Home Sweet Home (Misha)
🎶: 'A Message' by Coldplay
You scrolled through your Twitter feed, finding a post from someone you know really well, your husband.
You smiled and retweeted with the text:
"Dada?" You turned to look at the baby who stood in front of you, by your knee. "Dada!" She smiled while looking at the profile picture of her father. Your daughter is extremely observant. She hasn't seen her father in person for months.
"Yes! That's daddy!" You told your 7 month old daughter. She took the phone from you, staring at the picture then getting distracted by the colourful screen and icons on it. You took it away from her before she had a chance to put it in her mouth.
She was in the process of learning how to walk. She's able to if she has something to hold on to, like a piece of furniture or some person. Till now your daughter can crawl very well.
You walked to the kitchen, refreshing your cup of tea. Your daughter followed you, holding her drinking cup up to you. You took it from her and filled it up with apple juice. As soon as you gave it back to her, she drank big sips. You smiled and walked back to the couch.
You grinned, jogging to the door. You unlocked it and opened it, hugging the person who stood there as soon as you saw them.
"Hi! Welcome home!" You greeted and he hugged you tighter. You pulled away, helping him wheel in his trolley bag. You shut the door and locked it.
"Now we can meet each other properly," Misha smirked and held you by your waist, pulling you closer. You wrapped your arms around his neck, resting your chin on his shoulder. You pulled away, kissing him on the lips. You were going break away, but he had a different idea.
He held you tighter, kissing you passionately and forcefully. You gripped his shirt as you both moved in-sync.
"Where did that come from?" You said, placing your hands on his chest. "I-I missed you... A lot," He looked down and you smiled. You kissed him on the cheek.
The sound of tiny feet and hands on the floor came from behind you. "Dada Dada!" Your daughter said as she crawled towards you both and sat at Misha's feet. She pulled on his pants, indicating that she wanted to be picked up.
"Hey sweetheart! How are you doing?" Misha held her in his arms and kissed her cheek. She giggled a bit and hugged her daddy's neck.
You set the table up with dinner you had prepared for the family: fish and chips. You prepared a plate for Misha and yourself and gave your daughter some mash potatoes you had prepared earlier.
"This looks so good! I'm so hungry right now," Misha said and started his meal. You smiled, slowly devouring yours as well. "Hmmm," He moaned, "Tastes good too."
"So... How did the shooting go? What's this season like?" You asked, taking a sip from your glass of water. "It was good! Lots of things going to happen in Supernatural, mostly tragic. I told you about it right?" Misha said.
You nodded, "Yes, some new enemy right?" Misha nodded. "Ba Ba Da Da," Your daughter hit her cup on the high chair tray. She smiled, looking at you and Misha. "Yes [y/d/n], what's wrong?" Your husband asked in a cute way. Your daughter smiled widely, giggling a bit.
"Oh you don't know how much she's missed you. Everyday she'd wake up saying 'Dada?'," You told and Misha raised his eyebrows. "Really?! My baby missed me?" Misha said and you smiled, "I missed you too!" [y/d/n] smiled, making the cutest baby sounds.
You picked her up after wiping her drooling mouth with a tissue. You looked at the clock. It was way past her bedtime.
"Honey, I'm taking her to bed and then we can... Chat," You told and started walking towards her nursery. Misha spoke, "I think I'm going to sleep too. I'm kind of tired." You nodded and gave him a thumbs up, "I'll see you in ten minutes."
You changed your daughter's clothes, putting on some pajamas for her. You changed her diaper too and gave her favourite Teddy bear to her.
She yawned, her eyes were a bit droopy. She placed her head on your shoulder and you patted her back softly. You swayed a bit, slowly making your daughter fall asleep.
You placed her in her crib and kissed her forehead. "Goodnight, sweet dreams," You said and smiled. You switched on her star- themed night light and walked out of the room.
Misha put on a plain night shirt after washing his face and brushing his teeth. He got under the covers, getting comfortable and cozy. You walked into the room, searching for any sign that would tell you if he was sleeping or not. You saw him on his phone probably scrolling through Twitter.
You walked into the washroom and changed into a pair of pink shorts and a matching pink shirt that just covered your stomach.
You exited the washroom, running your hand through your hair untangling it. You felt his eyes on you, scanning your every single fibre. You raised an eyebrow and smirked.
"MISHA!" You yelled suddenly, making him jerk a bit. "Oh my God, don't do that! You scared the crap out of me," He said breathlessly. You laughed and sat on the edge of the bed, "What were you thinking of huh?"
He shifted a bit, clearing his throat, "Uh nothing... Nothing at all. Just-"
"Maaaa!" You heard your baby cry out.
You went over to her room, finding her standing in her crib, tears in her eyes. "Baby, what's wrong?" You asked and rubbed her back. "Dada..."
You quickly hurried to your bedroom and peeked inside, "Your daughter wants you to put her to bed." He smiled and got out of bed.
He kissed her head and lay her back down in the crib, "Shhh... Goodnight baby." He slowly pat her chest, making her fall asleep. In a matter of minutes she was in dreamland.
You walked back to your bedroom and Misha followed. You got under the covers and lay on your side. "Goodnight hun," You said and he came closer. He was centimeters away from you.
There was silence for five minutes till Misha asked, "Are you sleeping?" You sighed a bit, "Not yet, trying to."
Again, silence fell for another five minutes and you felt him come closer to you. He stroked the strands of hair on your pillow then kissed your neck.
You turned to find him looking at you, biting his lip. "You're not going to leave me alone are you?" You asked. He looked away, not saying a word. "What happened to 'I'm kind of tired'?" You questioned.
"It's just... I haven't seen you for months and I-I missed you a lot, more than anything else," Misha said shakily, "I-I want you... t-to be with you and I..." He cleared his throat, sitting up a bit. You thought on his speech for a moment, realizing something.
"Wait, are you...?" You said, trailing off a bit, "Aw poor hubby is all horny!" You grinned, leaning back on your hands. "No I'm not!" He rubbed his neck.
"Being away from me for so long messed with you huh?" You said and traced your fingers on your chest. You trailed them down to his inner thighs and he groaned.
You smirked.
Misha swallowed hard, his face was getting hot. "Shit," He said under his breath.
You sat up and gripped his shirt, pulling him for a kiss. He didn't leave you easily, even though you were about to suffocate.
You lay down and sighed. "Fine," You said and he looked at you with confusion. "You don't seem like you're going to leave me alone without making something out of this night so... Fine," You said and he raised his eyebrows.
"An official 'welcome home'," You said and he grinned, taking his shirt off and throwing it to a chair.
"Just a note... Keep it low, don't want to wake [y/d/n] up," You told and he rolled his eyes. " Tell that to yourself," He said and you looked at him with eyebrows raised. He laughed and you ran your fingers through his hair.
"I love it when your hair's all messy," You told, staring at his dimly lit face. He grinned, "Oh honey... It'll get pretty messed up soon."
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