"Go To Hell Feathers!" (Dean)
"Tell us where the Winchesters are!" The Angel yelled at you and you winced. "I-I... I don't know," You stuttered as the tears flowed down your cheeks.
You were tied to a chair, being interrogated and tortured by some psycho Angels. These ones wanted revenge for what your boys did to one of their siblings. They had killed one of them a while back mistakingly and these Angels right now were as cruel as any heartless demon, boiling with revenge.
You took a deep breath, "Even if i knew, w-why would I tell you?" The Angel slapped you with the back of his blade. You cried in pain.
Blood seeped down your forehead and your wrists. They were hurting you a lot. They thought that the fact you were pregnant would make you give up the information they wanted, to protect your baby.
They barely gave you something to eat, three glasses of water a day. They locked you up with chains in a cold room. You had grown visible, being 4 months, but that didn't stop them from the torturing.
Another Angel walked into the room and whispered something in the torturer's ear. "You're lucky, we think we've got a hint at where they might be," He grinned and walked out, bolting the door shut.
You sat in the chair, hands tied to the arm rests, and cried. You were in pain and you were sure your baby couldn't survive all this. They've held you for 2 weeks, you have no idea where Sam and Dean, or even Castiel is.
"I'm sorry Dean, I can't get anything," Castiel said and looked to the floor. "DAMN IT!" Dean slammed his fist on the table, making Sam and Cas flinch. "Dean maybe you should just accept that-"
"Don't you dare say that Sammy! DON'T!" Dean exclaimed, a finger pointed to his brother, "I will not accept that she's dead." Cas looked at Sam and stepped forward.
"[y/n] Is strong but... maybe you have to accept that your baby is gone," Castiel said and Dean looked at him with disbelief. "No... please," Dean lost all feeling in his body, "SON OF A BITCH! We need to find her NOW!"
Dean grabbed Castiel by his shirt collar, "You better find something! Anything, please!" Castiel nodded quickly, pausing abruptly as he listened to the voices in his head.
"I think I know where she is," Castiel said, "In her voicemail she said the name Aladreel. I just got something about him on Angel radio."
Dean looked at Sam for a second then grabbed his jacket and hastened to the exit. "We're leaving now!" He said as he opened the door.
You started to feel weird. You could barely feel the sensation in your stomach. You began to cry quietly, Dean would be furious.
Aladreel entered the room and you looked up to him. "Please, You have to check if my baby is okay. PLEASE!" You pleaded but all he did was chuckle.
"Well, you tell us what we want to know and we'll check you immediately," He said and you looked at him suspiciously, "Where. Are. Sam and Dean?!" He bent down and placed his hands on top of yours, his face just a few centimetres away.
You gave him a disgusted expression and spat in his face. "Go to hell Feathers," You clenched your jaw. He wiped his face, clearly furious, and swiped the blade across your neck.
You yelled in pain, you were close to passing out. "Next time you refuse, It's not going to be you who's getting hurt," He pointed his blade to your stomach. You burst into tears as you yelled at him as he left the room.
"CASTIEL!" You shouted with hope that he'd hear, then broke down.
"Okay turn-ARGH!"
Dean pushed the brakes as Cas held his head in pain. "What's wrong?" He asked and Castiel trembled slightly, "It's [y/n], she yelled my name. We need to reach there as soon as possible." Dean nods and speeds off.
"So, are you going to aid us?" Aladreel said, he was starting to creep you out. "You're a psychopath," You spat and he bent down next to you suddenly, making you jump a bit.
"Watch it. I will hurt you where it will hurt more that it does right now. It'll hurt emotionally," He threatened and you glanced at your stomach. You had lost so much blood you started to feel as if he was just trying to get the details. There was nothing in you anymore.
"Why are you so... cruel?" You said with no energy. "Well I'm actually not. This is how I am when I don't get what I want," He looked at you and stood up. He walked over to your front and stared with fear.
You had passed out and he feared that you were useless now. He slaps you softly but nothing happens. He checks your pulse then sighs with relief.
Aladreel calls in some other Angels who help to get you off the chair and onto the floor. He places a plate of bread infront of you then opens your mouth and pours water down. He splashes some on your face and you wake up, terrified.
You cough a bit, your vision blurred. "I'm done with you for the day," Aladreel walked out and this time locked the door. A dim light turned on, illuminating the room slightly.
You ate the stale bread and lay down on a piece of cloth they were kind enough to give you. You lifted your shirt up and rubbed your stomach, crying softly and hoping for some miracle that your baby was okay.
"Daddy will find us, he loves us and he won't let us die," You whispered softly, "Dean will find us."
You shut your eyes and turned onto your side, still rubbing your stomach slowly. You were about to sleep but-
The door flew open and the sudden light stung your eyes. "Oh my God, [y/n]," You heard footsteps approach you. You didn't have to open your eyes to know who it was.
You cried in his arms... Dean's arms. "Please help me Dean! They are torturing me," You cried out. He kissed you on the lips. "I'm so happy to see you alive," He said, holding your arms.
"Dean I... I-I don't know about the baby," You said and he frowned. "Lets just get you out of here," He said sadly and picked you up. He held you bridal style and walked out of the room.
"You both need to defend us," Dean instructed and Sam stood infront of him while Cas stayed at the back. The gang walked ahead and Angels came at you from every corner. Sam and Cas took care of them while Dean was determined to find your torturer.
"ALADREEL YOU SON OF A BITCH!" Dean yelled, enough to make the walls tremble. The warehouse type of building was empty of anyone. Dean set you down, near a table.
He took his Angel blade out and walked ahead. Aladreel laughed from within the shadows, Dean looked around with fury. He glanced at you to make sure you were safe.
"Dean Winchester, I'm so glad to meet you," Aladreel emerged from his hiding place and Dean was about to attack him but stopped when there were four more Angels with him.
"You're some heartless son's of bitches, you know that?" Dean said, "Atleast you could have the decency to not torture her, in her condition."
He looked back at you, you were in a complete mess, traumatized physically and psychologically. "You're going to pay for this," Dean stated and thankfully Sam and Cas walked in as well.
They fought till every Angel was dead. Aladreel was he only one standing. Dean placed his foot on top of his chest, he was injured enough to have no energy left.
"You have no right to be an Angel. Go to hell Feathers!" Dean yelled and pierced the blade in the middle of Aladreel's chest. There was bright light everywhere, then it faded away. He was finally dead.
You collapsed onto the floor, unable to stand for any longer. Dean hurried to you, Sam and Cas behind him.
"[y/n]," He said and held you in his arms, "Stay with me please." You squeezed his arms, "I'm just... tired Dean. I lost a lot of blood." You sighed then smiled, "You know I had said the same thing to Aladreel as well." He smiled then frowned.
He placed his hand on your stomach then kissed your head. "I'm s-sorry Dean," You broke into tears. Cas bent over and Dean looked at him, "Could you check?"
Castiel nodded, placing his hand on your stomach under your shirt. He waited for a sign then smiled softly. "Your baby... is very strong," Castiel said and you sat up a bit, shocked.
"Really? It's alive?" Dean said, happiness flooding his face. Cas nodded and took your hand, "I can feel it's heartbeat."
He placed his hand on top of yours and somehow his powers amplified the heartbeat. You could feel it to, making you cry tears of happiness.
"We'll be okay Dean, we'll be okay," You said and he kissed your lips. He helped you stand up and you slung an arm around his waist and he did the same.
"Let's go home. I can't wait to have a shower and eat something decent," You said and the boys smiled. Slow step by slow step, you four walked to the Impala, ready to put all the torture behind yourself.
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