow Sam, you're research turned out to be faulty. That's a first," You said and smirked. John smiled softly. "I'm a human Kyra. Human's make mistakes," He rolled his eyes.
"Oh you're a human? I thought you were a moose!" You chuckled and Sam laughed sarcastically.
"Well we should get to a motel. It's getting late and clouds are forming," John said and placed his weapons back in the Impala. The sky gave you a warning, lights flashed before your eyes then a chorus of deafening thunder hurt your ears.
You sighed, another instance today was amusing. "Great," You mumbled as you stared at the two beds in the motel room. It seems as though the world truly has something against you. You and the Winchesters never get three single beds. It's either two kings or two singles. Once it was just one queen and Sam slept on the couch.
It was awkward, the situation you were in now. No one said anything, otherwise it would sound too creepy and weird. Dean went to the first bed and you placed your things on the second. Sam went next to Dean and John put his things on the table.
"W-Where are you sleeping John?" You asked. "I'll camp out on the couch," He replied and smiled. You bit your lip. You felt bad, even though him sleeping in the same bed as you is worse.
You sulked. "Why are you sleeping on the couch? You can sleep here," You said, hoping you wouldn't regret this in the near future. Sam and Dean looked at each other. They could feel the awkward tension between you and John.
"G-Go help Sam, I'm... fine," You groaned. The spirit had just threw you at one of the walls. It was a tough one, something you all didn't anticipate. John was sore too, a bit worse than you with bloody injuries on his leg and face.
You thought the night would go horribly and the hunt would finish with the snap of your fingers. It was the complete opposite.
The night was perfectly peaceful. You slept at the edge of your side, while John did the same but on the other side. However, the hunt right now was not that simple.
You were definitely distracted, which caused you to slightly mess up once again.
You saw flames inside the small, old cottage. You figured that he burnt whatever object the spirit was attached to. You sighed with relief as you watched the boys walk out of the house, relaxed and with no spirit on their tails.
"What happened today Ky?" Dean asked, concerned, "Honestly, you were horrible today, like a rookie." You looked to the ground, ashamed. "I-I... don't know," You lied. You knew exactly what was bothering you. And you have to face it ASAP.
You patched John up, you felt guilty for not bringing your 'A-game' to the hunt and causing him to get hurt. He noticed your face, dry of any emotion. He was worried. "Hey Kyra, are you okay? You don't seem like yourself these days," He questioned.
This was it. You had to do it.
"I have to let this out, even if it kills me," You said, "It will kill me anyways, literally, if I don't." You looked back at Sam and Dean, who were busy looking at some of their guns.
You took a deep breath. You gathered all you pain, sorrow, concern and worry, and threw it out the window.
"What's wrong?" John asked and you looked to the floor. "I li..." You couldn't say it, you felt numb. He furrowed his eyebrows and tilted his head a bit.
You sighed, "I l-like y-you?" To your surprise, he sat back and smirked. He didn't say a word, which creeped you out.
"It's the reason I've been acting all... distracted. I can't stand it when you're close by. You weaken me," You revealed. John raised his eyebrows and sighed, "That makes the two of us."
"What?" You were speechless. He looked you in the eyes, "You're beautiful... and great at hunting... and you light up everyone's world." You smiled softly and John held your arm, "How could I not like you?
He smiled widely as you leaned on his arm. He looked behind you to see if his sons were looking.
"You know, I think I have competition," John said and you tilted your head in confusion. "How come?" You said.
"I think one of my boys likes you too."
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