"I'm Only One Call Away" (Misha)
🎶: 'One Call Away' by Charlie Puth
You sat at the kitchen table, drinking your hot tea. Right now, you were waiting for your husband to come home from the airport after picking your parents up. They were here to be present for your first child to be born.
You smiled and waddled to the door. You opened it up and were immediately greeted by your mom hugging you. "Hi, I'm so happy to see you!" She said as she squeezed you. "Me too, mom!" You said and hugged her back.
You watched Misha help your dad unload their luggage from the car. They had three trolleys and one duffel bag. You guided your mom to the living room and she removed her coat. She's been to your house before but whenever she visits, she's always fascinated with the decor.
"We're home!" You heard a familiar voice say and walked shack to the door to find you dad with two bags. "Hi pops!" You smiled and hugged him. He kissed your head, "How's my baby girl?"
You offered to take a bag but he refused, saying that he could handle it. Misha came up the pathway, slightly struggling with the two other trolleys. You giggled.
"They're heavier than they look!" He said as he approached the door. "Hi," You said and pecked his lips. He wheeled the bags in and shut the door.
"Now we can formally meet," Misha said and looked at you with a smile. Another round of hugs were exchanged. "So... how are you doing?" Your mother asked and you smiled softly. "Good! I'm doing good," You replied.
"And how's the little one?" She placed her hands on your rather large stomach and smiled widely. "She's fine, just very excited that her grandparents are here right now," You answered happily, feeling her move inside you.
There's one month left till she's due. You were glad your parents were here. Misha's more than great but he's going to be going for filming in a few days, so that he can finish his work and spend more time with you after the baby is born.
You asked your parents if they want to have lunch but they said that they want to change first. Misha helped your dad take one of the bags up and you were left with your mom downstairs.
"He's such a nice boy," She stated, you knew that she was talking about your husband. "I always thought that Mick was better for you, you always went on about how Misha is such a sweet and caring guy. I was wrong about Mick being the one. Whatever happened to you was for the good," Your mom said and you felt yourself glow red, "I'm so glad you took that job for Supernatural."
You were glad too... otherwise you would have never met Misha. You're a co-star on the show, recently stopped acting due to 'temporary family events'. Your mom would always go on about how her best friend's son is the perfect guy for you and you were about to get engaged when you got the offer from Supernatural to play a character on the show. You took off excitedly, immediately liking the man who plays Castiel. To your luck, he liked you too and now you were having baby together.
You heard Misha walk down the stairs and enter the living room. Your downstairs floor was set in such a way that there was the main door, a small corridor which had the flight of stairs at the end and to the left of the corridor was the living room and an open kitchen. The right of the corridor was a guest bedroom and a washroom.
"Dad's settled. Mom, do you want to relax a bit?" Misha asked. You always found it cute how he'd call your parents 'mom' and 'dad'.
"You can use our washroom right now," You said and pointed to the guest bedroom, "You're fine with sleeping in our bedroom upstairs right?"
"We're using the guest bedroom because it becomes tiring for [y/n] to walk up and down the stairs," Misha explained and you mom nodded.
"Of course sweetheart, your dad and I are okay with it," She said and took her clothes to change in the washroom.
Misha walked over to you, wrapping his arms around your waist, then moving them back and resting his hands on your belly. He kissed you on the lips, you felt a warm, relaxing feeling inside.
"Stop it, before they see," You lightly hit his arm and he grinned. "You're my wife, I have rights," He said and you raised an eyebrow. He kissed you in the cheek and bent down, kissing the middle of your stomach.
"My Angel, I can't wait to meet you," He said, glowing with happiness. You smiled, feeling slightly ticklish. You ran a hand through his hair and he looked up to you. He kissed your hand then stood up, walking over to the kitchen counter and peeping through the tin foiled trays of food.
You enjoyed the food made by your husband. He didn't let you do a thing, He was a bit too over-protective sometimes. Misha makes great food, and he proved it once again tonight.
Everyone sat in the living room, drinking coffee and tea and exchanging stories of their lives. In the end, the discussion came down to the reason your parents are here: your baby.
"So did you take any of our suggestions for names?" Your dad asked and you looked back to Misha, who was making you a cup of jasmine tea.
"Well... we did look into them but people have given so many ideas that the name suggestions have confused us more than help," He said and you agreed.
"We both agree that we want to make her something unique and not those predictable, usual names," You said, rubbing the sides of your stomach. "What about Delilah?" Your mom suggested and you looked to Misha for his reaction.
"Delilah Collins... sounds nice!" He said with smile while he gave you your cup of tea. "I like it. We'll keep that one in our mind," You said and took a sip.
You gasped a bit, alarming everyone. Misha gave you the 'Is it the baby?' look and you put your cup down. "Sorry, it's too hot," You apologised and chuckled nervously, "I'm not used to drinking this hot tea."
They were showing Supernatural on TV right now, your dad watching with full concentration. It was two seasons before the one they were filming, before you got pregnant. You smiled as you watched the TV, "Look at me, I'm so slim and fit!" You adored your young features. Castiel came into the scene then.
"[y/c/n], please I can help you," Castiel said with a sympathetic smile. You sighed, tears flowing down your cheek. "Just don't leave me... please," You collapsed into his arms and he hugged you protectively. "I will never let anything happen to you," Castiel said.
You looked at Misha, who was watching proudly. You looked back at the screen, feeling a wave of sadness at how beautiful you looked two years ago. You've changed, especially in the past 8 months.
Misha held your hand tightly and whispered into your ear, "You still look good. You were beautiful but now your gorgeous." He kissed you in the cheek and you gave him a small smile.
You attention immediately shifted when your baby kicked. You rubbed the spot lightly then took your husband's hand while he watched and placed it on one of the sides of your belly. His attention didn't divert but when your baby kicked again, all he did was look at your stomach. He had the widest smile on his face.
You mom came back into the room, the duffel bag in her hand and she placed it on the coffee table. You sat up a bit, wincing from the back pain you've been having for the whole day.
You mother opened the bag and took out the contents within. You stared with surprise as she took out countless baby things. "Mom, you didn't have to do all this," You said but your mother refused to hear another word.
"Of course I had to! This is my grandchild, the youngest member of our family," She said and smiled, "Anyways, I enjoyed it." You dad raised his eyebrows and breathed out, "Two months of shopping, ever since we finalised that we're coming here." Misha held your hand tightly.
Your mother gave you all the items: 3 trousers and shorts, 5 shirts, 2 day dresses and 3 night onesies. They were all different colours, but most being some shade of pink. You looked at the clothes one by one, starting to grow excited and impatient about your baby's arrival. Misha was in the same boat as you.
That wasn't all. Your mother took out a crib mobile, one of an animal theme that matched the colourful appearance of your nursery. You and Misha didn't want to have the narrow minded 'pink is for girls' mindset.
"Oh wow!" You said as Misha held the mobile up, "Mom, dad, it's beautiful." It looked handcrafted, the wood work and paint was flawless. It even made soft animal noises.
"Thank you, really it's amazing," Misha said and your parents smiled. "The cool thing with this is that you can record your voice on it, so if the little one wakes up, you can play the recording," Your dad explained and you looked at it with even more adoration. Misha grinned, knowing how much you love singing.
There were baby bottles and rattles and other things too like shampoos and creams. It was all so nice and unexpected.
"Sorry we couldn't get anything else, we had a luggage limit," Your mom said and you put your hand out. "Oh no mom, this is more than we can ever ask! Thank you so much!"
It's been ten days since he left... since Misha left you and went to the Supernatural set.
It was fine at first, you and your parents went out to malls, then you showed them the baby's nursery and added some more decorations to it. You really bonded with your parents.
But for the past two days, you've been all... sorrowful. The food that makes you happy makes you sad now, the shows that usually put a smile on your face are not something you feel like watching.
You've never felt so dull. You convinced yourself it's your situation, the baby is coming soon. But deep down you knew that it's because your love isn't with you.
You switched on your phone and clicked on the notification. It was on Facebook. Misha was hosting a live stream.
"...And I'm happy to announce that I am free right now and Jared and Jensen are busy filming!" He said and cheered. You smiled softly.
"And as you all know, I'm going to be a dad soon... I'll be having my own minion!" He said and did an evil laugh, "So I want you guys to give me some suggestion on names for girls, names that are unique because in the end... she is MY daughter." He smirked and you smiled again.
"Oh and to the lovely Ms. Collins who's probably watching... I love you and I miss you loads!" He said and gave a flying kiss.
A tear drop fell onto the screen.
You didn't realise it but you were crying. You couldn't sit a moment longer. You switched the phone off, while Misha was in the middle of a sentence, something about the set, and walked towards the kitchen.
You wrapped your arms around yourself, suddenly feeling as if the room dropped a few degrees. You began to tremble a bit, a wave of tears blurred your vision.
You buried your head in your hands, unable to control the tears. You missed him too much. He was with you for the past 8 months and now he's suddenly gone. You were about to have a panic attack when you heard your dad walk in.
"Hey [y/n], could we-"
He paused, furrowing his eyebrows then walking up to you and placing a hand on your shoulder when he realised you were crying.
"[y/n]... are you alright?" He asked and you nodded. "Yeah I'm fine," You felt bad about lying, "Just feeling some extreme emotions." Your mother walked in then and this time you couldn't handle it. Before she said anything, you collapsed into tears on the counter.
"Mom I miss him too much, I can't handle this," You sobbed and you mother walked over and rubbed your back softly. She pulled you into a hug, "Sweetheart, just two more weeks and he'll be back."
"I-I can't live without him, something will happen. What if the baby comes and he won't be there with me?" You cried out. You knew that your parents would be there but it's not the same.
"Nothing will happen, don't worry," Your mother comforted but you kept crying. "Look, why don't you give him a call. You've only been messaging him right?" You father suggested and you nodded.
They left the room and you walked up to your phone to check if his livestream was over. You dialed his number and waited till-
"Hey honey!" A voice said, not just any voice... It was Misha.
You told yourself you wouldn't cry when you call him but hearing his voice triggered the second wave of tears.
"Baby what's wrong?" Misha walked away from the people around him, an arm on his waist, "Are you okay?"
You tried to stop the tears but couldn't. You tried to say the words "I'm fine" but you didn't want to lie to your husband... You were definitely not okay.
"I-I'm... I just wanted to h-hear your voice," You said and Misha started to walk towards his trailer. "Okay I'm going to my trailer now, we'll talk on Skype," He told, "I'll call you."
He ended the call, concern flooding every fiber in him, and you rubbed the tears off your cheeks. You opened up your laptop and then Skype and waited till the he called you.
"Okay so, talk to me," He said when you answered the call. He switched his camera on, he was in his Castiel costume. "Why is my baby crying?" He questioned.
You decided you'd just tell him, even if it sounds stupid. He's your best friend, you don't want to keep things from him. "I m-miss you..." You stuttered.
"Aw honey..." He sighed, "I have to work here right now because then I can spend more time with our daughter. You know that."
"Yeah but w-what if something happens and you're n-not there?" You said, wiping your eyes. "Nothing will happen. Best of all, you have your parents!" He said then frowned, "If the baby comes, you can Skype me. I'm only one call away..."
You cried harder, not wanting to think about that, "It's not the s-same." You had to get up. This discussion was hurting you and talking to Misha was beyond painful.
He watched you walk out of his field of vision, mumbling a 'damn it' because he can't do anything to help you. You sat in front of your laptop again, now with a glass of water.
"Baby please don't cry. Seeing you like this... it's killing me," Misha said, a part of him wishing he didn't go early to the job.
Your sides started to ache. You were convinced that you had to go to the hospital but your mom told you that it's just how close you are to delivering the baby.
You've never wanted your husband with you this much. You'd go to bed with tears in your eyes, a few nights your mom slept next to you so you have someone by your side.
There are ten days left, both for Misha and for your baby to come home. You were starting to feel scared about not making it the whole way through.
You looked at the door with confusion. You walked, rubbing your stomach and wincing. In addition, your feet were giving you a hard time when you walked.
You opened the door and you swear you could have fainted.
"Hey honey. I thought I'd come home early."
You kissed the man, the only thing you could think of at the moment. He put his hands on your belly, a habit of his that made you fuzzy inside.
It was Misha... and he was right infront of you. All your misery was finally over.
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