Candy Floss And Clowns (Castiel)
You sighed.
Sam and Dean were gone on a hunt and the Bunker was empty and lonely. On top of that, they had to extend their initial five-day roadtrip for another three days because something new developed in the case they are working on.
You sighed.
You already counted tiles on the floor, you already counted the book in the shelves (every single shelf of every single book rack), you already sketched a 2D layout of the Bunker by memory.
You had nothing else to do.
Sure you could put music on and blast it throughout the Bunker, which you did sometimes, but how much music can one listen to?
Sure you could put on a movie and have a Harry Potter or Middle Earth marathon but how many movies can one watch?
You sighed.
When you thought life couldn't get any more boring than it already was-
"OH THANK GOD!" You said with relief as you turned back and ran to the man in the trench coat standing in the middle of the room.
"I'm so happy to see you Cas!" You said after pulling him into a hug. He hugged back, awkwardly. He still wasn't used to the whole hugging deal.
"Please, you need to take me somewhere," You pleaded and he tilted his head. "Anywhere Cas, ANYWHERE!" You said, desperately.
"Where would you like to go?" Castiel asked as you went over to a chair and picked your jacket. "Surprise me. Just... Take me away from this place," You instructed and he nodded.
He placed his first two fingers on your forehead and in an instant, you weren't standing in the Bunker anymore.
Children laughed and people talked, a lot. There were too many people to count. You looked around for any clues that would help you figure out where you were.
The roller coaster and countless game tents gave it away.
You were at a carnival.
"OH MY GOD CAS! A carnival!" You squealed in happiness. You looked around in fascination, eyes darting from the various prizes to the fantastic rides. Castiel was, however, a bit confused and out of place.
"This place had opened recently. I was curious as to what it is. I have never been to a place like this," Castiel said and you smiled.
"Carnivals are amazing. I love them!" You grabbed his hand, "Come on! Let's go!" You pulled his hand, unconsciously intertwining with his. He didn't mind one bit.
You pulled him to the game tents first. He looked up, staring at the large, furry brown Teddy bear. "What is that, [y/n]?" Castiel asked while pointing at it. You smiled, "That's a Teddy bear. It's a prize for the game."
"I want it."
You turned to him with eyebrows raised. "What?" He looked at completely serious, "I want the Teddy bear." You giggled, "Well you have to play the game and win."
He walked ahead and stood at the counter. He slammed his fist down lightly, looking at the guy at the tent straight in the eye, "I would like to play this game and win."
The guy smiled slightly, "Sorry sir but you need to pay." He stuck his hand out and Castiel dug his hand into his coat pockets. He looked at you like a puppy and you rolled your eyes. You payed the man and the guy gave Cas three balls.
"The rules are that you need to knock all the pins down with these three balls," The attendant said. There were three towers of pins and three balls.
You stepped closer to Cas, whispering into his ear, "One ball per tower." It made him shiver slightly.
He aimed at the first tower, then threw the ball. Just like that all the pins came tumbling down. You raised your eyebrows in surprise and smiled.
The same thing happened to the other two piles and the game concluded with Castiel walking away with the big Teddy bear. The guy at the tent was so surprised, he made it so that it would be very hard to beat.
"Wow Cas! Being an Angel helps huh?" You said, squeezing the bear a bit. Castiel hugged onto it possessively, "Let's try another game."
You walked over to another tent that had a ring toss game. Of course, Castiel won that one and you got a soccer ball.
The next one was a fish-the-duck one where under the duck was a number and that number corresponded to a prize. Castiel walked away with nothing the first time but he insisted on playing again, and won 'one free carnival ride'.
"Okay Castiel, what do you want to ride?" You asked, holding his other prizes while he still held on to his treasured bear.
He stopped, pointing to you. You were about to laugh nervously, thinking about what Cas was implying but to your relief, he was pointing to the thing behind you.
The carousel.
"Uh, Cas... I don't think that's for adults," You said as you observed the line of kids standing at the ticket counter. He pulled you ahead, everyone stared at him and his large Teddy bear. The kids envied him.
Castiel walked over to the lady at the counter. "I would like to ride this... Round thing," The Angel told and the lady raised an eyebrow. You felt a little out of place, a little embarrassed.
Castiel looked at you with a cute smile and you smiled at him. "Here you go," You payed the attendant and Castiel walked over to the line. You took the Teddy bear from him but he looked at you with confusion.
"What are you doing?" He questioned. "Well, you can't hold that on the ride so I'll keep it with me," You said and he shook his head.
"I'm not going on the ride if you're not coming with me," He said and you smiled. You looked to the floor, thinking about it. "Okay Castiel," You said and he smiled.
And that's exactly what you did. You kept your prizes and things with the ticket attendant and walked onto the carousel. Castiel was too big to sit on a horse and you didn't want to but he insisted. You sighed and he helped you onto one of the fancy horses. At this point he looked more like your dad than a best friend.
The ride started and Castiel stumbled a bit. You gripped his trench coat and giggled, "You okay Cas?" He nodded, still a bit uneasy. He held onto your arm tightly, not wanting to fall anytime.
The carousel rotated and Castiel stared at all the people around, laughing and talking. You looked at the Angel and kissed him on the cheek. You're not sure why you did that but you felt obliged to.
"Come on Cas! Smile a bit!" You said and he watched you, as if in awe. He liked you, loved you maybe...
You took a picture of you and him. He was utterly confused as to why you'd do that, what was the concept of picture taking.
"It's a way to remember, to keep a memory of the good times," You said and he tilted his head. He still didn't understand the point of it. You rolled your eyes and laughed.
You walked off the ride after it finished, remembering to pick up all your prizes. You both walked closely, towards the food trucks. Castiel continuously stared at the 'pink hairy tuff of fur' as he'd describe it.
"It's candy floss Cas," You smiled and bought one for yourself. They were selling the blue coloured ones too so you bought one for Castiel.
"And we are supposed to do what with this?" He questioned, examining the 'furball' on a paper cone in your hand.
"We're supposed to eat it," You answered as you gave it to Castiel. You know that Angels don't eat and stuff but nevertheless, you thought Cas could try it. Who knows? Maybe he'll like how it melts in your mouth.
He tried it. He thought it wasn't anything special in taste but was pretty surprised at how it dissolved in his mouth. You grinned as you continued to eat yours and he continued to eat his.
After having one serving of hot dogs, you walked over to a house... A haunted house.
Castiel stopped, looking a bit concerned. "Maybe we should call Sam and Dean. This might be a case," He said and you chuckled.
"Cas this isn't a real haunted house. It's an attraction for the people at the carnival," You looked at the creepy building and hugged his arm.
"It'll be fine. You're an Angel, nothing should scare you," You said and kissed his cheek... Again. You didn't know why you kept doing that, you and Castiel were just friends.
He looked into your eyes, "Okay fine..." You smiled, "Thank you Cassie! Let me just say that it'll be fun. Don't worry, just enjoy!"
You placed your prizes with the attendant and walked into the house. You were glad Castiel was with you. Not because that you were scared and he'd protect you. It was because this specific haunted house had all kinds of creatures, even killer clowns, and you were glad you weren't with Sammy. He'd never agree to going inside.
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