"I Need Your Love" (Spencer x Castiel)
This imagine was requested by WillowLaurenGCoy.
A little God!Castiel to satisfy your need for dominance 🙂😉...
Read with caution.
🎶: 'I Need Your Love' by Ellie Goulding
He's just... he's so uggghh, You thought as you stared at him with eyes wide open.
You tried not to blink so that you witnessed his every move, as weird as it sounds. He took his trench coat off and you smirked slightly. You wished he'd take off the other two layers.
"Hey, you're staring at me again," Castiel said with his eyebrows raised.
"You're so pretty, I can't help it," You sighed happily, "It's kind of hot in here right?" He looked at you with confusion then understood what you were implying.
He walked over to you and grinned, taking his black blazer off and putting it on a chair. He folded his shirt sleeves up, his shirt fit him so perfectly that you could see his every single muscle move.
You licked your lips and smiled. "[y/n], we're alone here you know," He said and walked towards the table you sat at. He sat at the edge of the table and continued to look at you.
"Yes?" You said, suddenly feeling hot everywhere in your body. "You can come closer to me and we can move this table around," He suggested and you bit the inside of your cheek so hard that you almost had tears in your eyes.
You jumped when someone placed a hand on your shoulder. You turned back to find Dean standing behind you.
"Daydreaming?" He questioned and you sighed, nodding slowly, "You know you were doing the whole thing... the talking, the staring, the drooling." Dean tried to cheer you up but it didn't work. It made you feel more miserable.
Castiel, rebellious Angel of the Lord, is someone you adore. You have a HUGE crush on him and Dean has repeatedly told you that Cas is fond of you. But Castiel went on and became a big-shot god with the souls of purgatory inhabiting his body.
He threatened to kill you, you were so scared. You couldn't believe the harsh words he had said to you.
"You're a liability to me, you must be eliminated from my path human," Castiel says with a look of disgust on his face.
You ran away from him, Sam and Dean distracted his attention just in time. It ate you to pieces. You loved him so much but now he doesn't give a damn about you.
The thought of it all made tears form in your eyes. You got up from your seat before Dean noticed and hurried to your bedroom, slamming the door shut.
You started to cry softly, you missed Castiel's presence around you. You hated the fact that you wouldn't be able to interact with the normal Castiel.
No, there was no point any more... no point to live.
You rushed to your bed side table and took out a small but sharp blade. You walked into your bathroom slowly and took your shirt and pants off. You sighed, your hands were trembling.
You climbed into the bathtub and lay down, your head sticking out. You took a few deep breaths then slit one of your wrists. You cried out, the slight of blood pouring out of your wrist made you squirm.
You regretted it, wanting to stand up and wrap a bandage around your but a part of you did want to go back to life and pretend as if everything was okay.
You raised the blade to your... to y-your... y-y... neck but you... f-faint-
You gasped for air, sitting up suddenly after a spark of life flooded within you, literally.
You looked around with your blurred vision and spotted a figure standing in the doorway, staring at you intently.
You recognised the coat, it was beige in colour and reached the person's knees. You knew who this was.
"C-Cas? Wh-What's-"
You coughed hard, chilling slightly and spitting out some blood. He rushed to your side, kneeling beside the bathtub.
Your vision cleared up then you jumped a bit in fright. You were covered in blood that had seeped out from your wrists. You were happy that you were wearing your underwear.
You felt scared. Did Cas bring you back? Why? Isn't he some powerful being now? He probably doesn't care about you...
But yet, he still healed you and put life into your corpse.
"C-Cas why did... What happened?" You asked, confusion growing inside you. Castiel sat with his back against the wall, looking at you with sadness.
"Why did you do that [y/n]?" He asked firmly and you sat up, feeling extremely weak. "I-I-"
"What gave you the right to spot your wrists? Why did you want to die?!" Castiel interrogated, as if your act offended you.
You sighed loudly, asking for a towel. Castiel handed you a fresh one and you wiped off the blood on your body. "Do you really want to know why?!" You shouted slightly and wrapped the towel around you then stood up.
Castiel looked at you with confusion and a bit of fright, which surprised you. You maintained your phase of anger.
"I slit my wrists because I just didn't want to have to live with the fact that every time I think of you, I feel a wave of sadness wash over me!" You answered emotionally, tears stinging your eyes, "I-I... Like you Cas, maybe even l-love you but you went off and threatened to kill me. How do you think that made me feel?!"
"I didn't-"
"Just go please, I didn't ask to be healed. Why did you fix me up? I'd rather be-"
"DON'T SAY ANOTHER WORD [y/n]," Castiel pushed you back to the wall and stood so close to you that his knees practically touched yours.
"I wanted to protect you, having these... souls in me is unpredictable. I didn't want to cause you any harm and have to live with that guilt for the rest of eternity!" Castiel explained, "I like you t-too. I didn't and don't want to lose you... that's why I brought you back."
To your surprise, he hugged you. He didn't care about the fact that you were in a way naked or that you still had blood traces all over your body.
He didn't care that his perfectly clean white dress shirt would get stained.
No... all he cares about was you.
And you liked it that way.
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