'I'll Throw Away My Faith Babe' (Kyra x Castiel)
🎶: 'Angel With A Shotgun' by The Cab
(Such an accurate song for Cas 😍👌)
(Requested by KyraLeBlanc)
Sorry about the delay. I wanted to get the lines and actually make it worth reading...
You coughed. It was the dust that was irritating your throat. The dark, underground lair of stone was starting to creep you out.
Your attention was caught by a rusty old chest. It had a layer of dust, uncleaned for at least a decade. You walked over with caution, careful not to knock any of the artifacts or trip over anything.
Dean and Sam are busy guarding and keeping demons, specifically Crowley, away from the tablet. It is your responsibility to get it out as quick as possible, without damaging it.
Castiel walked into the lair, raising his eyebrows slightly when he saw you with the chest. You looked up to him, "I found the tablet... I think."
You grabbed a rusty old blade from the table top and forced the chest open. You peeked with fascination, picking up a heavy slab of rock from inside.
Castiel walked over, staring at the object. "Give me the tablet," He said, monotone. You squinted your eyes with suspicion, "We're supposed to take this to Kevin, so that he can translate it."
He nodded, "Yes, and I'll do that immediately." You took as step back, "Uh, the boys and I can do it. It's not that far actually." The Angel stepped forward, "Give me the tablet Kyra."
You moved the tablet away, protecting it. "Why don't we take it to him and you continue your mission: Finding the other half of the demon tablet," You told, "It is priority, isn't it?"
"Kill her, Castiel. Do it and bring the tablet back to Heaven!" Naomi ordered. Castiel gulped, not wanting to obey. "She is difficult to reason with," He said and Naomi rolled her eyes. "KILL HER," She commanded and Castiel frowned.
Cas took his Angel blade out from his coat and gripped it tightly. "Cas..." You looked at him with fear. What the hell is wrong with him?!
He stepped forward. "Cas, you don't have to do this. Please," You sort of pleaded. Every time he took a step forward you went a step back, your heartbeat rising.
"Cas, I don't know what the hell is wrong with you but if you're in there and you can hear me, you don't have to do this!" You shouted, attempting to reach some part deep within his sanity.
He raised his blade then attacked you. You used the Angel tablet as a shield, which you think isn't the wisest decision, given that it is probably the most valuable thing in the whole of creation.
"CAS!" You yelled, once again trying to reach the true him. He had no expression, no feelings, no empathy on his face... and it scared you to death.
Castiel felt odd, out of place. "This isn't right," He said, fidgeting with his blade. "Do you realise what that tablet can do for us? For heaven?" Naomi said, treating Castiel as if he didn't know jack squat.
Castiel took a deep breath, "I won't hurt Kyra." Naomi shook her head in disapproval, "Feelings, emotions... they weaken you Castiel. Get rid of Kyra and do what is right for your true family, for Heaven."
"And about Kyra, yes you WILL hurt her."
"Cas, fight! This is not you," You yelled, "FIGHT IT!"
He hits you again, and using the tablet as a shield has helped out. Cas was about to strike you again when-
"What have you done to me?!" He held his head tightly, horrified at how he is being used. Naomi looked at him softly, "Just relax Castiel. Let your vessel do what you know deep down is the right thing."
She was definitely brain washing him... and Cas knew this somewhere inside his mind. Too deep to actually have an effect on him.
"What have you done to me Naomi?!" Castiel held his head tightly and you furrowed your eyebrows. "Who's Naomi?" You asked, confused as anything.
Castiel stood there, shocked to the core as to what he was being told and made to do. He felt attacked, as he had no say in the situation.
"What have I done to you?! Do you have any idea what it's like out there?" Naomi sort of scolded, "There's blood everywhere! And it's on your hands."
Castiel shook his head in disagreement. He didn't want to be the cause of it all. Sure he made bad choices but it wasn't ENTIRELY his fault.
"After everything you did to us, to heaven, I fixed you Castiel... I fixed you!" Naomi said and Castiel was infront of you.
You attempt to run away from Castiel but he blocks you. You stared at him with fear and raised your fist to hit him but Cas grabs your arm and twists it.
You cried out in pain, tears stung your eyes. You couldn't believe what he was doing to you. Your Castiel... hurting you?! You wish it's all just a bad dream.
The Angel tablet falls to the ground when he twists your hand. A lightning show from the sky above, along with rumbling thunder echoes through your chest, giving you chills.
You went to your knees and his nails pierced your twisted arm. You couldn't move, you didn't have the energy and your arm would ache too much.
Cas raised his sword and hit you hard across the face. You yelled in agony, as he hit you once again, this time injuring your nose and making it bleed.
You raised your other hand to push him off but another blow with his sword made you lose the energy.
Castiel looked to the Angel tablet, resting on the ground a few feet away. "You want it? Take it," You said, anger boiling within you, "But you'll have to kill me first."
Cas looked at you hesitantly. A spark of emotion came into him but you weren't convinced. "Come on you coward. Do it," You yelled, "DO IT!"
Castiel, much to your fear, obeyed and you fell to the ground. The hard concrete hit your sore cheek and a few tears of pain fell from your eyes.
Castiel raised his hand again but-
"Please," Castiel begged and literally went to his knees, mentally. "Finish this Castiel," Naomi said flatly.
"Bring me the tablet!" She demanded and Castiel glared at her, "I don't want to repeat myself."
Cas shut his eyes as he raised his hand and-
-hit you across your head. You moved back, your knees screaming in pain because of kneeling down.
"Cas, this isn't you. This isn't you!" You managed to say, blood dripping down your mouth and disgusting you. You spat it on the floor to your right and looked up at Cas once again, with hope.
Cas raised his Angel blade, the point aimed directly at you and ready to pierce through your skin and bones. You gripped his coat sleeve tightly, a tear escaping your blue and bruised eye.
"Cas... I know you're in there. I know you can hear me Cas," You said, shaking with fear and grief, "Baby it's me. I l-love you and me and Sam and Dean need you. I need the r-real you."
Naomi was losing her patience. She began to tap the desk infront of her with her nail. Castiel looked to the floor with no will to do anything.
"You have to choose Castiel: Us or them?" Naomi stated and the Angel in the trench coat stared at the desk with no emotion. He was confused, terrified of the consequences if he didn't listen to her.
"Cas..." You mumbles softly with what little energy you had left. Castiel looked at you differently, his hand trembling slightly.
He lowered his hand a bit and the blade fell from his grasp. It hit the ground, rattling and clanging on the hard and cold concrete. Castiel let go of your hand and you cried out in pain, leaning to the side.
Cas looked at the tablet, laying alone, and picked it up. Immediately, there was bright light shining from the object which spread to the Angel as well. You had to shut your eyes because of how blinding the light was.
Castiel could hear Naomi call out his name... rather yell it, telling him to give her the tablet, but he refused to listen.
Once the light had died down, the Angel looked at you softly, for the first time tonight. He bent down and leaned closer to you. You grabbed his coat sleeve, pushing him away from you in fear that he'd hit you again. "Cas? No, Cas... please," You begged.
But he doesn't do anything harmful. He places his hand on the side of your face. You loved his touch, the way he held you.
There was a sharp burst of pain and then nothing. You touched your face and no part of you ached anymore. Castiel healed you.
You looked at him with shock as he held your hand and helped you up. "I'm so sorry Kyra," He apologised, "I'm really sorry." He stepped closer to you and placed his lips on yours. You felt so happy that he was okay that it was enough to make you cry.
"What the hell just happened Cas?" You questioned, slightly breathless. "I just-What have I done?" Castiel looked at you fearfully.
"Cas, what's wrong?!" You asked, concern flooding every corner in you. "I-I need to go, they'll hurt you," He said and started to walk away, but you pulled his coat. "Castiel, I need an explanation. Don't leave without-"
"I chose you over Heaven. That is what's happened," Castiel said and frowned, "I gave up my family so that I didn't have to kill you."
You stepped back, shocked by his words. "Who told you to kill me? Naomi?" He looked at you and nodded slowly. "Who's Naomi?!" You interrogated but all he did was sigh.
"They'll come after you. I didn't kill you so they'll do it," Castiel stated and you gulped. "All I know is that I have to protect you and I can only do that by keeping this tablet away," He said and gripped the sacred object tightly.
"From Naomi?" You said and he looked at you, deep into your eyes. "Yes..." He mumbled. Castiel's soft look turned hard and he took a breath.
"And also from you."
You looked up, puzzled, and said, "Me? What are you-"
He was gone. He had vanished, not explaining or saying another word to you. You stomped the ground in anger and confusion. "Cas! Damn it!" You yelled.
You felt lonely all of a sudden. The cold lair was starting to make you shiver, mentally and physically.
"Kyra!" You heard Dean call out, "Kyra? Where's Cas?" You sighed, "He's gone." Sam frowned and Dean looked at the pieces of rock scattered across the floor. His eye also caught the small pools of blood near where Cas was beating you up.
"What happened there?" Dean pointed to the blood, "Where's the tablet?" You felt so useless and tired at this point that you leaned on the dusty table.
"Cas had beaten me up because this Naomi chick was brainwashing him or something," You informed, receiving shocked looks from the brothers, "Cas took the tablet with him after he healed me."
You sighed, and spoke before any of the guys could say anything, "This just became something really bad." You swallowed hard, "I think Cas just made the biggest decision of his life." Sam looked at you with furrowed eyebrows, "What do you mean?"
"He gave up Heaven, his family, for me... and now they are going to come after him and kill both of us," You said, your eyes glistening with tears.
You felt like crap, "This is all my fault... We're in trouble because of me."
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