"I'm Proud Of Us" (TFW Pt. 1)
🎶: 'How To Save A Life' by The Fray
"Dean drive FASTER!" Castiel exclaimed as he held you in his arms while you both were sitting in the back seat of the Impala. You coughed up blood, squeezing Castiel's hand in pain.
Sam glanced back at you, "It'll be fine [y/n]. Just keep your eyes open." Dean looked back for a moment, feeling angry at Cas for some reason, "Cas damn it! Try something!"
The Angel rolled his eyes, "I tried healing her and it's too much. I can't-" You broke into a coughing fit, "Guys please, there's nothing that can fix me." You looked up at Cas with tears in your eyes. He wiped your eyes with his thumb then placed his hand on top of your injuries.
There was a white light and then pain pierced through your body. You yelled in pain till Castiel had to stop. "Dean I can't do anything. She's injured too much and my healing is making it worse. The pain will finish her if not the injury," Castiel told and the elder Winchester pressed on the acceleration pedal harder.
Half an hour ago
You fought with your life. You killed the other side-kick demons but the main one... this bad-ass irritating demon chick wasn't the least bit injured.
"Where'd she go?" You searched frantically and Dean shrugged his shoulders, eyes still peered. "Maybe she bailed, got scared of us," He said and you smiled slightly. You felt happy that the hunt has finally ended.
Your spare blade was on the ground behind you so you turned around and-
Your mouth fell open as two blades stuck through you. "Looking for this honey?" The demon said with her disgusting look. She snapped her fingers and disappeared.
You fell onto your knees as blood coloured your hands while you covered the stab holes in your stomach area. You collapsed to the side, shivering at the sudden loss of blood.
Dean, Sam and Cas sprinted to you. Their voices sounded like muffles, though you could make out when they said your name. You cried out in pain when Sam picked you up in his arms. He winced but he had to do carry you.
Dean ran ahead to the Impala, starting it up and driving it to Sam so he didn't have to carry you all the way.
Dean helped to put you in and Cas sat behind. He attempted to heal you as the boys sat in the car but it didn't work.
You lay on the hospital bed, unconscious, but in safe hands of doctors and nurses. They patched you up and said you'd be okay.
Sam and Dean stood outside your room, anxiously waiting till they could see you. Castiel was out getting information on the demon who stabbed you.
"Sam and Dean, I'm glad to sat that [y/n] is conscious. You can visit her but please, be calm. She is still recovering," The doctor instructed then smiled. Sam and Dean hurried into your room and sighed with relief to see your eyes open.
"Look who's back to the land of the living!" Dean said and placed a kiss on your head. You held his hand and smiled tiredly, "How long have I been out?"
"About 4 or 5 hours. We rented the motel close by and stayed there for the time being," Sam explained and you nodded slowly. You felt pain and winced, rubbing the bandages around your stomach.
"Where's Cas?" You questioned. "He's out trying to get revenge on that bitch," Dean told, "If something happened to you... we three wouldn't be able to live with it." Your eyes started to moisten, "You know I've never told you this but-"
At that moment the Angel in the trench coat entered the room. "Did you find her?" Sam asked and Cas shook his head. "Not yet but I think I'm close," He answered, "I wanted to see [y/n]."
"Hi Castiel," You smiled and he nodded. You took a deep breath, "So I've never said this but I'm so thankful for you guys. I'm so glad I know you three. You've changed my life in ways that are unimaginable. I hope that I've... I've done enough to repay you."
You suddenly felt light headed, a bit numb throughout. You shrugged it off mentally, thinking that it's just lack of energy.
Sam smiled softly, "You have done more than a person can. You've brought happiness to us [y/n]." Dean smirked, "And you're incredibly sexy and talented at hunting and everything else." He winked at you and you smiled.
"You taught me that you don't have to be human to be like a human. It just depends on what's inside," Castiel said and you felt the first tear roll down your cheek.
"If I could... If I could change anything, it would... be..."
Your head fell back onto the pillow slowly and tilted to the side, eyes closed and your body stayed still.
Dean looked to constant low monotone sound on the heart monitor, dread flooding through his body. "[y/n]... [y/n]?!"
He shook your arm slightly but you didn't wake up. "Sam get the doctor!" Dean told and his brother ran out.
Castiel rushed to your side, trying to put the life back into you somehow but all he could do was stare at your lifeless body with misery.
The doctor walked in, nurses following him. They tried to start your heart up again with the defibrillator but it didn't work.
You were gone completely.
The doctor called time of death, leaving Sam, Dean and Cas with you for a few moments in the room alone. Tears ran down all their faces.
Dean sat on a chair pushed to the side of the bed, holding your hand to his forehead and sobbing while Sam kissed your forehead, wiping the tear stains off your cheeks. Castiel was in a complete state of shock, unable to move at all.
Dean raised his head, anger growing. He stood up and kicked the chair. "SON OF A BITCH!" He exclaimed, "We need to find that demon!"
Sam nodded and Castiel clenched his fists. Team Free Will are prepared to avenge your death.
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